94 research outputs found

    Multiphonon emission model of spin-dependent exciton formation in organic semiconductors

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    The maximum efficiency in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) depends on the ratio, r=kS/kTr=k_S/k_T, where kSk_S (kTk_T) is the singlet (triplet) exciton formation rate. Several recent experiments found that r increases with increasing oligomer length from a value r≈1r \approx 1 in monomers and short oligomers. Here, we model exciton formation as a multi-phonon emission process. Our model is based on two assertions: (i) More phonons are emitted in triplet formation than in singlet formation. (ii) The Huang-Rhys parameter for this phonon emission is smaller in long oligomers than in short ones. We justify these assertions based on recent experimental and theoretical data.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Good gamers, good managers? A proof-of-concept study with Sid Meier’s Civilization

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    Human resource professionals increasingly enhance their assessment tools with game elements—a process typically referred to as “gamification”—to make them more interesting and engaging for candidates, and they design and use “serious games” that can support skill assessment and development. However, commercial, off-the-shelf video games are not or are only rarely used to screen or test candidates, even though there is increasing evidence that they are indicative of various skills that are professionally valuable. Using the strategy game Civilization, this proof-of-concept study explores if strategy video games are indicative of managerial skills and, if so, of what managerial skills. Under controlled laboratory conditions, we asked forty business students to play the Civilization game and to participate in a series of assessment exercises. We find that students who had high scores in the game had better skills related to problem-solving and organizing and planning than the students who had low scores. In addition, a preliminary analysis of in-game data, including players’ interactions and chat messages, suggests that strategy games such as Civilization may be used for more precise and holistic “stealth assessments,” including personality assessments

    Consistent Construction of Perturbation Theory on Noncommutative Spaces

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    We examine the effect of non-local deformations on the applicability of interaction point time ordered perturbation theory (IPTOPT) based on the free Hamiltonian of local theories. The usual argument for the case of quantum field theory (QFT) on a noncommutative (NC) space (based on the fact that the introduction of star products in bilinear terms does not alter the action) is not applicable to IPTOPT due to several discrepancies compared to the naive path integral approach when noncommutativity involves time. These discrepancies are explained in detail. Besides scalar models, gauge fields are also studied. For both cases, we discuss the free Hamiltonian with respect to non-local deformations.Comment: 22 pages; major changes in Section 3; minor changes in the Introduction and Conclusio

    Klink-2: integrating multiple web sources to generate semantic topic networks

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    The amount of scholarly data available on the web is steadily increasing, enabling different types of analytics which can provide important insights into the research activity. In order to make sense of and explore this large-scale body of knowledge we need an accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date ontology of research topics. Unfortunately, human crafted classifications do not satisfy these criteria, as they evolve too slowly and tend to be too coarse-grained. Current automated methods for generating ontologies of research areas also present a number of limitations, such as: i) they do not consider the rich amount of indirect statistical and semantic relationships, which can help to understand the relation between two topics – e.g., the fact that two research areas are associated with a similar set of venues or technologies; ii) they do not distinguish between different kinds of hierarchical relationships; and iii) they are not able to handle effectively ambiguous topics characterized by a noisy set of relationships. In this paper we present Klink-2, a novel approach which improves on our earlier work on automatic generation of semantic topic networks and addresses the aforementioned limitations by taking advantage of a variety of knowledge sources available on the web. In particular, Klink-2 analyses networks of research entities (including papers, authors, venues, and technologies) to infer three kinds of semantic relationships between topics. It also identifies ambiguous keywords (e.g., “ontology”) and separates them into the appropriate distinct topics – e.g., “ontology/philosophy” vs. “ontology/semantic web”. Our experimental evaluation shows that the ability of Klink-2 to integrate a high number of data sources and to generate topics with accurate contextual meaning yields significant improvements over other algorithms in terms of both precision and recall

    Conjugation-Length Dependence of Spin-Dependent Exciton Formation Rates in Pi-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers

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    We have measured the ratio, r = σS/σT\sigma_S/\sigma_T of the formation cross section, σ\sigma of singlet (σS\sigma_S) and triplet (σT\sigma_T) excitons from oppositely charged polarons in a large variety of π\pi-conjugated oligomer and polymer films, using the photoinduced absorption and optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The ratio r is directly related to the singlet exciton yield, which in turn determines the maximum electroluminescence quantum efficiency in organic light emitting diodes (OLED). We discovered that r increases with the conjugation length, CL; in fact a universal dependence exists in which r−1r^{-1} depends linearly on CL−1CL^{-1}, irrespective of the chain backbone structure. These results indicate that π\pi-conjugated polymers have a clear advantage over small molecules in OLED applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Hyperfine interaction and magnetoresistance in organic semiconductors

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    We explore the possibility that hyperfine interaction causes the recently discovered organic magnetoresistance (OMAR) effect. Our study employs both experiment and theoretical modelling. An excitonic pair mechanism model based on hyperfine interaction, previously suggested by others to explain magnetic field effects in organics, is examined. Whereas this model can explain a few key aspects of the experimental data, we, however, uncover several fundamental contradictions as well. By varying the injection efficiency for minority carriers in the devices, we show experimentally that OMAR is only weakly dependent on the ratio between excitons formed and carriers injected, likely excluding any excitonic effect as the origin of OMAR.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    A New Approach to Non-Commutative U(N) Gauge Fields

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    Based on the recently introduced model of arXiv:0912.2634 for non-commutative U(1) gauge fields, a generalized version of that action for U(N) gauge fields is put forward. In this approach to non-commutative gauge field theories, UV/IR mixing effects are circumvented by introducing additional 'soft breaking' terms in the action which implement an IR damping mechanism. The techniques used are similar to those of the well-known Gribov-Zwanziger approach to QCD.Comment: 11 pages; v2 minor correction

    The Computer Science Ontology: A Large-Scale Taxonomy of Research Areas

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    Ontologies of research areas are important tools for characterising, exploring, and analysing the research landscape. Some fields of research are comprehensively described by large-scale taxonomies, e.g., MeSH in Biology and PhySH in Physics. Conversely, current Computer Science taxonomies are coarse-grained and tend to evolve slowly. For instance, the ACM classification scheme contains only about 2K research topics and the last version dates back to 2012. In this paper, we introduce the Computer Science Ontology (CSO), a large-scale, automatically generated ontology of research areas, which includes about 26K topics and 226K semantic relationships. It was created by applying the Klink-2 algorithm on a very large dataset of 16M scientific articles. CSO presents two main advantages over the alternatives: i) it includes a very large number of topics that do not appear in other classifications, and ii) it can be updated automatically by running Klink-2 on recent corpora of publications. CSO powers several tools adopted by the editorial team at Springer Nature and has been used to enable a variety of solutions, such as classifying research publications, detecting research communities, and predicting research trends. To facilitate the uptake of CSO we have developed the CSO Portal, a web application that enables users to download, explore, and provide granular feedback on CSO at different levels. Users can use the portal to rate topics and relationships, suggest missing relationships, and visualise sections of the ontology. The portal will support the publication of and access to regular new releases of CSO, with the aim of providing a comprehensive resource to the various communities engaged with scholarly data

    Emergent Gravity, Matrix Models and UV/IR Mixing

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    We verify explicitly that UV/IR mixing for noncommutative gauge theory can be understood in terms of an induced gravity action, as predicted by the identification [1] of gravity within matrix models of NC gauge theory. More precisely, we obtain the Einstein-Hilbert action by integrating out a scalar field in the adjoint. It arises from the well-known UV/IR mixing of NC gauge theory, which is carefully re-analyzed and interpreted in terms of gravity. The matrix model therefore contains gravity as an IR effect, due to UV/IR mixing.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures. V2: references adde
