5 research outputs found

    Ritual Treats in Russian Wedding Ceremonies in Udmurtia

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of ritual treats in Russian wedding ceremonies in southern and central regions of modern Udmurtia. Based on the study of field materials collected by the author in folklore expeditions in the territory of Udmurtia and published sources of researchers of Russian folklore of Udmurtia, the etiquette of treats in a traditional wedding ceremony is considered. It is indicated that the features of ritual treats are reflected in the names of some wedding episodes. A review of the codes of the ritual involved in the wedding feasts is made. The types of the use of ritual drinks in the wedding ceremony are considered. The descriptions of the meals at the wedding table in the bride’s house are given. The tradition of drinking the “wedding” wine is considered. The study reveals that praying, groomsman’s sayings, singing of velichaniya and wedding songs, some kinetic acts - bypassing a table, tipping over glasses, throwing coins in the water, dancing with kurnik - served as a consecration of the food. The fragments of the wedding ritual, in which the numerical symbolism is clearly shown, are characterized. Special attention is paid to the symbolism of the wedding table. There are semantic connections between the wedding table and the bride. The question is raised about the role of woven items - scarves, tablecloths, handkerchiefs, sheets - in the design of wedding feasts. Typological similarities of ritual food in the Russian, Udmurt and Besermyan traditional cultures are revealed

    Broom as Attribute of Traditional Russian Wedding in Udmurt Republic

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    The article is devoted to peculiarities of the symbolism and ritual functioning of one of the attributes of the Russian wedding rituals of modern Udmurt Republic - a broom. The elements of the wedding ritual in which a broom was used as a ritual object are characterized. Dialectal nominations of ritual action with the broom are given. Features of the functions of this wedding item are summarized. It is shown that sweeping with a broom on the second or third day of the wedding symbolically marked the completion of the spatial transition of the bride and bringing her to the family of the husband. It is noted that the broom performed mediation function in the wedding divinations, and in customs of “riding the brooms” and “whipping mummers.” It is indicated that the purifying function of a broom in a traditional wedding ceremony of the Russian population of Udmurtia was manifested at the level of symbols and at the household level. Distant semantics of a broom is considered on the example of the description of the custom of “dispersing broom,” recorded by V. G. Boldyreva. It is shown that some other wedding attributes have similar functions. There is a significant degree of variation in symbolic content and ritual status of a broom, depending on the dialect and folklore traditions, kind of wedding episode and the purpose of its commission

    Motive of crossing the Water in the Russian Wedding of Udmurtia

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    The article is devoted to the implementation peculiarities of the motive of crossing the water in the Russian wedding rituals of the modern Udmurt Republic. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the motive of crossing over water was first considered in the context of wedding folklore found in the territory of the modern republic. The results of the analysis of a number of wedding customs are presented in which the motive of crossing the water is symbolically represented in the action code of the wedding ritual. It was revealed that in these wedding episodes the water was endowed with a “fateful” role. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of texts of wedding songs. The associative links of water as a magical cleansing element and its properties such as changeability, fluidity, with the "transitional" status of the bride in a wedding ceremony are shown. As a result of the analysis of the texts of wedding songs, it was found that the implementation of the motive of the crossing in the Russian wedding folklore of the Udmurt Republic involves several imaginative spheres - a sphere associated with the mythological water and hydronyms; images of transport; a sphere uniting the image of a bridge and buildings, objects and actions similar to it. It is shown that new representations of the crossing can be added to the characteristic manifestations of its motive: the crossing without the participation of water space; textual description and identical kinetic interpretation of a bridge crossing in the action code

    Russian Wedding Songs of Udmurt Republic: Kinetic Aspect

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    The article is devoted to peculiarities of the kinetic aspect of the performance of wedding songs. Based on Russian song folklore of southern and central districts of the Udmurt Republic, the author identified the ritual significance of movements that accompany the performance of wedding songs. The dialectal names for wedding songs are given. Summarized data on types of movements typical for different genres of wedding musical folklore. It is concluded that they are determined by the ethnographic context. The fact of perception by the informants of description of the action from the song text as the reality of the wedding ceremony is discovered. The examples of polyphonic layers of genres of wedding song folklore are demonstrated. The author shows that verbal, acoustic, musical, kinetic codes of ritual can have a different meaning in the performance of a number of wedding songs. It is noted that the kinetics of the performance of wedding songs has brightly expressed game nature. Verbal and kinetic parallels in the Russian wedding and calendar folk songs of the Udmurt Republic are analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that the combination of duplicating codes in the wedding ritual - kinetic, verbal, musical and other - have reinforced the sacred significance of the wedding ceremony. Semantic polyphony of codes of ritual gave the episodes of the wedding ceremony totality and one-time interaction between “this” and “other” worlds

    Новий стероїдний глікозид суплідь allium cyrillii

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    Steroidal glycosides are the vast class of natural compounds from the group of saponins that attract attention of researchers due to the wide spectrum of their biological activity and ecological safety. Plants from Allium genus growing in the Crimea are promising as to search of species with saponins. As a result of research of steroidal glycosides of Allium cyrillii Ten. racemes a new spirostanol glycoside has been isolated. The 1H- and 13C-NMR spectral data testify that this compound is a derivative of spirostan series. After acidic hydrolysis with the help of TLC only glucose has been identified by comparing to the samples of monosaccharides known beforehand. The chemical shifts of all protons of the carbohydrate residue have been determined by means of combination of two-dimensional TOCSY and COSY spectra. The 13C-chemical shifts of signals of their corresponding atoms are simply taken by means of the HSQC spectrum. The hydroxy groups position at C-2 and C-6 atoms of aglycone have been determined by the analysis of chemical shifts of C-atom signal comparing to the literary data for unsubstituted for aglycon parts and taking into account considerable positive α-effects of hydroxylation and little, usually negative, β-effects. Analysis of NMR 13C spectra of the compound isolated and 24 hydroxy derivative has shown that the signal of C-24 undergoes paramagnetic displacement in +10.8 ppm. The strong field change of signals of C-23 and C-25 also takes place. Correlation between the signal of the anomeric proton of glucose and C-24 aglycone in the HMBC spectrum confirms the site of addition of the glucose residue to aglycone. Thus, the glycoside isolated from Allium cyrillii racemes is (24S,25S)-5α-spirostan-2α,3β,6β,24-tetraol-24-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and it is a new compound.Стероидные гликозиды являются обширным классом природных соединений из группы сапонинов, которые привлекают внимание исследователей благодаря широкому спектру биологической активности и экологической безопасности. Перспективными в плане поиска сапониноносных видов являются растения рода Allium, произрастающие в Крыму. В результате исследования стероидных гликозидов соплодий Allium cyrillii Ten. выделен новый спиростаноловый гликозид. Данные 1Н- и 13С ЯМР-спектров свидетельствуют о том, что соединение является производным ряда спиростана. После кислотного гидролиза с помощью ТСХ путем сравнения с заранее известными образцами моносахаридов была идентифицирована только глюкоза. Химические сдвиги всех протонов углеводного остатка были установлены с помощью комбинации двумерных спектров TOCSY и COSY. 13C-химические сдвиги сигналов их соответствующих атомов однозначно отнесены с помощью двумерного спектра HSQC. Установление положения гидроксильных групп у С-2 и С-6 атомов агликона было выполнено путем анализа химических сдвигов сигнала С-атома в сравнении с литературными данными для незамещенных агликонных частей и с учетом значительных положительных α-эффектов гидроксилирования и небольших, обычно отрицательных, β-эффектов. Анализ спектров ЯМР 13С выделенного соединения и 24-гидроксипроизводных показал, что сигнал С-24 испытывает парамагнитное смещение на +10,8 м.д. Также имеет место сильнопольный сдвиг сигналов С-23 и С-25. Корреляция между сигналом аномерного протона глюкозы и С-24 агликона в спектре HMBC подтверждает место присоединения остатка глюкозы к агликону. Таким образом, гликозид, выделенный из соплодий Allium cyrillii, представляет собой (24S,25S)-5α-спиростан-2α,3β,6β,24-тетраол-24-О-β-D-глюкопиранозид и является новым соединением.Стероїдні глікозиди є великим класом природних сполук із групи сапонінів, які привертають увагу дослідників завдяки широкому спектру біологічної активності та екологічній безпеці. Перспективними в плані пошуку сапоніновмісних видів є рослини роду Allium, які виростають у Криму. У результаті дослідження стероїдних глікозидів суплідь Allium cyrillii Ten. виділено новий спіростаноловий глікозид. Дані 1Н- та 13С ЯМР-спектрів свідчать про те, що сполука є похідною ряду спіростану. Після кислотного гідролізу за допомогою ТШХ шляхом порівняння з наперед відомими зразками моносахаридів було ідентифіковано тільки глюкозу. Хімічні зсуви всіх протонів вуглеводного залишку були встановлені за допомогою комбінації двовимірних спектрів TOCSY і COSY. 13C-хімічні зсуви сигналів їхніх відповідних атомів однозначно співвіднесені за допомогою двовимірного спектра HSQC. З’ясування положення гідроксильних груп при С-2 і С-6 атомах аглікону було виконано шляхом аналізу хімічних зсувів сигналу С-атома порівняно з літературними даними для незаміщених агліконних частин та з урахуванням значних позитивних α-ефектів гідроксилювання і невеликих, зазвичай негативних, β-ефектів. Аналіз спектрів ЯМР 13С виділеної сполуки та 24-гідроксипохідних засвідчив, що сигнал С-24 зазнає парамагнітного зміщення на +10,8 м.ч. Також спостерігається сильнопольний зсув сигналів С-23 і С-25. Кореляція між сигналом аномерного протона глюкози та С-24 аглікону у спектрі HMBC підтверджує місце приєднання залишку глюкози до аглікону. Таким чином, глікозид, виділений із суплідь Allium cyrillii, являє собою (24S,25S)-5α-спіростан-2α,3β,6β,24-тетраол-24-О-β-D-глюкопіранозид і є новою сполукою