135 research outputs found

    Effect of Al2O3 and CaF2 additives on the viscosity of conventional cryolite melts

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    The viscosity of cryolite melts of conventional composition NaF–AlF3–CaF2–Al2O3 was studied by rotational viscometry using the FRS 1600 high-temperature rheometer. The cryolite ratio of the NaF–AlF3 melt was 2.1, 2.3, and 2.5; the Al2O3 content varied from 2 to 6.6, and CaF2 – from 0 to 8 wt%. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range from liquidus to 1200 °C. The conditions for the laminar flow of the investigated melts were determined, based on the measurements of the cryolite melts viscosity as a function of the shear rate at a constant temperature. A shear rate of 12 ± 1 s–1 was chosen for studying the viscosity temperature dependence for all samples. The viscosity temperature dependence of cryolite melts is described by a linear equation. The temperature coefficient b in this equation has negative values and varies in the range of (–0.01)–(–0.06) mPa·s/deg. It was found that the viscosity of cryolite melts of conventional composition in the range of operating temperatures of aluminum electrolysis (950–970 °C) varies from 2.5 to 3.7 mPa·s (depending on the composition and temperature). The viscosity of cryolite-alumina melts increases with the rise of alumina content: 1 wt% Al2O3 increases the viscosity, on average, by 1%. However, the influence of CaF2 is more significant: the addition of 1 wt% CaF2 leads to an increase in viscosity by 3%. A decrease in the CR of the melt by 0.1 (in the range of 2.1–2.5) leads to a decrease in the viscosity of cryolite melts by 2.3%. A viscosity regression equation for the cryolite melts of conventional composition as a function of several independent parameters (temperature, CR, CaF2 and Al2O3 content) is obtained by the multivariable approximation of experimental data. The equation satisfactorily (within 1.5%) describes the viscosity of conventional industrial electrolytes and can be used for estimation of their viscosity

    Methods of labor economy increasing in educational organization

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    The urgency of problem under investigation due to fact that increasing demand of the information technology infrastructure development in current conditions of educational institutions functioning, including formation of the information-educational environment point of view. Offered organizational and economic model of constructing processes for software development is based on agile project management, regarded as an object-oriented tool for optimizing labor economics. The purpose of article is in model for labor economy processes optimization as a part of software development based on agile project management methodology in departments associated with development of information technologies in educational organization. The leading method to the problem study is in measurement of labor economics key indicators, including specific metrics of technical expert’s human capital growth. As an experimental base of research are considered educational organizations, at different times, using classical approach for software development and agile project management. The article presents research results of educational organizations departments engaged in project activities for development of information technologies, which are in the development of software products using classical approach for software development and agile project management. Article submissions may be useful to create a culture for constructing labor economics and human capital system based on sustainable growth in departments of educational institutions working in the field of information technology. © 2016 Dorozhkin et al

    Influence of the participatory budgeting on the infrastructural development of the territories in the Russian federation

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need for the advancing of participatory budgeting practice in the Russian Federation. Due to insufficient development of theoretical, scientific, and methodological aspects of the participatory budgeting, very few territories in the Russian Federation use this tool effectively. The most important issue to be addressed is increasing the effectiveness of involving of local communities in the process of the rational allocation of budgetary funds. The objective of this paper is to study how participatory budgeting influences the potential of infrastructural development of territories in the Russian Federation. The leading methods of investigation of the problem include analyzing the common practices in certain regions and specifying the different categories of participatory budgeting. Using these methods, the authors consider the participatory budgeting as a process of allocating the budget funds to address the primary local problems, which leads to improving territorial infrastructure development. The results of the given research include updated conceptual basis of participatory budgeting; indicators reflecting the influence of the participatory budgeting on infrastructural development and criteria for its implementation in the municipalities; organizational chart clarifying the methodological aspects of different types of the participatory budgeting; and classification of territorial development mechanisms based on the participatory budgeting models of financing municipal projects. The practical significance of the given research is focused on the development of the practice of the relevant projects financing through the participatory budgeting in the Russian regions by systematizing their conceptual frameworks. Results of the study can be used by regional and municipal authorities to improve the relevant legislation, and by representatives of local communities to increase their participation in the budgeting process. © 2016 Tsurkan et al

    Песни в изучении английского языка

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    В этой статье представлена информация о различных способах использования песен в изучении иностранных языков. Цель исследования состоит в том, чтобы определить наиболее эффективный способ обучения детей и выяснить, какие языковые навыки может улучшить музыка. Правильный подход обучения очень важен, потому что при этом условии получение новой информации будет легким и эффективным.This article provides the information on various ways of using songs in learning foreign languages. The purpose of this study is to determine the most effective way for young learners and to find out which language skills music may improve. The right approach to learning is very important, because under this condition, the acquisition of new information will be easy and effective

    Use of teriparatide in treatment of severe osteoporosis in geriatric practice: a clinical case review

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    Elderly and senile people are characterized by a high prevalence of osteoporosis, which, in turn, increases the risk of fractures, including the repeated ones. Fractures in osteoporosis are an extremely unfavorable complication of the disease, leading to catastrophic consequences in old age. The prevalence of osteoporotic fractures progressively increases with age. At present, the cumulative frequency of hip fractures in women over 80 is about 30%. The proportion of vertebral fractures in women older than 80 years is up to 40% of all vertebral osteoporotic fractures. Despite the tremendous successes achieved in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, the disease itself and related fractures remain a serious medical, economic and social problem. Prevention of recurrent fractures in geriatric patients is a system of preventive, rehabilitative and therapeutic measures aimed at reducing the risk of falls, choosing an effective therapy, and reducing the risk of recurring fractures. A serious problem in the treatment of osteoporosis in older people is the inefficiency of the antiresorptive therapy due to an age-related decrease in bone formation. There are frequent cases of a continuing decrease in bone density, the occurrence of repeated fractures during ongoing therapy of osteoporosis. Often the therapy of choice in this case is bone-anabolic therapy with teriparatide, which allows one to achieve good results in the accumulation of bone mineral density. In this article, we will present the clinical case of an elderly patient with severe osteoporosis, in which teriparatide became the drug of choice

    Дополненная реальность

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    Augmented reality (AR) is a new technology. Very few people know about its development, which began in 1970s from massive and primitive devices. Now AR is at the very peak of its improvement in the form of various software. Augmented reality has its application in the following devices: glasses, phones, tablets. Augmented reality works on the basis of two stages: object recognition and marker tracking. Recognition occurs on the basis of machine learning and tracking of markers by finding certain elements or special markers. The analogue of this principle of operation is SLAM technology (Simultaneous Localization and Map Building). But the best results are achieved with the simultaneous use of two technologies. AR is involved in different areas: education, medicine, entertainment, military training. For education, three-dimensional 3D models are used, which are more visual for students and simplify their studies. In entertainment, AR has found a place for itself in various social networks in the form of masks (Snapchat), games (Pokemon GO) and others. In medicine, in addition to training, AR is used to visualize the internal organs of patients. Augmented reality has great potential for development in practical application in everyday life environments because it does not require high hardware characteristics.Дополненная реальность, или AR (augmented reality) – новая технология, развитие которой сейчас мало кому известно. Она начала развитие в 70-х годах прошлого века от массивных и примитивных устройств. Сейчас же находится на самом пике своего совершенствования в виде различных ПО. Дополненная реальность имеет свое применение в следующий устройствах: очки, телефоны, планшеты. AR работает на основе двух этапов: распознавание объектов и отслеживание маркеров. Распознавание происходит на базе машинного обучения, а отслеживание маркеров путем нахождения определенных элементов или специальных маркеров. Аналогом данного принципа работы является технология SLAM. Но наилучшие результаты достигаются при одновременном использовании двух технологий. AR заполняет все больше сфер. Для образования используют объемные 3D модели, которые являются более наглядными для студентов и упрощают их обучение. В развлечениях AR нашло себе место в различных социальных сетях в виде масок (Snapchat), игр (Pokemon GO) и других. В медицине, помимо обучения, AR используют для визуализации внутренних органов пациентов. Дополненная реальность имеет большие возможности для развития в практическом применение в повседневных средах жизни, потому что не требует высоких характеристик аппаратных средств

    Clinical-Laboratory Effectiveness of Immune-Replacement Therapy of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome

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    Currently, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) remains the most common natural focal disease of viral etiology in the Russian Federation. Effective antiviral drugs have not yet been developed. Pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs are mainly used in the treatment of HFRS.The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical and laboratory effectiveness of intravenous gabriglobin in the treatment of moderate forms of HFRS.Materials and methods. The study included 22 patients with a diagnosis “HFRS of moderate severity” in the febrile stage of the disease. In the febrile period of HFRS, patients of the main group (n=10) were given gabriglobin via intravenous route at a dose of 0.1 g/kg per day along with pathogenetic therapy. The course of treatment was 2–3 infusions. The control group (n=12) received only pathogenetic therapy.Results and conclusions. As a result of the studies, the clinical and laboratory efficacy of intravenous administration of gabriglobin in the treatment of patients with moderate-grade HFRS was revealed, which was manifested by a decrease in the duration of the febrile period by 2.1 days, the severity of oliguria and a decrease in the duration of thrombocytopenia by 3.5 days compared with the group of patients receiving only pathogenetic therapy


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    Aim. To study the features of lipid-lowering therapy with rosuvastatin in high and very high cardiovascular risk patients in real outpatient practice.Material and methods. Patients ≥30 years, visited internists or cardiologists of district outpatient clinics in the period from October 2013 to July 2014 were included into the study. Each patient fill in questionnaire. Determination of total cholesterol (TC) level was performed without special preparation of the patient using a portable photometric blood analyzer. Doctors prescribed rosuvastatin therapy when indicated, in accordance with the Guidelines, choosing the dose on their own. Repeated TC level was determined after 1 month.Results. TC level was initially determined in 10547 patients. Rosuvastatin treatment was recommended for all patients. Repeated TC level determination was performed in 7897 patients in an average after 33 days. Baseline TC level in them was 6.37±0.89 mmol/l, and after 1 month while taking rosuvastatin – 4.89±0.81 mmol/l (p<0.001). The change of TC level was -22% (p<0.001). The average prescribed dose of rosuvastatin was 11.88±5.1 mg per day. The most often (62.8%) rosuvastatin was prescribed in a dose of 10 mg per day, in 27.3% of patients – 20 mg per day, in 9.2% – 5 mg per day, and only 0.5% of patients took it in the maximal dose.Conclusion. In real clinical practice, rosuvastatin for treatment of patients with high or very high cardiovascular risk is often prescribed in moderate doses and rarely in the maximum dose despite the proven lipid-lowering effect

    Studying radiation hardness of a cadmium tungstate crystal based radiation detector

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    The given article considers radiation hardness of an X-ray detector used in production of non-destructive testing instruments and inspection systems. In the course of research, experiments were carried out to estimate radiation hardness of a detector based on cadmium tungstate crystal and its structural components individually. The article describes a layout of an experimental facility that was used for measurements of radiation hardness. The radiation dose dependence of the photodiode current is presented, when it is excited by a light flux of a scintillator or by an external light source. Experiments were carried out to estimate radiation hardness of two types of optical glue used in detector production; they are based on silicon rubber and epoxy. With the help of a spectrophotometer and cobalt gun, each of the glue samples was measured for a relative light transmission factor with different wavelengths, depending on the radiation dose. The obtained data are presented in a comprehensive analysis of the results. It was determined, which of the glue samples is most suitable for production of detectors working under exposure to strong radiation

    Features of the course of manifest forms of acute hepatitis C

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    Aim. To identify clinical, epidemiological and laboratory-instrumental features of acute hepatitis C at the present stage according to the infectious hospital data. Methods. The study included 111 patients with acute hepatitis C aged from 18 to 79 years who were hospitalized in Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after A.F. Agafonov in 2011 - I quarter of 2017. Acute hepatitis C was diagnosed in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Results. In the study group, females aged 21 to 40 years, non-working, predominantly living in Kazan with medical transmission of infection (34 %) prevailed. The disease was mild and moderately severe (71 %). The icteric form was observed in 94 % of patients, in 3.6 % - with a cholestatic component. When comparing laboratory parameters, markers of cytolysis and cholestasis differed significantly in patients depending on the severity (p<0.001). Changes in the gallbladder walls (an ultrasound marker of cholestasis) were revealed in 21.4 % of patients. On specific examination, the viral RNA was detected in 100 % of patients. Analysis of serological markers revealed predominance of antibodies to core and NS3 proteins, M class antibodies were detected only in half of the patients. Specific antibodies were absent (“dark diagnostic window”) in 3 % of patients with mild and 6 % of moderate form of the disease. Conclusion. The feature of the course of acute viral hepatitis C was the predominance of moderate forms (71 %) with medical transmission of infection. Icteric forms of acute viral hepatitis C were diagnosed in 94 % of patients (in 3.6 % cases with the development of cholestatic component). PCR is a mandatory method of specific diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis C, and in case of a “dark diagnostic window” becomes the leading method