19 research outputs found

    Identification of signs of alcohol abuse in employees of a small company design and production profile (pilot study)

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    The article presents the results of a study to identify signs of alcohol abuse among workers of a small company with a design and production profile in the city of Yekaterinburg and risk factors for the formation of alcohol dependence. According to the results of the questioning of 25 employees, 28% of the respondents showed signs of alcohol dependence syndrome. The main factors that increase psychological stress, contributing to alcohol abuse: long business trips, lack of vacations during the year, conflict relationships in the team and dissatisfaction with the work performedВ статье представлены результаты исследования по выявлению признаков злоупотребления алкоголем у работников малой компании проектно-производственного профиля города Екатеринбурга и факторов риска формирования алкогольной зависимости. По результатам анкетирования 25 сотрудников, у 28% опрошенных выявлены признаки синдрома зависимости от алкоголя. Определены основные факторы, повышающие психологическое напряжение, способствующее злоупотреблению алкоголем: длительные командировки, отсутствие отпусков в течение года, конфликтные отношения в коллективе и неудовлетворенность выполняемой работо

    Особенности репаративного синтеза ДНК и полиморфизма генов ферментов биотрансформации ксенобиотиков у больных раком легкого

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    This paper shows results of comparative study of DNA reparation system and gene polymorphism of biotransformation enzymes of xenobiotics in patients with lung cancer (LC), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and healthy adults. We examined 50 patients with central LC: 41 males, 9 females with the average age of 56.57 ± 7.96 yrs treated in Oncology Research Institute in Tomsk. Comparative groups involved 46 chronic bronchitis patients with preneoplastic lesions of bronchial epithelium proved by morphologic and endoscopic examinations and 50 healthy men of the same age without respiratory pathology. Cell reparative activity was studied in blood lymphocytes. DNA samples of the LC and COPD patients were typed for polymorphism of GSTT1, GSTM1 and CYP2C19 biotransformation genes. The results showed reduced functional activity of DNA reparation systems as well as in chronic bronchitis patients and LC patients. Investigation of DNA reparative synthesis intensity revealed significant inhibition of this process in most of the LC patients. This intensity was related to a histological type of the tumour and its stage. The LC patients had decreased rate of the GSTM1 null genotype that could be specific for this pathology. The genotype spread in the LC patients greatly differed from that in healthy (p = 0.047) but the spread in the COPD patients was close to that in healthy. A difference between the LC patients and COPD patients was not found because of a small size of the groups. Thus, studies with larger sizes are required. Practical importance of such studies could be development of genotyping test sets to predict an increased risk for neoplasm occurrence.В настоящей работе проведено сравнительное изучение показателей системы репарации ДНК и полиморфизма генов ферментов биотрансформации у больных раком легких (РЛ), хроническими обструктивными болезнями легких (ХОБЛ) и у здоровых лиц. Обследованы 50 больных центральным РЛ (41 мужчина, 9 женщин), которые находились на лечении в клинике НИИ онкологии ТНЦ СО РАМН г. Томска. Средний возраст пациентов равен 56,57 ± 7,96 лет. Группы сравнения составили 46 больных хроническим бронхитом с предопухолевыми (диспластическими) изменениями бронхиального эпителия (диагноз был подтвержден морфологически и эндоскопически) и 50 здоровых мужчин соответствующего возраста без бронхолегочной патологии. Репаративную активность клеток исследовали в лимфоцитах периферической крови. Образцы ДНК больных РЛ и ХОБЛ были протипированы по полиморфизму 3 генов биотрансформации: GSTT1, GSTM1 и CYP2C19. Полученные результаты указывают на снижение функциональной активности ДНК репарационных систем как у больных хроническим бронхитом, так и РЛ. Изучение интенсивности репаративного синтеза ДНК у больных РЛ в большинстве случаев выявило значительное ингибирование этого процесса. При этом установлена связь между интенсивностью репаративного синтеза ДНК с гистологическим типом опухоли и стадией заболевания. Больные РЛ характеризуются сниженной частотой нулевого генотипа гена GSTM1, и этот маркер может быть специфичен именно для данной нозологии. Распределение генотипов в выборке больных РЛ статистически значимо отличается от такового у здоровых лиц (p = 0,047). При этом распределение генотипов у больных ХОБЛ близко к таковому у здоровых. Отличий между больными ХОБЛ и больными РЛ не получено из-за малого размера выборок. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования на больших по объему выборках. Практическим выходом такого рода исследований может быть создание генотипических тест-систем предиктивной диагностики повышенной подверженности к онкологической патологии в конкретных средовых условиях

    Selective Laser Melting Of Nickel Base Heat Resistance Alloy EP648

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    For successful development of selective laser melting technology, it is important to increase the range of suitable materials. One of the most interesting materials for aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding and energy industries is heat-resistance superalloys. In this research EP648 nickel base heat resistance alloy was used for SLM. For determination of influence of SLM process parameters on EP648 4x4x4 mm cubic specimens were fabricated in SINTERSTATION® Pro DM125 SLM machine by using different process parameters (laser power, layer thickness, point distance, exposure time). The porosity of fabricated specimens was determined by scanning electron microscopy of polished cross-sections. SLM mode with lowest porosity (less than 1%) was selected for produce specimens for tensile strength tests. Tensile tests were carried out by using Gleeble 3800 Thermal-Mechanical Testing System for different test temperatures (up to 1073 K). Results of tests (ultimate tensile strength) showed that SLM produced EP648 by mechanical properties not inferior to cast material.Published versio

    Acute behavioral and Neurochemical Effects of Novel N-Benzyl-2-Phenylethylamine Derivatives in Adult Zebrafish

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    Hallucinogenic drugs potently affect brain and behavior and have also recently emerged as potentially promising agents in pharmacotherapy. Complementing laboratory rodents, the zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a powerful animal model organism for screening neuroactive drugs, including hallucinogens. Here, we test a battery of ten novel N-benzyl-2-phenylethylamine (NBPEA) derivatives with the 2,4- and 3,4-dimethoxy substitutions in the phenethylamine moiety and the -OCH3, -OCF3, -F, -Cl, and -Br substitutions in the ortho position of the phenyl ring of the N-benzyl moiety, assessing their acute behavioral and neurochemical effects in the adult zebrafish. Overall, substitutions in the Overall, substitutions in the N-benzyl moiety modulate locomotion, and substitutions in the phenethylamine moiety alter zebrafish anxiety-like behavior, also affecting the brain serotonin and/or dopamine turnover. The 24H-NBOMe(F) and 34H-NBOMe(F) treatment also reduced zebrafish despair-like behavior. Computational analyses of zebrafish behavioral data by artificial intelligence identified several distinct clusters for these agents, including anxiogenic/hypolocomotor (24H-NBF, 24H-NBOMe, and 34H-NBF), behaviorally inert (34H-NBBr, 34H-NBCl, and 34H-NBOMe), anxiogenic/hallucinogenic-like (24H-NBBr, 24H-NBCl, and 24H-NBOMe(F)), and anxiolytic/hallucinogenic-like (34H-NBOMe(F)) drugs. Our computational analyses also revealed phenotypic similarity of the behavioral activity of some NBPEAs to that of selected conventional serotonergic and antiglutamatergic hallucinogens. In silico functional molecular activity modeling further supported the overlap of the drug targets for NBPEAs tested here and the conventional serotonergic and antiglutamatergic hallucinogens. Overall, these findings suggest potent neuroactive properties of several novel synthetic NBPEAs, detected in a sensitive in vivo vertebrate model system, the zebrafish, raising the possibility of their potential clinical use and abuse