4 research outputs found

    Що таке модна промисловість в Україні і які її перспективи?

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    The article deals with the essential problems of modern Ukrainian industry such as its history, ways of development, prospects. Main assessment criteria of its state, perspectives of development are defined. There analised conditions of Post-Soviet Ukrainian fashion emergence and its representatives’ contribution into the world fashion industry development and implementation. A great deal of attention is paid to the unique character and authenticity of Ukrainian market of fashion production.У статті розглядаються проблеми та шляхи розвитку сучасної української індустрії моди: визначаються основні поняття, критерії оцінки її стану, перспективи спроможності на конкурентному ринку. Проаналізовано умови появлення пострадянської української моди та вклад її представників у сучасні світові розробки фешн-індустрії. Піднімається актуальне дискутивне питання щодо призначення моди, сектору попиту певних напрямків фешн-продукції. Особливу увагу призначено унікальності українського ринку модної промисловості завдяки автентичності ідей сучасних українських майстрів моди

    Treatment compliance at initial and maintenance therapy at gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    Aim of investigation. To analyze treatment compliance at initial course and maintenance treatment by proton pump inhibitors at gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Material and methods. Overall 84 GERD patients with took part in prospective study: 50 (59.5%) men and 34 (40.5%) women aged from 18 to 74 years. By results of esophagogastroduodenoscopy and morphological investigation of mucosal biopsies non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) was diagnosed in 32 (38.1%) patients, reflux esophagitis was found in 52 cases (61.9%). Total period of patients monitoring was 12 months at which patients made five visits to the research center: initial, through 1.5, 3, 6 and 12 months with filling in of questionnaires of Spielberger-Khanin, Beck, SF-36 and abridged multifactorial questionnaire of the personality (AMQP). Treatment compliance was established according to duration of study participation, along with that patients self-estimated it on 2, 3, 4 and 5 visits by Morisky-Green test and 5-score analog scales of pharmaceutical treatment compliance and lifestyle verification. The first visit patients underwent 1:1 randomization to the educational program devoted to reflux disease. Results. Of all patients 17.9% missed the second visit, the logistic regression analysis revealed no factors associated to the early low compliance; 38% of patients made all five visits for 12 months. The latter differed significantly from those who dropped out of the study at different stages: they had high number of chronic diseases (


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    Aim. To develop a safe protocol for cryopreservation of segments of iliac arteries straight after their retrieval from post-mortem donor with the use of polydimethylsiloxane as a coolant and cryoprotectant.Materials and methods. Eleven segments of iliac arteries were retrieved from post-mortem donor and divided into four groups including control. Based on preliminary heat and cold transfer mathematical modeling and tests with tissueequivalent phantom arterial segments were placed on plastic mounts and cryopreserved by following protocol: groups 1 and 2 were immersed in polydimethylsiloxane and cooled rapidly at 180 °С/min to –75 °С. Group 3 segments were cryopreserved at 1,6 °С/min in PDMS – fi lled cryo-container placed in the freezer at –80 °С. All segments were defrosted by immersion in PDMS at +24 °С and then examined for morphology changes by histological methods and SEM. EDS analysis with the use of AzTech software also was performed for Si – content evaluation. Restricted biomechanical tests were conducted for group 2 segments.Results. There were no signifi cant morphological differences between segments of the control and cryopreserved groups except for the segment with slow cooling.Conclusion. Mobile cryopreservation may allow increasing the effi ciency of retrieval of a large number of donor tissues for possible later use in the processing of bioprostheses of blood vessels; or, after decellularization, as well as tissue-specifi c matrices for tissue-engineering blood vessels