724 research outputs found

    "Soft power" as an instrument for external political influence of the South Korea

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    An alternative approach to exercising political influence through "soft power" by South Korea is viewed. Instruments used by Korean diplomacy in its pursuit of its goals are described

    Replica Symmetry Breaking and the Renormalization Group Theory of the Weakly Disordered Ferromagnet

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    We study the critical properties of the weakly disordered pp-component ferromagnet in terms of the renormalization group (RG) theory generalized to take into account the replica symmetry breaking (RSB) effects coming from the multiple local minima solutions of the mean-field equations. It is shown that for p<4p < 4 the traditional RG flows at dimensions D=4ϵD=4-\epsilon, which are usually considered as describing the disorder-induced universal critical behavior, are unstable with respect to the RSB potentials as found in spin glasses. It is demonstrated that for a general type of the Parisi RSB structures there exists no stable fixed points, and the RG flows lead to the {\it strong coupling regime} at the finite scale Rexp(1/u)R_{*} \sim \exp(1/u), where uu is the small parameter describing the disorder. The physical concequences of the obtained RG solutions are discussed. In particular, we argue, that discovered RSB strong coupling phenomena indicate on the onset of a new spin glass type critical behaviour in the temperature interval τ<τexp(1/u)\tau < \tau_{*} \sim \exp(-1/u) near TcT_{c}. Possible relevance of the considered RSB effects for the Griffith phase is also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, Late

    Negative response to an excessive bias by a mixed population of voters

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    We study an outcome of a vote in a population of voters exposed to an externally applied bias in favour of one of two potential candidates. The population consists of ordinary individuals, that are in majority and tend to align their opinion with the external bias, and some number of contrarians --- individuals who are always hostile to the bias but are not in a conflict with ordinary voters. The voters interact among themselves, all with all, trying to find an opinion reached by the community as a whole. We demonstrate that for a sufficiently weak external bias, the opinion of ordinary individuals is always decisive and the outcome of the vote is in favour of the preferential candidate. On the contrary, for an excessively strong bias, the contrarians dominate in the population's opinion, producing overall a negative response to the imposed bias. We also show that for sufficiently strong interactions within the community, either of two subgroups can abruptly change an opinion of the other group.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Stability of solutions of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with respect to replications of the phase space

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    We use real replicas within the Thouless, Anderson and Palmer construction to investigate stability of solutions with respect to uniform scalings in the phase space of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. We show that the demand of homogeneity of thermodynamic potentials leads in a natural way to a thermodynamically dependent ultrametric hierarchy of order parameters. The derived hierarchical mean-field equations appear equivalent to the discrete Parisi RSB scheme. The number of hierarchical levels in the construction is fixed by the global thermodynamic homogeneity expressed as generalized de Almeida Thouless conditions. A physical interpretation of a hierarchical structure of the order parameters is gained.Comment: REVTeX4, 22 pages, second extended version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Mean-field glass transition in a model liquid

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    We investigate the liquid-glass phase transition in a system of point-like particles interacting via a finite-range attractive potential in D-dimensional space. The phase transition is driven by an `entropy crisis' where the available phase space volume collapses dramatically at the transition. We describe the general strategy underlying the first-principles replica calculation for this type of transition; its application to our model system then allows for an analytic description of the liquid-glass phase transition within a mean-field approximation, provided the parameters are chosen suitably. We find a transition exhibiting all the features associated with an `entropy crisis', including the characteristic finite jump of the order parameter at the transition while the free energy and its first derivative remain continuous.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Critical behavior of disordered systems with replica symmetry breaking

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    A field-theoretic description of the critical behavior of weakly disordered systems with a pp-component order parameter is given. For systems of an arbitrary dimension in the range from three to four, a renormalization group analysis of the effective replica Hamiltonian of the model with an interaction potential without replica symmetry is given in the two-loop approximation. For the case of the one-step replica symmetry breaking, fixed points of the renormalization group equations are found using the Pade-Borel summing technique. For every value pp, the threshold dimensions of the system that separate the regions of different types of the critical behavior are found by analyzing those fixed points. Specific features of the critical behavior determined by the replica symmetry breaking are described. The results are compared with those obtained by the ϵ\epsilon-expansion and the scope of the method applicability is determined.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Critical region of the random bond Ising model

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    We describe results of the cluster algorithm Special Purpose Processor simulations of the 2D Ising model with impurity bonds. Use of large lattices, with the number of spins up to 10610^6, permitted to define critical region of temperatures, where both finite size corrections and corrections to scaling are small. High accuracy data unambiguously show increase of magnetization and magnetic susceptibility effective exponents β\beta and γ\gamma, caused by impurities. The MM and χ\chi singularities became more sharp, while the specific heat singularity is smoothed. The specific heat is found to be in a good agreement with Dotsenko-Dotsenko theoretical predictions in the whole critical range of temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures (674 KB) by request to authors: [email protected] or [email protected], LITP-94/CP-0

    Effect of Random Impurities on Fluctuation-Driven First Order Transitions

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    We analyse the effect of quenched uncorrelated randomness coupling to the local energy density of a model consisting of N coupled two-dimensional Ising models. For N>2 the pure model exhibits a fluctuation-driven first order transition, characterised by runaway renormalisation group behaviour. We show that the addition of weak randomness acts to stabilise these flows, in such a way that the trajectories ultimately flow back towards the pure decoupled Ising fixed point, with the usual critical exponents alpha=0, nu=1, apart from logarithmic corrections. We also show by examples that, in higher dimensions, such transitions may either become continuous or remain first order in the presence of randomness.Comment: 13 pp., LaTe