10 research outputs found


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    In order to determine the optimal redox partners of CYP124 M. tuberculosis in reconstituted in vitro system we carried out heterologous expression, isolation and purification of recombinant CYP124 Mycobacterium tuberculosis and candidate redox partners: Fdx, FdR, FprA, Adx, AdR, CPR, Arh1_A18G, Etpfd. CYP124 was shown to exhibit the highest catalytic activity in system with S. pombe mitochondrial electron transfer proteins: Etp1fd и Arh1_A18G.С целью определения оптимальных редокс-партнеров CYP124 M. tuberculosis в in vitro реконструированной системе осуществлена гетерологическая экспрессия, выделение и очистка рекомбинантных цитохрома CYP124 M. tuberculosis и потенциальных редокс-партнеров: Fdx, FdR, FprA, Adx, AdR, CPR, Arh1_A18G, Etpfd. Показано, что CYP124 проявляет наибольшую каталитическую активность в системе с митохондриальными электрон-транспортными белками S. pombe: Etp1fd и Arh1_A18G

    Complexity calculation of coding and information security system based on threshold secret sharing scheme used for electronic voting

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    Introduction . One of the tasks arising in cryptography is to ensure the safe and honest conduct of e-voting. This procedure provides that voters submit their votes electronically - for example, through electronic terminals. A new algorithm for the distribution of threshold sensitive data for electronic voting is proposed. Materials and Methods . The results are obtained on the basis of the following methodology: finite field theory, theory of algorithms, projective geometry, and linear algebra. The developed cryptosystem is based on the application of geometric objects from projective geometry which makes it possible to use the apparatus of linear algebra to make effective decisions on cryptographic problems. To estimate the complexity of the described algorithms, classical results from the theory of algorithms are applied. Research Results . This paper describes the cryptographic algorithms of secret sharing and its subsequent restoration based on special structural properties of projective spaces over finite fields, and their link with Galois fields of the appropriate order. The component parts of these algorithms, specifically, the construction of injective mapping from a residue ring prime modulo into the projective space over finite field of specific dimension; the generation of secret shares and secret; the procedure of secret sharing and its restoration, are described in great detail. The algorithmic time complexity calculations of the formal algorithms are given. Discussion and Conclusions . The described scheme is useful for electronic voting and in other spheres where methods of threshold cryptography are applied

    Locus of control in patients suffering from rheumatic diseases

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    Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaObjectives. The purpose of the research was to analyze a level of subjective control in 87 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 100 patients with primary fibromyalgia syndrome (FM), 29 patient with systemic scleroderma (SSD) and 27 patients with osteoarthritis (OA) using the „Level of subjective control (LSC) Questionnaire” (Bazhin E.F. et al., 1987). Results. SLE patients discover expressed tendency to externality in common area, and also in areas of failures (3,63±0,34), relations of production (3,42±0,21), interpersonal relations and specially in attitude to health (3,3l±0,32). The study of locus control in FM patients has founded the considerable decrease of indexes in sphere of common internality (2,98±0,31), internality in the field of achievements (3,08±0,34) and failures (3,42±0,30), interpersonal relations (3,54±0,25) and health (2,87±0,32), that indicates on externality of the attitudes of FM patients on these scales. SSD patients discover the reliable tendency to externality in a common sphere (3,8±2,58), and also on the scales of the field of failures (3,4±2,6), in family relations (4,2±2,48), relations of production (4,4±1,14). In the field of interpersonal relations and in the field of achievements the tendency towards internality were watched (6,2±2,28 and 6,0±2,34 accordingly). OA patients discover the marked tendency to externality in common sphere (3,81±1,387), as well as in the field of failures (3,51±0,64), in family relations (4,18±0,55), relations of production (2,74±0,98) and in attitude to health (4,66±1,94). In the field of interpersonal relations and in the sphere of achievements we founded the tendency towards internality (5,14±0,71 and 5,0±l,24 accordingly). Conclusions. Thus, rheumatic diseases results in feeling of helplessness in patients. The successful treatment demands active participation of patients in process of therapy, and also change of their attitudes and life styles

    Sex-Specific Effects of Estradiol and Progesterone in Ischemic Kidney Injury

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    The positive effects of female sex hormones, particularly estradiol and progesterone, have been observed in treatment of various pathologies. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common condition in hospitalized patients in which the molecular mechanisms of hormone action are poorly characterized. In this study, we investigated the influence of estradiol and progesterone on renal cells during ischemic injury. We performed both in vivo experiments on female and male rats and in vitro experiments on renal tubular cells (RTCs) obtained from the kidneys of intact animals of different sexes. Since mitochondria play an important role in the pathogenesis of AKI, we analyzed the properties of individual mitochondria in renal cells, including the area, roundness, mitochondrial membrane potential, and mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening time. We found that pre-treatment with progesterone or estradiol attenuated the severity of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)-induced AKI in female rats, whereas in male rats, these hormones exacerbated renal dysfunction. We demonstrated that the mPTP opening time was higher in RTCs from female rats than that in those from male rats, which may be one of the reasons for the higher tolerance of females to ischemic injury. In RTCs from the kidneys of male rats, progesterone caused mitochondrial fragmentation, which can be associated with reduced cell viability. Thus, therapy with progesterone or estradiol displays quite different effects depending on sex, and could be only effective against ischemic AKI in females

    Preface to the Proceedings of the II International Scientific Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling (IITMM)

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