164 research outputs found

    The earlier the better: a theory of timed actor interfaces

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    Programming embedded and cyber-physical systems requires attention not only to functional behavior and correctness, but also to non-functional aspects and specifically timing and performance. A structured, compositional, model-based approach based on stepwise refinement and abstraction techniques can support the development process, increase its quality and reduce development time through automation of synthesis, analysis or verification. Toward this, we introduce a theory of timed actors whose notion of refinement is based on the principle of worst-case design that permeates the world of performance-critical systems. This is in contrast with the classical behavioral and functional refinements based on restricting sets of behaviors. Our refinement allows time-deterministic abstractions to be made of time-non-deterministic systems, improving efficiency and reducing complexity of formal analysis. We show how our theory relates to, and can be used to reconcile existing time and performance models and their established theories

    Synthesizing Finite-state Protocols from Scenarios and Requirements

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    Scenarios, or Message Sequence Charts, offer an intuitive way of describing the desired behaviors of a distributed protocol. In this paper we propose a new way of specifying finite-state protocols using scenarios: we show that it is possible to automatically derive a distributed implementation from a set of scenarios augmented with a set of safety and liveness requirements, provided the given scenarios adequately \emph{cover} all the states of the desired implementation. We first derive incomplete state machines from the given scenarios, and then synthesis corresponds to completing the transition relation of individual processes so that the global product meets the specified requirements. This completion problem, in general, has the same complexity, PSPACE, as the verification problem, but unlike the verification problem, is NP-complete for a constant number of processes. We present two algorithms for solving the completion problem, one based on a heuristic search in the space of possible completions and one based on OBDD-based symbolic fixpoint computation. We evaluate the proposed methodology for protocol specification and the effectiveness of the synthesis algorithms using the classical alternating-bit protocol.Comment: This is the working draft of a paper currently in submission. (February 10, 2014

    Timed Multiparty Session Types

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    We propose a typing theory, based on multiparty session types, for modular verification of real-time choreographic interactions. To model real-time implementations, we introduce a simple calculus with delays and a decidable static proof system. The proof system ensures type safety and time-error freedom, namely processes respect the prescribed timing and causalities between interactions. A decidable condition on timed global types guarantees time-progress for validated processes with delays, and gives a sound and complete characterisation of a new class of CTAs with general topologies that enjoys progress and liveness

    Efficient Emptiness Check for Timed B\"uchi Automata (Extended version)

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    The B\"uchi non-emptiness problem for timed automata refers to deciding if a given automaton has an infinite non-Zeno run satisfying the B\"uchi accepting condition. The standard solution to this problem involves adding an auxiliary clock to take care of the non-Zenoness. In this paper, it is shown that this simple transformation may sometimes result in an exponential blowup. A construction avoiding this blowup is proposed. It is also shown that in many cases, non-Zenoness can be ascertained without extra construction. An on-the-fly algorithm for the non-emptiness problem, using non-Zenoness construction only when required, is proposed. Experiments carried out with a prototype implementation of the algorithm are reported.Comment: Published in the Special Issue on Computer Aided Verification - CAV 2010; Formal Methods in System Design, 201

    GPUVerify: A Verifier for GPU Kernels

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    We present a technique for verifying race- and divergence-freedom of GPU kernels that are written in mainstream ker-nel programming languages such as OpenCL and CUDA. Our approach is founded on a novel formal operational se-mantics for GPU programming termed synchronous, delayed visibility (SDV) semantics. The SDV semantics provides a precise definition of barrier divergence in GPU kernels and allows kernel verification to be reduced to analysis of a sequential program, thereby completely avoiding the need to reason about thread interleavings, and allowing existing modular techniques for program verification to be leveraged. We describe an efficient encoding for data race detection and propose a method for automatically inferring loop invari-ants required for verification. We have implemented these techniques as a practical verification tool, GPUVerify, which can be applied directly to OpenCL and CUDA source code. We evaluate GPUVerify with respect to a set of 163 kernels drawn from public and commercial sources. Our evaluation demonstrates that GPUVerify is capable of efficient, auto-matic verification of a large number of real-world kernels

    Structural Synthesis for GXW Specifications

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    We define the GXW fragment of linear temporal logic (LTL) as the basis for synthesizing embedded control software for safety-critical applications. Since GXW includes the use of a weak-until operator we are able to specify a number of diverse programmable logic control (PLC) problems, which we have compiled from industrial training sets. For GXW controller specifications, we develop a novel approach for synthesizing a set of synchronously communicating actor-based controllers. This synthesis algorithm proceeds by means of recursing over the structure of GXW specifications, and generates a set of dedicated and synchronously communicating sub-controllers according to the formula structure. In a subsequent step, 2QBF constraint solving identifies and tries to resolve potential conflicts between individual GXW specifications. This structural approach to GXW synthesis supports traceability between requirements and the generated control code as mandated by certification regimes for safety-critical software. Synthesis for GXW specifications is in PSPACE compared to 2EXPTIME-completeness of full-fledged LTL synthesis. Indeed our experimental results suggest that GXW synthesis scales well to industrial-sized control synthesis problems with 20 input and output ports and beyond.Comment: The long (including appendix) version being reviewed by CAV'16 program committee. Compared to the submitted version, one author (out of her wish) is moved to the Acknowledgement. (v2) Corrected typos. (v3) Add an additional remark over environment assumption and easy corner case

    Bounded Determinization of Timed Automata with Silent Transitions

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    Deterministic timed automata are strictly less expressive than their non-deterministic counterparts, which are again less expressive than those with silent transitions. As a consequence, timed automata are in general non-determinizable. This is unfortunate since deterministic automata play a major role in model-based testing, observability and implementability. However, by bounding the length of the traces in the automaton, effective determinization becomes possible. We propose a novel procedure for bounded determinization of timed automata. The procedure unfolds the automata to bounded trees, removes all silent transitions and determinizes via disjunction of guards. The proposed algorithms are optimized to the bounded setting and thus are more efficient and can handle a larger class of timed automata than the general algorithms. The approach is implemented in a prototype tool and evaluated on several examples. To our best knowledge, this is the first implementation of this type of procedure for timed automata.Comment: 25 page

    Exploiting Implicit Representations in Timed Automaton Verification for Controller Synthesis

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    Abstract. Automatic controller synthesis and verication techniques promise to revolutionize the construction of high-condence software. However, approaches based on explicit state-machine models are subject to extreme state-space explosion and the accompanying scale limitations. In this paper, we describe how to exploit an implicit, transition-based, representation of timed automata in controller synthesis. The CIRCA Controller Synthesis Module (CSM) automatically synthesizes hard real-time, reactive controllers using a transition-based implicit representation of the state space. By exploiting this implicit representation in search for a controller and in a customized model checking verier, the CSM is able to eciently build controllers for problems with very large state spaces. We provide experimental results that show substantial speed-up and orders-of-magnitude reductions in the state spaces explored. These results can be applied to other verication problems, both in the context of controller synthesis and in more traditional verication problems.

    The Complexity of Codiagnosability for Discrete Event and Timed Systems

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    In this paper we study the fault codiagnosis problem for discrete event systems given by finite automata (FA) and timed systems given by timed automata (TA). We provide a uniform characterization of codiagnosability for FA and TA which extends the necessary and sufficient condition that characterizes diagnosability. We also settle the complexity of the codiagnosability problems both for FA and TA and show that codiagnosability is PSPACE-complete in both cases. For FA this improves on the previously known bound (EXPTIME) and for TA it is a new result. Finally we address the codiagnosis problem for TA under bounded resources and show it is 2EXPTIME-complete.Comment: 24 pages
