1,557 research outputs found

    Quantum Nondemolition Charge Measurement of a Josephson Qubit

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    In a qubit system, the measurement operator does not necessarily commute with the qubit Hamiltonian, so that the readout process demolishes (mixes) the qubit energy eigenstates. The readout time is therefore limited by such a mixing time and its fidelity will be reduced. A quantum nondemolition readout scheme is proposed in which the charge of a flux qubit is measured. The measurement operator is shown to commute with the qubit Hamiltonian in the reduced two-level Hilbert space, even though the Hamiltonian contains non-commuting charge and flux terms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, a paragraph added to describe how the scheme works in charge regim

    Spectrum of qubit oscillations from Bloch equations

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    We have developed a formalism suitable for calculation of the output spectrum of a detector continuously measuring quantum coherent oscillations in a solid-state qubit, starting from microscopic Bloch equations. The results coincide with that obtained using Bayesian and master equation approaches. The previous results are generalized to the cases of arbitrary detector response and finite detector temperature.Comment: 8 page

    Quantum Efficiency of Charge Qubit Measurements Using a Single Electron Transistor

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    The quantum efficiency, which characterizes the quality of information gain against information loss, is an important figure of merit for any realistic quantum detectors in the gradual process of collapsing the state being measured. In this work we consider the problem of solid-state charge qubit measurements with a single-electron-transistor (SET). We analyze two models: one corresponds to a strong response SET, and the other is a tunable one in response strength. We find that the response strength would essentially bound the quantum efficiency, making the detector non-quantum-limited. Quantum limited measurements, however, can be achieved in the limits of strong response and asymmetric tunneling. The present study is also associated with appropriate justifications for the measurement and backaction-dephasing rates, which were usually evaluated in controversial methods.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Bayesian semi-blind component separation for foreground removal in interferometric 21-cm observations

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    We present in this paper a new Bayesian semi-blind approach for foreground removal in observations of the 21-cm signal with interferometers. The technique, which we call HIEMICA (HI Expectation-Maximization Independent Component Analysis), is an extension of the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique developed for two-dimensional (2D) CMB maps to three-dimensional (3D) 21-cm cosmological signals measured by interferometers. This technique provides a fully Bayesian inference of power spectra and maps and separates the foregrounds from signal based on the diversity of their power spectra. Only relying on the statistical independence of the components, this approach can jointly estimate the 3D power spectrum of the 21-cm signal and, the 2D angular power spectrum and the frequency dependence of each foreground component, without any prior assumptions about foregrounds. This approach has been tested extensively by applying it to mock data from interferometric 21-cm intensity mapping observations under idealized assumptions of instrumental effects. We also discuss the impact when the noise properties are not known completely. As a first step toward solving the 21 cm power spectrum analysis problem we compare the semi-blind HIEMICA technique with the commonly used Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Under the same idealized circumstances the proposed technique provides significantly improved recovery of the power spectrum. This technique can be applied straightforwardly to all 21-cm interferometric observations, including epoch of reionization measurements, and can be extended to single-dish observations as well.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, added some discussions about the impact of noise misspecificatio

    Measurement induced quantum-classical transition

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    A model of an electrical point contact coupled to a mechanical system (oscillator) is studied to simulate the dephasing effect of measurement on a quantum system. The problem is solved at zero temperature under conditions of strong non-equilibrium in the measurement apparatus. For linear coupling between the oscillator and tunneling electrons, it is found that the oscillator dynamics becomes damped, with the effective temperature determined by the voltage drop across the junction. It is demonstrated that both the quantum heating and the quantum damping of the oscillator manifest themselves in the current-voltage characteristic of the point contact.Comment: in RevTex, 1 figure, corrected notatio

    Uncollapsing the wavefunction by undoing quantum measurements

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    We review and expand on recent advances in theory and experiments concerning the problem of wavefunction uncollapse: Given an unknown state that has been disturbed by a generalized measurement, restore the state to its initial configuration. We describe how this is probabilistically possible with a subsequent measurement that involves erasing the information extracted about the state in the first measurement. The general theory of abstract measurements is discussed, focusing on quantum information aspects of the problem, in addition to investigating a variety of specific physical situations and explicit measurement strategies. Several systems are considered in detail: the quantum double dot charge qubit measured by a quantum point contact (with and without Hamiltonian dynamics), the superconducting phase qubit monitored by a SQUID detector, and an arbitrary number of entangled charge qubits. Furthermore, uncollapse strategies for the quantum dot electron spin qubit, and the optical polarization qubit are also reviewed. For each of these systems the physics of the continuous measurement process, the strategy required to ideally uncollapse the wavefunction, as well as the statistical features associated with the measurement is discussed. We also summarize the recent experimental realization of two of these systems, the phase qubit and the polarization qubit.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Method for direct observation of coherent quantum oscillations in a superconducting phase qubit

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    Time-domain observations of coherent oscillations between quantum states in mesoscopic superconducting systems were so far restricted to restoring the time-dependent probability distribution from the readout statistics. We propose a new method for direct observation of Rabi oscillations in a phase qubit. The external source, typically in GHz range, induces transitions between the qubit levels. The resulting Rabi oscillations of supercurrent in the qubit loop are detected by a high quality resonant tank circuit, inductively coupled to the phase qubit. Detailed calculation for zero and non-zero temperature are made for the case of persistent current qubit. According to the estimates for dephasing and relaxation times, the effect can be detected using conventional rf circuitry, with Rabi frequency in MHz range.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Charge and current fluctuations in a superconducting single electron transistor near a Cooper pair resonance

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    We analyze charge tunneling statistics and current noise in a superconducting single-electron transistor in a regime where the Josephson-quasiparticle cycle is the dominant mechanism of transport. Due to the interplay between Coulomb blockade and Josephson coherence, the probability distribution for tunneling events strongly deviates from a Poissonian and displays a pronounced even--odd asymmetry in the number of transmitted charges. The interplay between charging and coherence is reflected also in the zero-frequency current noise which is significantly quenched when the quasi-particle tunneling rates are comparable to the coherent Cooper-pair oscillation frequency. Furthermore the finite frequency spectrum shows a strong enhancement near the resonant transition frequency for Josephson tunneling.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Localization and Capacitance Fluctuations in Disordered Au Nano-junctions

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    Nano-junctions, containing atomic-scale gold contacts between strongly disordered leads, exhibit different transport properties at room temperature and at low temperature. At room temperature, the nano-junctions exhibit conductance quantization effects. At low temperatures, the contacts exhibit Coulomb-Blockade. We show that the differences between the room-temperature and low temperature properties arise from the localization of electronic states in the leads. The charging energy and capacitance of the nano-junctions exhibit strong fluctuations with applied magnetic field at low temperature, as predicted theoretically.Comment: 20 pages 8 figure

    Continuous weak measurement of quantum coherent oscillations

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    We consider the problem of continuous quantum measurement of coherent oscillations between two quantum states of an individual two-state system. It is shown that the interplay between the information acquisition and the backaction dephasing of the oscillations by the detector imposes a fundamental limit, equal to 4, on the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement. The limit is universal, e.g., independent of the coupling strength between the detector and system, and results from the tendency of quantum measurement to localize the system in one of the measured eigenstates
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