34 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modelling of the Electrical Discharge Mechanical Alloying Process

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    AbstractIn the paper, a comprehensive study of the electro-discharge mechanical alloying with using brush electrode is presented. This kind of a novel method is denoted as BEDMA (Brush Electro-Discharge Mechanical Alloying) and it combines features of electrical discharge machining with thermo-mechanical treatment. Electrode is being made of material which is to be alloyed on the part surface. A mathematical modelling of the thermal processes and mechanical action during the interaction of a single filament on the machined surface have been developed and used to estimation of the material transfer rate

    Selected properties of high velocity oxy liquid fuel (HVOLF) - sprayed nanocrystalline WC-CO INFRALLOYTM S7412 coatings modified by high energy electric pulse

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    The paper presents a brief study of selected properties of HVOLF-sprayed nanocrystalline WC-Co InfralloyTM S7412 coatings modified by the application of a high energy electric pulse. The anti-wear coatings were applied on carbon steel with the use of High Velocity Oxy Liquid Fuel (HVOLF) spraying system TAFA – JP-5000. The process was modified by the application of the SST France & Vision Lasertechnik device WS 7000 S. The resultant type of coatings may be applied to increase the abrasive wear resistance of tools and machine parts. The properties of the powders and coatings were studied using metallographic methods and EDS analyses. The microhardness and nanohardness of the resultant layers were measured and Young’s modulus of elasticity was determined

    Synthesis and Properties of High Tilted Antiferroelectric Esters with Partially Fluorinated Alkoxyalkoxy Terminal Chains

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    Novel chiral esters with partially fluorinated alkoxyalkoxy terminal chains are described. Their phase transition temperatures, enthalpies, and electrooptical properties are reported. A helical pitch in pure compounds and their mixtures based on selective reflection of light is also characterized

    Basic abrasive waterjet cutting process parameters

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    W artykule przedstawione zostały podstawowe parametry charakteryzujące proces cięcia wysokociśnieniową strugą wodno-ścierną, takie jak: ciśnienie robocze wody (pw), prędkość posuwu (vf), wydatek masowy ścierniwa (ma) oraz odległość dyszy formującej od ciętego materiału (l). Każdy z wymienionych parametrów procesu cięcia został opisany w oddzielnym podrozdziale. Autorzy artykułu skupili się przede wszystkim na aspektach związanych z możliwością osiągnięcia maksymalnej wydajności procesu obróbczego przy zachowaniu założonej jakości przecinania dla poszczególnych parametrów cięcia. Szczegółowa analiza tematu była możliwa dzięki badaniom własnym autorów publikacji oraz dostępnym pozycjom literaturowym na ten temat. Bliższe poznanie zjawisk towarzyszących procesowi cięcia wysokociśnieniową strugą wodno-ścierną oraz uzyskanie charakterystyk, które opisywałyby wpływ badanych parametrów wyjściowych w funkcji parametrów wejściowych umożliwią zoptymalizowanie procesu cięcia AWJ (abrasive waterjet cutting).The article presents the basic parameters characterizing the abrasive water jet cutting, such as: water pressure (pw), cutting speed (vf), abrasive mass flow rate (ma) and the distance between forming nozzle and the cut material (l). Each of the mentioned parameters of the cutting process has been described in a separate subsection. The authors of the article focused primarily on the aspects related to the possibility of achieving maximum efficiency of the machining process while maintaining the assumed quality of cutting for individual cutting parameters. A detailed analysis of the topic was enabled the authors own research and an available literature on this subject. A closer understanding of the phenomena accompanying the abrasive waterjet cutting (AWJ) process and obtaining characteristics that would describe the influence of the tested output parameters in the function of input parameters will enable optimization of AWJ cutting process

    Research on the Influence of Vibratory Machining on Titanium Alloys Properties

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    This article proposes these of vibratory machining to Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy as finishing treatment. Titanium alloy was used in the aerospace industry, military, metallurgical, automotive and medical processes, extreme sports and other. The three-level three-factor Box-Behnken experiment examined the influence of machining time of vibratory machining, the type of mass finishing media used and the initial state of the surface layer on the mass loss, geometric structure of the surface, micro hardness and the optimal process parameters were determined. Considerations were given the surfaces after milling, after cutting with a band saw and after the sanding process. The experiment used three types of mass finishing media: polyester, porcelain and metal. Duration of vibratory machining treatment was assumed to be 20, 40, 60 minutes. The form profiles before and after vibratory machining were determined with the Talysurf CCI Lite - Taylor Hobson optical profiler. Future tests should concern research to carry out tests using abrasive pastes with a larger granulation of abrasive grains, to carry out tests for longer processing times and to determine the time after which the parameters of geometrical structure of the surface change is unnoticeable

    Basic abrasive waterjet cutting process parameters

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    W artykule przedstawione zostały podstawowe parametry charakteryzujące proces cięcia wysokociśnieniową strugą wodno-ścierną, takie jak: ciśnienie robocze wody (pw), prędkość posuwu (vf), wydatek masowy ścierniwa (ma) oraz odległość dyszy formującej od ciętego materiału (l). Każdy z wymienionych parametrów procesu cięcia został opisany w oddzielnym podrozdziale. Autorzy artykułu skupili się przede wszystkim na aspektach związanych z możliwością osiągnięcia maksymalnej wydajności procesu obróbczego przy zachowaniu założonej jakości przecinania dla poszczególnych parametrów cięcia. Szczegółowa analiza tematu była możliwa dzięki badaniom własnym autorów publikacji oraz dostępnym pozycjom literaturowym na ten temat. Bliższe poznanie zjawisk towarzyszących procesowi cięcia wysokociśnieniową strugą wodno-ścierną oraz uzyskanie charakterystyk, które opisywałyby wpływ badanych parametrów wyjściowych w funkcji parametrów wejściowych umożliwią zoptymalizowanie procesu cięcia AWJ (abrasive waterjet cutting).The article presents the basic parameters characterizing the abrasive water jet cutting, such as: water pressure (pw), cutting speed (vf), abrasive mass flow rate (ma) and the distance between forming nozzle and the cut material (l). Each of the mentioned parameters of the cutting process has been described in a separate subsection. The authors of the article focused primarily on the aspects related to the possibility of achieving maximum efficiency of the machining process while maintaining the assumed quality of cutting for individual cutting parameters. A detailed analysis of the topic was enabled the authors own research and an available literature on this subject. A closer understanding of the phenomena accompanying the abrasive waterjet cutting (AWJ) process and obtaining characteristics that would describe the influence of the tested output parameters in the function of input parameters will enable optimization of AWJ cutting process

    Investigation of the shape accuracy of cylindrical holes machined by EDM process

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    The paper deals with the investigations of influence parameters of electrodischarge machining (EDM) on the shape accuracy of holes machined by EDM process. BP-95. machine with electronic generator type was used to perform EDM process. Kerosene was used as a dielectric. During EDM process the parameters of current were permanent. The shape of electrode and way of passing dielectric were changed. The following parameters were determined: productivity of EDM process and shape accuracy of the drilling holes. The accuracy of bored cylindrical holes, is highest in case of hollowing out with the tubular electrode and for sucking out working liquid by her inner life. In the case of hollowing out with the electrode tubular, sinking the tube with pumping liquid by the inner life is the most favourable method causing the smallest mistakes of outlines of the cylindrically shape. The time of boring the arterial hole is shortest in case of hollowing out with the electrode tubular and for pumping working liquid by inside

    The Influence of Abrasive Paste on the Effects of Vibratory Machining of Brass

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    The article presents the results of research on the finishing of M63 Z4 brass by vibratory machining. Brass alloy was used for the research due to the common use of ammunition elements, cartridge case and good cold forming properties on the construction. Until now, the authors have not met with the results of research to determine the impact of abrasive pastes in container processing. It was found that the additive for container abrasive treatment of abrasive paste causes larger mass losses and faster surface smoothing effects. The treatment was carried out in two stages: in the first stage, the workpieces were deburred and then polished. Considerations were given to the impact of mass of workpieces, machining time and its type on mass loss and changes in the geometric structure of the surface. The surface roughness of machining samples was measured with the Talysurf CCI Lite optical profiler. The suggestions for future research may be to carry out tests using abrasive pastes with a larger granulation of abrasive grains, and to carry out tests for longer processing times and to determine the time after which the parameters of SGP change is unnoticeable

    Evaluation of usefulness for pneumatic-mechanical protective systems in rocket fuses

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    W artykule autorzy przedstawili nową koncepcję rozwiązania układu zabezpieczająco-uzbrajającego zapalnika z zastosowaniem elementu pneumo-mechanicznego, w postaci puszki membranowej. Rozwiązanie charakteryzuje się tym, że element pneumo-mechaniczny z układem styków elektrycznych spełnia rolę elementu zabezpieczającego zapalnik. Działanie układu polega na odłączeniu zespołu pirotechnicznego od zespołu elektroniki zapalnika. Po wystrzale pocisku rakietowego i oddaleniu się na bezpieczną odległość w wyniku uzyskaniu prędkości pocisku, odpowiadającej założonej wartości ciśnienia spiętrzenia, następuje wskutek odkształcenia membrany przejęcie styków elektrycznych w nowy stan równowagi stabilnej, co powoduje połączenie zespołu elektroniki z zespołem pirotechnicznym.A new concept of the fuse arming-protective system with a pneumatic-mechanical component in the form of a membrane box is presented in the paper. The pneumatic-mechanical component including a system of electric connectors plays the role of a fuse protective system. The operation of the system makes the pyrotechnic system is not connected with the electronics of the fuse. When after launching a rocked acquires a required velocity then the membrane will deform under the pressure and put the switch into a new position where the electronic and pyrotechnic systems are connected