263 research outputs found

    Infrared photometry of Young Massive Clusters in the starburst galaxy NGC 4214

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    We present the results of an infrared photometric survey performed with NICS@TNG in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 4214. We derived accurate integrated JK magnitudes of 10 young massive clusters and compared them with the already available Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet colors. These clusters are located in the combined ultraviolet-infrared colors planes on well defined sequences, whose shapes allow a precise determination of their age. By means of the comparison with suitable stellar evolution models we estimated ages, metallicities, reddening and masses of these clusters. All the analyzed clusters appear to be younger than log(t/yr)<8.4, moderately metal-rich and slightly less massive than present-day Galactic globular clusters. The derived ages for clusters belonging to the secondary HII star forming complex are significantly larger than those previously estimated in the literature. We also discuss the possibility of using the ultraviolet-infrared color-color diagram to select candidate young massive clusters hosting multiple stellar populations.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Spectroscopy of Red Giants in the globular cluster Terzan 8: kinematics and evidence for the surrounding Sagittarius stream

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    We present the results of a spectroscopic survey of Red Giants in the globular cluster Terzan 8 with the aim of studying its kinematics. We derived accurate radial velocities for 82 stars located in the innermost 7 arcmin from the cluster center identifying 48 bona fide cluster members. The kinematics of the cluster have been compared with a set of dynamical models accounting for the effect of mass segregation and a variable fraction of binaries. The derived velocity dispersion appears to be larger than that predicted for mass-segregated stellar systems without binaries, indicating that either the cluster is dynamically young or it contains a large fraction of binaries (>30%). We detected 7 stars with a radial velocity compatible with the cluster systemic velocity but with chemical patterns which stray from those of both the cluster and the Galactic field. These stars are likely members of the Sagittarius stream surrounding this stellar system.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The incidence of binaries in Globular Cluster stellar populations

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    Binary fraction and orbital characteristics provide indications on the conditions of star formation, as they shed light on the environment they were born in. Multiple systems are more common in low density environments rather than in higher density ones. In the current debate about the formation of Globular Clusters and their multiple populations, studying the binary incidence in the populations they host offers a crucial piece of information on the environment of their birth and their subsequent dynamical evolution. Through a multi-year observational campaign using FLAMES at VLT, we monitored the radial velocity of 968 Red-Giant Branch stars located around the half-light radii in a sample of 10 Galactic Globular Clusters. We found a total of 21 radial velocity variables identified as {\it bona fide} binary stars, for a binary fraction of 2.2%±\pm0.5%. When separating the sample into first generation and second generation stars, we find a binary fraction of 4.9%±\pm1.3% and 1.2%±\pm0.4% respectively. Through simulations that take into account possible sources of bias in detecting radial velocity variations in the two populations, we show that the difference is significant and only marginally affected by such effects. Such a different binary fraction strongly suggests different conditions in the environment of formation and evolution of first and second generations stars, with the latter being born in a much denser environment. Our result hence strongly supports the idea that the second generation forms in a dense subsystem at the center of the loosely distributed first generation, where (loose) binaries are efficiently destroyed.Comment: A&A, Accepte

    NGC 6535: the lowest mass Milky Way globular cluster with a Na-O anti-correlation? Cluster mass and age in the multiple population context

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    To understand globular clusters (GCs) we need to comprehend how their formation process was able to produce their abundance distribution of light elements. In particular, we seek to figure out which stars imprinted the peculiar chemical signature of GCs. One of the best ways is to study the light-element anti-correlations in a large sample of GCs that are analysed homogeneously. As part of our spectroscopic survey of GCs with FLAMES, we present here the results of our study of about 30 red giant member stars in the low-mass, low-metallicity Milky Way cluster NGC 6535. We measured the metallicity (finding [Fe/H]=-1.95, rms=0.04 dex in our homogeneous scale) and other elements of the cluster and, in particular, we concentrate here on O and Na abundances. These elements define the normal Na-O anti-correlation of classical GCs, making NGC 6535 perhaps the lowest mass cluster with a confirmed presence of multiple populations. We updated the census of Galactic and extragalactic GCs for which a statement on the presence or absence of multiple populations can be made on the basis of high-resolution spectroscopy preferentially, or photometry and low-resolution spectroscopy otherwise; we also discuss the importance of mass and age of the clusters as factors for multiple populations.Comment: In press on A&A. Table 2 available at CD

    Testing Newtonian gravity with distant globular clusters: NGC1851 and NGC1904

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    Globular clusters are useful to test the validity of Newtonian dynamics in the low acceleration regime typical of galaxies, without the complications of non-baryonic dark matter. Specifically, in absence of disturbing effects, e.g. tidal heating, their velocity dispersion is expected to vanish at large radii. If such behaviour is not observed, and in particular if, as observed in elliptical galaxies, the dispersion is found constant at large radii below a certain threshold acceleration, this might indicate a break down of Newtonian dynamics. To minimise the effects of tidal heating in this paper we study the velocity dispersion profile of two distant globular clusters, NGC 1851 and NGC 1904. The velocity dispersion profile is derived from accurate radial velocities measurements, obtained at the ESO 8m VLT telescope. Reliable data for 184 and 146 bona fide cluster star members, respectively for NGC 1851 and NGC 1904, were obtained. These data allow to trace the velocity dispersion profile up to ~2r0, where r0 is the radius at which the cluster internal acceleration of gravity is a0 = 10e-8 cm/s/s. It is found that in both clusters the velocity dispersion becomes constant beyond ~r0. These new results are fully in agreement with those found for other five globular clusters previously investigated as part of this project. Taken all together, these 7 clusters support the claim that the velocity dispersion is constant beyond r0, irrespectively of the specific physical properties of the clusters: mass, size, dynamical history, and distance from the Milky Way. The strong similarly with the constant velocity dispersion observed in elliptical galaxies beyond r0 is suggestive of a common origin for this phenomenon in the two class of objects, and might indicate a breakdown of Newtonian dynamics below a0.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&A main journal. 12 pages, 12 figure

    NGC 6139: a normal massive globular cluster or a first-generation dominated cluster? Clues from the light elements

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    Information on globular clusters (GC) formation mechanisms can be gathered by studying the chemical signature of the multiple populations that compose these stellar systems. In particular, we are investigating the anticorrelations among O, Na, Al, and Mg to explore the influence of cluster mass and environment on GCs in the Milky Way and in extragalactic systems. We present here the results obtained on NGC 6139 which, on the basis of its horizontal branch morphology, had been proposed to be dominated by first-generation stars. In our extensive study based on high resolution spectroscopy, the first for this cluster, we found a metallicity of [Fe/H]= -1.579 +/- 0.015 +/- 0.058 (rms=0.040 dex, 45 bona fide member stars) on the UVES scale defined by our group. The stars in NGC 6139 show a chemical pattern normal for GCs, with a rather extended Na-O (and Mg-Al) anticorrelation. NGC 6139 behaves like expected from its mass and contains a large fraction (about two thirds) of second-generation stars.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    The extended structure of the dwarf irregular galaxy Sagittarius

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    We present a detailed study of the stellar and HI structure of the dwarf irregular galaxy Sagittarius. We use new deep and wide field photometry to trace the surface brightness profile of the galaxy out to ~5.0' (corresponding to ~1600 pc) and down to μV30.0\mu_V\simeq 30.0 mag/arcsec2^2, thus showing that the stellar body of the galaxy is much more extended than previously believed, and it is similarly (or more) extended than the overall HI distribution. The whole major-axis profile is consistent with a pure exponential, with a scale radius of 340\simeq 340 pc. The surface density maps reveal that the distribution of old and intermediate-age stars is smooth and remarkably flattened out to its edges, while the associated HI has a much rounder shape, is off-centred and presents multiple density maxima and a significant hole. No clear sign of systemic rotation is detectable in the complex HI velocity field. No metallicity gradient is detected in the old and intermediate age population of the galaxy, and we confirm that this population has a much more extended distribution than young stars (age<1\lt 1 Gyr).Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication on A&A. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.169

    deterministic safety technology for rbmk reactors

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    The present paper deals with the description of the technical activities conducted within the TACIS Project R2.03/97, 2 EC Contract no. 30303, related to RBMK. The project activities are focused toward the setting-up of a chain of computational tools suitable for the analysis of transients expected in the RBMK nuclear power plant (NPP). The accident leading to the rupture of one pressure channel, with fuel melting or high temperature damage, creep and brittle failure of the pressure tube and of graphite bricks with possibility of rupture propagation, constitutes the reference scenario for the project. However, a series of expected scenarios has been selected to prove the capability of the individual codes or chains of code in simulating the envisaged phenomenology. The paper summarizes the activities performed at NIKIET in Moscow and at University of Pisa (UNIPI) in Pisa. A top-down approach is pursued in structuring the executive summary that includes the following sections: (i) the safety needed for the RBMK NPP, (ii) the roadmap, (iii) the adopted computational tools, (iv) key findings, (v) Emphasis is given to the multiple pressure tube rupture (MPTR) issue and the individual channel monitoring (ICM) proposal

    New HST WFC3/UVIS observations augment the stellar-population complexity of omega Centauri

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    We used archival multi-band Hubble Space Telescope observations obtained with the Wide-Field Camera 3 in the UV-optical channel to present new important observational findings on the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the Galactic globular cluster omega Centauri. The ultraviolet WFC3 data have been coupled with available WFC/ACS optical-band data. The new CMDs, obtained from the combination of colors coming from eight different bands, disclose an even more complex stellar population than previously identified. This paper discusses the detailed morphology of the CMDs.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures (11 in low res), 3 tables. Accepted for publication in AJ on June 19, 201