4,931 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussianity analysis of GW background made by short-duration burst signals

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    We study an observational method to analyze non-Gaussianity of a gravitational wave (GW) background made by superposition of weak burst signals. The proposed method is based on fourth-order correlations of data from four detectors, and might be useful to discriminate the origin of a GW background. With a formulation newly developed to discuss geometrical aspects of the correlations, it is found that the method provides us with linear combinations of two interesting parameters, I_2 and V_2 defined by the Stokes parameters of individual GW burst signals. We also evaluate sensitivities of specific detector networks to these parameters.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in PR

    Fear Management of Flood

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    This research is intended to identify the management of fear toward flood of eachresidence and compare fear management of flood between 2 residences. Since fear ismental state, which can be explored by questioning the object, questionnaire is used asresearch instrument. Questionnaire was developed to measure fear management, sothat fear management is categorized as latent variable. Therefore, SEM is used toanalyze data. Result show that from the view of flood fear, there is different betweenhabitants in Kampung Melayu and Kelapa Gading. Habitants in Kampung Melayushown the more risk flood experience than them in Kelapa Gading. As well, it can befound also the different between habitants in the two areas based on fear of floodmanagement. It can be also stated that habitants in Kelapa Gading have bettermanaging the risk of flooding in long term than in Kampung Melayu; whereas habitantsin Kampung Melayu manage the risk of flooding in short term. This result can be usefulinformation to government in order to manage the relocation on the time needed

    Perasaan dan Sikap terhadap Promosi Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengukur perbedaan perasaan dan sikap siswa perempuan dan laki-laki terhadap promosi. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN) unggulan di lima (5) wilayah DKI Jakarta. Perasaan dan sikap bersifat subjektifitas pada individu, maka penenelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Meskipun demikian, penelitian ini tergolong sebagai percobaan semu, karena presentasi digunakan sebagai perlakuan untuk memengaruhi perasaan dan sikap partisipan. Berhasil dikumpulkan 392 partisipan. Data selanjutnya diolah menggunakan model persamaan struktural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan perbedaan antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan dalam merasakan dan menyikapi promosi. Juga ditemukan bahwa promosi yang diberikan tidak memengaruhi perasaan dan sikap siswa perempuan dan laki-laki terhadap karir bidang TI/komputer

    Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Unggul Melalui Belajar

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    The aim of this research is to evaluate the differences of human resource between senior highhomeschooling students and civil senior high school students in Jakarta with self-regulatedlearning. The participants of this research are 80 students, which is 40 students are fromsenior high homeschooling students and the other 40 students are from civil senior highschool students in detail. This research uses quasi experimental with senior highhomeschooling students as experiment group and civil senior high school students in Jakartaas control group. The result shows significant differentiation in human resource betweensenior high homeschooling students and civil senior high school students in Jakarta. Thisfinding shows that homeschooling would be able to develop competitive human resource withself-regulated learning

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Penugasan Dan Media Pembelajaran Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa

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    The objective of research was to find out: (1) whether or not there is a significant effect of assignment learning method on main handling course in the X graders of Office Administration Skill Competency in SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta in the school year of 212/2013; (2) whether or not there is a significant effect of learning media on main handling course in the X graders of Office Administration Skill Competency in SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta in the school year of 212/2013; and (3) whether or not there is a significant effect of assignment learning method and learning media simultaneously on main handling course in the X graders of Office Administration Skill Competency in SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta in the school year of 212/2013.This study was a quantitative research with descriptive method. The population of research was all X graders of Office Administration Skill Competency in SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta in the school year of 212/2013 consisting of 79 students. The sample consisted of 44 students. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling. Meanwhile technique of collecting data used was questionnaire and documentation technique. Technique of analyzing data used was statistic test with correlational and multiple regression analyses. Considering the result of data analysis, it could be concluded that (1) there was a significant effect of assignment learning method on main handling course in the X graders of Office Administration Skill Competency in SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta in the school year of 212/2013; (2) there was a significant effect of learning media on main handling course in the X graders of Office Administration Skill Competency in SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta in the school year of 212/2013; and (3) there was a significant effect of assignment learning method and learning media simultaneously on main handling course in the X graders of Office Administration Skill Competency in SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta in the school year of 212/2013.The multiple linear regression equation was Ŷ = 50.929 + 0.293 X1 + 0.255 X2. The relative contribution of (X1) to (Y) was 53.72% and that of (X2) to (Y) was 46.28%. Meanwhile the effective contribution of (X1) to (Y) was 23.15% and that of (X2) to (Y) was 19.95%

    Prospects for direct detection of circular polarization of gravitational-wave background

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    We discussed prospects for directly detecting circular polarization signal of gravitational wave background. We found it is generally difficult to probe the monopole mode of the signal due to broad directivity of gravitational wave detectors. But the dipole (l=1) and octupole (l=3) modes of the signal can be measured in a simple manner by combining outputs of two unaligned detectors, and we can dig them deeply under confusion and detector noises. Around f~0.1mHz LISA will provide ideal data streams to detect these anisotropic components whose magnitudes are as small as ~1 percent of the detector noise level in terms of the non-dimensional energy density \Omega_{GW}(f).Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, PRL in pres

    Hubungan Kausalitas Antara Tingkat Upah Dan Produktivitas Tenaga Pada Industri Tekstil, Furniture Dan Pakaian Jadi Di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA (Tahun 1983-2002)

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    Penelitian ini meneliti pola hubungan kausalitas dua arah antara tingkatupah dan produkttfitas tenaga krja pada industri tekstil, pakaian jadi dan furnituredi Daerah Istimeula Yogtakarta pada tahun 1983- 2002 dengan menggunakan ujiktusalitas granger dan diperoleh hasil dinana pada industri tekstil dan paknianjaditerjadi hubungan satu arah antara produktrfitas dan upah tenaga kerja sedangkanpada industri furniture terjadi hubungan kausalitas dua arqh antara produhifitastenaga kerja dan tingkat upah pada lag

    Relativistic Resonant Relations between Massive Black Hole Binary and Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral

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    One component of a massive black hole binary (MBHB) might capture a small third body, and then a hierarchical, inclined triple system would be formed. With the post-Newtonian approximation including radiation reaction, we analyzed the evolution of the triple initially with small eccentricities. We found that an essentially new resonant relation could arise in the triple system. Here relativistic effects are crucial. Relativistic resonances, including the new one, stably work even for an outer MBHB of comparable masses, and significantly change the orbit of the inner small body.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PR

    Signature of the Overhauser field on the coherent spin dynamics of donor-bound electron in a single CdTe quantum well

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    We have studied the coherent spin dynamics in an oblique magnetic field of electrons localized on donors and placed in the middle of a single CdTe quantum well, by using a time-resolved optical technique: the photo-induced Faraday rotation. We showed that this dynamics is affected by a weak Overhauser field created via the hyperfine interaction of optically spin-polarized donor-bound electrons with the surrounding nuclear isotopes carrying non-zero spins. We have measured this nuclear field, which is on the order of a few mT and can reach a maximum experimental value of 9.4 mT. This value represents 13 % of the maximal nuclear polarization, and corresponds also to 13 % of maximal electronic polarization.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Recognition of Recording and Reporting Accounting at Tour and Travel

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    This final assignment is done in tour and travel. The company didn't record any transaction conducted, the company only used receipt as transaction evidence. So that the company experienced difficulties in determining the exact profits obtained. Based these problems, the researcher gives a guide in recording transactions and making financial statements so company can keep records in every transactions to improve accounting process especially in making financial statements
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