16 research outputs found

    Nascent proteome remodeling following homeostatic scaling at hippocampal synapses

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    Homeostatic scaling adjusts the strength of synaptic connections up or down in response to large changes in input. To identify the landscape of proteomic changes that contribute to opposing forms of homeostatic plasticity, we examined the plasticity-induced changes in the newly synthesized proteome. Cultured rat hippocampal neurons underwent homeostatic up-scaling or down-scaling. We used BONCAT (bio-orthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging) to metabolically label, capture, and identify newly synthesized proteins, detecting and analyzing 5,940 newly synthesized proteins using mass spectrometry and label-free quantitation. Neither up- nor down-scaling produced changes in the number of different proteins translated. Rather, up- and down-scaling elicited opposing translational regulation of several molecular pathways, producing targeted adjustments in the proteome. We discovered ∌300 differentially regulated proteins involved in neurite outgrowth, axon guidance, filopodia assembly, excitatory synapses, and glutamate receptor complexes. We also identified differentially regulated proteins that are associated with multiple diseases, including schizophrenia, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease

    Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling of nascent proteomes in vivo

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    Although advances in protein labeling methods have made it possible to measure the proteme of mixed cell populations, it has not been possible to isolate cell-type-specific proteomes in vivo. This is because the existing methods for metabolic protein labeling in vivo access all cell types. We report the devlopment of a transgenic mouse line where Cre-recombinase-induced expression of a mutant methionyl-tRNA synthetase (L274G) enables the cell-type-specific labeling of nascent proteins with a non-canonical amino-acid and click chemistry. Using immunoblotting, imaging and mass spectrometry, we use our transgenic mouse to label and analyze proteins in excitatory principal neurons and Purkinje neurons in vitro (brain slices) and in vivo. We discover more than 200 proteins that are differentially regulated in hippocampal excitatory neurons by exposing mice to an environment with enriched sensory cues. Our approach can be used to isolate, analyze and quantitate cell-type-specific proteomes and their dynamics in healthy and diseased tissues