6 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz S-matrix and Landau-Lifshitz type effective 2-d actions

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    Motivated by the desire to relate Bethe ansatz equations for anomalous dimensions found on the gauge theory side of the AdS/CFT correspondence to superstring theory on AdS_5 x S5 we explore a connection between the asymptotic S-matrix that enters the Bethe ansatz and an effective two-dimensional quantum field theory. The latter generalizes the standard ``non-relativistic'' Landau-Lifshitz (LL) model describing low-energy modes of ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain and should be related to a limit of superstring effective action. We find the exact form of the quartic interaction terms in the generalized LL type action whose quantum S-matrix matches the low-energy limit of the asymptotic S-matrix of the spin chain of Beisert, Dippel and Staudacher (BDS). This generalises to all orders in the `t Hooft coupling an earlier computation of Klose and Zarembo of the S-matrix of the standard LL model. We also consider a generalization to the case when the spin chain S-matrix contains an extra ``string'' phase and determine the exact form of the LL 4-vertex corresponding to the low-energy limit of the ansatz of Arutyunov, Frolov and Staudacher (AFS). We explain the relation between the resulting ``non-relativistic'' non-local action and the second-derivative string sigma model. We comment on modifications introduced by strong-coupling corrections to the AFS phase. We mostly discuss the SU(2) sector but also present generalizations to the SL(2) and SU(1|1) sectors, confirming universality of the dressing phase contribution by matching the low-energy limit of the AFS-type spin chain S-matrix with tree-level string-theory S-matrix.Comment: 52 pages, 4 figures, Imperial-TP-AT-6-2; v2: new sections 7.3 and 7.4 computing string tree-level S-matrix in SL(2) and SU(1|1) sectors, references adde

    Linking Backlund and Monodromy Charges for Strings on AdS_5 x S^5

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    We find an explicit relation between the two known ways of generating an infinite set of local conserved charges for the string sigma model on AdS_5 x S^5: the Backlund and monodromy approaches. We start by constructing the two-parameter family of Backlund transformations for the string with an arbitrary world-sheet metric. We then show that only for a special value of one of the parameters the solutions generated by this transformation are compatible with the Virasoro constraints. By solving the Backlund equations in a non-perturbative fashion, we finally show that the generating functional of the Backlund conservation laws is equal to a certain sum of the quasi-momenta. The positions of the quasi-momenta in the complex spectral plane are uniquely determined by the real parameter of the Backlund transform.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Stringy sums and corrections to the quantum string Bethe ansatz.

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    We analyze the effects of zeta-function regularization on the evaluation of quantum corrections to spinning strings. Previously, this method was applied in the (2) subsector and yielded agreement to third order in perturbation theory with the quantum string Bethe ansatz. In this note we discuss related sums and compare zeta-function regularization against exact evaluation of the sums, thereby showing that the zeta-function regularized expression misses out perturbative as well as non-perturbative terms. In particular, this may imply corrections to the proposed quantum string Bethe equations. This also explains the previously observed discrepancy between the semi-classical string and the quantum string Bethe ansatz in the regime of large winding number

    How Accurate is the Quantum String Bethe Ansatz?

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    We compare solutions of the quantum string Bethe equations with explicit one-loop calculations in the sigma-model on AdS5 × S^5. The Bethe ansatz exactly reproduces the spectrum of infinitely long strings. When the length is finite, we find that deviations from the exact answer arise which are exponentially small in the string length

    Matrix models, complex geometry, and integrable systems: II^*

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