65 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Readiness Towards the Implementation of Iso Standard 9001: 2015 in the Company of Heavy Equipment

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    Heavy equipment market in Indonesia is very large, the opportunity to increase heavy equipment business is wide open, and all competitors provide the best products and services for their customers. For this reason, companies need to develop an International standard system. The system is known as Quality Management System (QMS) and developed in ISO 9001: 2015 standard certification. ISO 9001 is a standard that contains the requirements of the Quality Management System issued by the International Organization for Standardization (IOS). Companies that become the object of research is heavy equipment company engaged in the sale of heavy equipment and after-sales service. The problem that is going on in this company is that there is a lot of down payment for the purchase of units and spare parts that cannot be billed due to the documents that are related to the purchase process, many of which are non-existent and also missing, besides that there are also many complaints regarding the availability of spare parts and service, this is one of the indirect impacts of not implementing QMS ISO 9001: 2015. The research objective is to evaluate the current condition of the Heavy Equipment Company and assess the readiness of the Company in meeting ISO 9001: 2015 standards. The method used is Gap Analysis requirements of ISO 9001: 2015. Calculation on Gap Analysis uses a checklist made based on the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, and the results will show how much the readiness of the Heavy Equipment Company meets the ISO 9001: 2015 standard

    A Record Study Cardiovascular Diseases Admited in Hospitals Inj Jakarta

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    Dalam rangka mempelajari epidemiology penyakit cardiovascular sebagai langkah pertama telah dilakukan pencatatan mengenai penderita-penderita penyakit cardiovascular untuk periode tahun 1970 sampai dengan tahun 1973 pada 6 rumah sakit di Jakarta yaitu R.S. Tjiptomangunkusumo, Fatmawati, Persahabatan, Sumber Waras, St. Carolus dan Cikini. Dari 80.812 penderita diantaranya 2.836 adalah penderita penyakit cardiovascular yang terdiri 43,2 persen penyakit jantung koroner, 30,1 persen hypertensi, 14,5 persen demam rematik dan rematik jantung, 8,4 persen penyakit jantung bawaan, 2,5 persen penyakit jantung pulmonair, 1,3 persen radang katup jantung. Penyakit jantung bawaan, demam rematik dan rematik jantung sering nampak pada golongan umur muda dan lebih banyak pada wanita dari pada laki-laki Penyakit jantung koroner dan hypertensi banyak ditemukan pada golongan tua dan lebih banyak pada laki-laki

    Improve Capability Process to Optimizing Productivity: Case Study Line Process Packing Assembly in Electronic Manufacturing Company

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    Six sigma is a method for improving processes that focus on reducing process variations using statistical approaches and effective problem solving. The purpose of this method is calculating the impact of six sigma applications to company productivity. Six sigma not only aims to achieve zero defect, with the Six Sigma method optimizing production (Productivity), Six sigma, supporting the proper procedures in line with business goals both system and process. With the DMAIC method, we get as much information as possible and as soon with the smallest sample unit of the experiment. From the results of the paper, Takt Time reduce, 9.2s à 8.5s proved by DMAIC analysis to get effective and efficient improvement that ultimately can improve the company\u27s efficiency

    Analisis Kuantitas Pemesanan Ekonomis dan Sistem Produksi Tepat Waktu pada Proses Perawatan Alat Berat di PT. Harita Nickel

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    Permasalahan persediaan merupakan konsekuensi yang timbul dari sebuah proses produksi, persediaan berkaitan dengan stock inventory, lead time dan modal investasi untuk persediaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa masalah penurunan physical availability equipment yang diakibatkan ketidaktersediaan spare part dan waktu pengiriman yang lama . Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analistis yang menggambarkan realitas pada obyek yang diteliti secara obyektif dengan menekankan pada variabel ketersediaan alat untuk siap beroperasi, kategori breakdown yang diakibatkan menunggu spare part, dan Lead Time delivery spare part. sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah mengklasifikasikan spare part (stock class) selanjutnya mengimplementasikan metode EOQ dan JIT . Metode ini merupakan sebuah strategi dan perhitungan yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah ekonomis spare part yang harus di order dan kapan waktu pengorderan, sedangkan JIT menghasilkan sebuah strategi persediaan yang menghilangkan lead time dan meminimalkan modal investasi awal persediaan dengan kerjasama dengan supplier dan OEM, sehingga service level supplier menjadi baik

    Blood Pressure Values and Prevalence of Hypertension in Certain Ethnic Groups in Indonesia, 1976

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    A survey of hypertension rates and blood pressure values were undertaken from urban and rural population of various ethnic groups, namely: Bataks (North Sumatra); Sundanese and Jakarta (West-Java); Javanese (Central Java) and Dayaks (East Borneo). Five thousand two hundred and forty individuals were covered in the study, comprising 2562 males and 2678 females. There were no significant differences of hypertension rates between the urban and rural areas, and between the ethnic groups. Using WHO classification for hypertension it was found that under 35 years the hypertension rates was 5% or less. From 35 to 44 years the rates increased to 8% - 10%, while after 45 years it increased to 20% or more. At age 45 years or more the ratio of hypertension was 18,5%, salt consumption among Dayaks is men­tioned as some of the factors which contribute to hypertension. Being a metropolitan city, Jakarta has significantly higher rates of hypertension then elsewhere

    Response of Falciparum Malaria to a Standard Regimen of Chloroquine in Jayapura, Irian Jaya

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    Untuk pertama kalinya di Indonesia, resistensi chloroquine terhadap Plasmodium falciparum telah dilaporkan oleh J. Verdrager dan Arwati pada tahun 1974. Distribusi yang pasti tentang adanya resistensi chloroquine terhadap P. falciparum di Asia Tenggara, khususnya di Indonesia, belumlah begitu jelas. Akan tetapi kelihatannya resistensi ini terdapat di daerah-daerah dimana A. balabacensis sebagai vector. Faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi resistensi ini ialah intensitas transmisi dan penggunaan obat-obat anti malaria yang meluas, terutama pada penduduk yang tak mempunyai kekebalan. Keadaan seperti digambarkan diatas terutama tentang intensitas transmisi yang cukup tinggi terdapat di Irian Jaya dimana vector utama adalah A. punctulatus group. Dari 35 penderita yang di-follow-up, diperoleh 7 orang yang resisten tingkat RI. Seorang diantaranya timbul bentuk asexual dari parasit pada hari ke-9, dan ke-enam lainnya pada hari ke-21 setelah makan obat chloroquine dengan dosis sesuai dengan standard WHO