63 research outputs found

    E-learning dalam Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Perencanaan Desain Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab pada Mahasiswa Pba Stain Parepare

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    This research discuss the effectiveness of using e-learning to improve teaching and learning process on planning of the Arabic teaching design subject of seventh semester at Arabic Program STAIN Parepare. This research is classroom action research (CAR) based on revised Lewin Model by Elliot. The result of this research showed that using e-learning is effective to improve the teaching and learning process, namely the learning achievement is 77.9 more than the minimal criteria 75 and the students attitude is 87.5 as positive attitude and their participation is 61.3%. This data is better than the decided criteria

    Kinerja Guru Bahasa Arab dalam Pengembangan Bahan Ajar pada Madrasah Aliyah di Parepare

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    Material development is one of the competencies that should be required by Arabic teacher in their duties. It is important for them to make the teaching and learning process more effective and efficient. In fact, many teacher pay less attention to their duties. This research is a descriptive-qualitative. The subjects of the research were Arabic teachers of public and private Madrasah Aliyah. Data was collected through interviews, observation, documentation, and triangulation. The Arabic material development of MA teachers in Parepare were, reduction, simple adaptation and modifications, addition of sharf and qawaid. The problems faced by Arabic teacher at Madrasah Aliyah in Parepare are a low student motivation in learning Arabic, variety of Arabic language ability, lack of cost and infrastructure. To overcome these problems, the teachers are encouraged to participate actively in Congress of Subject Teacher (MGMP), teachers are motivated to take part in training or workshop relating to the improvement of learning and teaching materials, the teachers motivate students to interact with the Arabic language, the teachers usually adjust the material to the students' abilities, and teachers delivers teaching materials with various techniques

    Teori Linguistik dan Psikologi dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa

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    This article discusses several language theories and psychological theories thatinfluence the educator\u27s point of view in teaching languages both mother tongueand second language learners. Among the linguistic theories described arestructuralism theories pioneered by Ferdinand de Saussure in Europe; the firstfigure to do a study of language with scientific principles and codified so that it canbe analyzed using systematic and clear methods. Other figures in this genre areLeonardo Bloomfield, Edward Saphier, Charles Hokait and Charles Fries. Second,the transformational generative theory pioneered by Noam Chomsky, who wasborn in 1928 in Pennsylvania, United States. Psychological theories discussed arethe theories of behaviorism, nativism, cognitivism, functional, constructivism,humanism and cybernetic

    Potensi Kejadian Interaksi Obat Pada Penggunaan Obat Untuk Pasien Anak Yang Dirawat Inap Dengan Diagnosa Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Di Salah Satu Rumah Sakit Swasta Di Surakarta

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    This research was aimed at knowing potential drug interactions on drug prescribing fortreatment of hospitalized pediatric patients with respiratory tract infection. Research was carriedout at a private hospital in Surakarta and data were collected from medical records of patients werehospitalized during January – December 2005. Potential drug interactions were determinedtheoretically using some literatures on drug interaction. From total 186 patients included in thisresearch, 67.2% were 0-4 years old with common cold was the most diagnosed. There were 52.7%patients receiving 4-6 item of drugs and 76.9% patients were hospitalized during 1-3 days.Potential drug interactions were identified in 30.7% patients with 1.8% and 15.8% of them at level 1and 2 clinical significance, respectively. Statistically, there was a relationship between potentialdrug interactions and length of hospitalization (p = 0.001). Some further investigations(prospectively) are needed to ensure results from this research

    Analisis Interaksi Obat Pada Pasien Hipertensi Geriatri Yang Menjalani Rawat Jalan Di RS PKU Muhammadiyah YOGYAKARTA Agustus 2009-agustus 2010

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    Increasing age can cause a variety of degenerative disease, one of which is hypertension. One issue is the treatment of geriatric polypharmacy the drug interactions may pose clinical problems that require a careful monitoring and action, for example the use of antihypertensives. This study aims to determine the picture of drug use and the relationship between the number of medication and comorbidities with potential drug interactions. This study is an observational analytic study using cross sectional study design. Data is retrospectively collected by using affordable population that meet the criteria. The determination of the relationship between the amount of active drug substance and the number of comorbidities, with the potential for drug interactions are analyzed using a linear regression. The results show that the most widely prescribed antihypertension research is in the singular (35.47%) of amlodipine (46.37%), about 51.27%) of the recipes contain a potential for drug interaction, with the potential drug inter actions at the level of the most significant (45.78%). The results of linear regression analysis showing the relationship between the amount of active drug sub stances and the number of potential drug interactions can be denoted by the equation y = 0.386 x- 0.385, but the relationship is very weak because of the pearson correlation (r) 0.491. The relationship between the number of comorbiditie and potential drug interactions can be denoted by the equation y = 0.416 x + 0.806, but the relationship is very weak because of the pearson correlation (r) 0.06

    The Effect of Rekattidiri Ovitrap Towards Aedes Aegypti Larval Density

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a health problem in Indonesia. The entire region of Indonesia at risk of contracting dengue disease. The study aims to prove the effect of modifications ovitrap rekattidiri on the density of larvae (HI: House Index, CI: Container Index and BI: Breteu Index) as well as comparing the differences between the mean larvae trapped between ovitrap Rekattidiri with standard ovitrap. Using a quasi experimental design, time series experimental design with Control group. Population subjects were Aedes aegypti at the endemic sites in Pontianak, West Borneo. The results showed larval density index in the intervention area decreased each ie HI from 26% to 3%, CI of 6.95% to 2.19 %, and BI from 29% to 13%. The number of larvae trapped in ovitrap rekattidiri ie 70% (12,770 larvae) more than the standard ovitrap in the control and intervention, namely: 17% (3,057 larvae) and 13% (2,334 larvae). It is concluded that there are significant modifications Rekattidiri ovitrap against larval density index (HI p-value: 0.025, CI p-value: 0.052, BI value of p: 0.04) and there are differences between the mean larvae trapped in ovitrap Rekattidiri and standard ovitrap with p value: 0.001

    Dampak Media Sosial Terhadap Rasa Percaya Diri Terkait Citra Tubuh Generasi Z Di Kota Cimahi

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    Media progress must be seen through the broad communication capabilities that exist today, the shift from simple media to advanced media. The changing face and changes in human development, a cycle that was previously slow and required long interactions, now very simple and fast. One of the transitions is to social media which is widely accessed and has an impact on a person's self-confidence regarding their own body image. Social media is the latest in a series of web-based networking innovations developed to make it easier to convey, take part, offer and structure online organizations so they can spread their content. In this research, a descriptive qualitative study was used to clearly describe the impact of social media on self-confidence regarding body image of Gen Z (1995-2010) in Cimahi City. Social media turns out to have both negative and positive impacts on those who actively access it in everyday life
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