399 research outputs found

    Surface properties of metal hydroxide microparticles in the ambient air

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    The adsorption and photoadsorption properties of Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 microparticles in the ambient air were investigated. The compositional analysis of an adsorption layer of microparticles was carried out. The kinetics of photodesorption of molecules from microcrystal surfaces and the interaction of HCFC-22 (CHF2Cl) in the dark and under light were studied. Quantum yields and their spectral dependencies were determined for CO2 photodesorption, O2 and CO photoadsorption. The effect of weakly bound CO displacement from the surface of microparticles was revealed during dark adsorption of HCFC-22. It is supposed that adsorbed CO is formed as a result of atmospheric CO2 reduction after the break of Mg—OH bonds. In case of calcium hydroxide, CO is generated during the interaction of calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide in the presence of water


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    The issues related to the developing and improving remote identification mechanism in the Russian banking sector have been considered. The main aspects of the process of collecting, processing, checking and storing biometric data, the functioning status of Single Biometric System (SBS) have been highlighted. The vulnerability and risks of using biometric technologies by banks have been noted. The key trends in the development of the international market of biometric technologies and their application in the banking sector have been presented, as well as current events on the implementation of biometric technologies in Russia. The prospects for the use of biometric technologies in the banking sector and directions for improving the technological infrastructure in order to protect data from unauthorized access have been outlined


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    Currently, there is a clear divergence between theoretical expectations of doctors about the treatment of acute intestinal infections with practical action in treating the most severe patients admitted to hospitals. Representation of physicians and their real actions in many ways at odds with the official World Health Organization recommendations for therapy in this group of patients. For Russia, still characterized by the dominance of causal treatment of the pathogenesis. There is a high frequency of combined causal treatment, not all patients receive oral Hydration solutions, and infusion therapy is conducted in most cases more than 3 days with the introduction of unsustainable volumes of solutions. Detailed analysis of the actual practice of treating patients with acute intestinal infections showed that the current therapy is far from the principles of rationality and not always consistent with the principle of empiricity.В настоящее время отмечается отчетливое расхождение между теоретическими представлениямиврачей о лечении острых кишечных инфекций с практическими действиями при лечении наиболее тяжелых пациентов, поступающих в стационары. Представления врачей и их реальные действия во многом расходятся с официальными рекомендациями Всемирной организации здравоохранения по терапии этой группы больных. Для России по-прежнему характерно доминирование этиотропной терапии над патогенетической. Сохраняется высокая частота проведения комбинированной этиотропной терапии, не все больные получают пероральные регидратирующие растворы, а инфузионная терапия проводится в большинстве случаев более 3 суток при введении нерациональных объемов растворов. Детальный анализ реальной практики лечения больных острыми кишечными инфекциями показал, что современная терапия далека от принципов рациональности и не всегда соответствует принципу эмпиричности

    Surface layer composition of titania produced by various methods: the change of layer state under illumination

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    The comparative analysis of experimental data over titanium dioxide powders prepared by various ways under ambient air is carried out. The results over TiO2 prepared by high-temperature heating of anatase, produced by burning of titanium micro particles and grinding of rutile crystal are used for that comparison. Water and carbon dioxide were the main products released from the surface of the titania powders. It was found that under UV irradiation absorbed by titania, in absent oxygen, water effectively reacts with lattice oxygen of titanium dioxide

    Strategic Cooperation of Ukrainian Industrial Enterprises to Create Competitive Advantages in the World Market

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    Competitive advantages in the market can be accumulated both with the use of the mechanism of cooperation, and as a result of coordination in the interregional sphere. The relevance of the study is determined primarily by the fact that cooperation between organisations allows to increase competitiveness in the foreign market. However, this gives rise to a contradiction that determines that cooperation between companies is possible only if the conglomerate or certain entities own controlling shares. With that, companies should not only constitute holding structures, but primarily be co-operators in the production cycle. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that strategic cooperation is proposed to be considered not only as a set of practical actions on the part of the state or regulatory structures, but also of consulting bodies. It is proposed to use the mechanisms of strategic cooperation based on mutual conditionality of interests and security of budgetary mechanisms that allow for practical activities. The authors also admit the possibility of the use of public-private partnership mechanisms. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that each of the participants in the organisation of strategic management of enterprises can use not only strategic, but financial and systemic interaction mechanisms to form