87 research outputs found

    Complexation of aromatic drugs with single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We report a detailed study of the complexation of aromatic molecules and drugs with the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs, the diameter and the length ranges are 0.5-2 nm and 1-5 μm, respectively) in terms of equilibrium binding constants, K. It is found that the binding constants have magnitudes of the order of 104-105 M-1 and that there is some ligand specificity to the SWCNT surface depending on the structure of the aromatic molecul

    Professional competencies development of competitive bachelors in machine engineering

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    The significance of the problem being investigated is conditioned by the need of introduction of considerable amendments to academic discipline content with the objective of ensuring effective education process and professional competencies development level increase of bachelors in machine engineering necessary in their professional activities while performing employment functions. The purpose of the article involves structural-functional model development of forming bachelors’ professional competencies towards “Machine Engineering” qualifications in studies of qualified educational subjects, and also identifying a set of organizational-educational conditions of its successful implementation. The key method of the given problem analysis is meant to be model analysis which enables to study the matter point of this problem in great detail. The fundamental result of the article is a generated structural functional model of professional competencies forming, including information-packed, assignment, and evaluative units in its structure and being implemented with respect to organizational-educational conditions. The content of the article may prove helpful for faculty members of technical institutions for the purposes of high quality vocational training implementation which meets unit standard requirements of machine-building complex enterprises. © 2016 Dorozhkin et al

    Predicting the Most Deleterious Missense Nonsynonymous Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Hennekam Syndrome-Causing CCBE1 Gene, in Silico Analysis

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    Hennekam lymphangiectasia-lymphedema syndrome has been linked to single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the CCBE1 (collagen and calcium-binding EGF domains 1) gene. Several bioinformatics methods were used to find the most dangerous nsSNPs that could affect CCBE1 structure and function. Using state-of-the-art in silico tools, this study examined the most pathogenic nonsynonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) that disrupt the CCBE1 protein and extracellular matrix remodeling and migration. Our results indicate that seven nsSNPs, rs115982879, rs149792489, rs374941368, rs121908254, rs149531418, rs121908251, and rs372499913, are deleterious in the CCBE1 gene, four (G330E, C102S, C174R, and G107D) of which are the highly deleterious, two of them (G330E and G107D) have never been seen reported in the context of Hennekam syndrome. Twelve missense SNPs, rs199902030, rs267605221, rs37517418, rs80008675, rs116596858, rs116675104, rs121908252, rs147974432, rs147681552, rs192224843, rs139059968, and rs148498685, are found to revert into stop codons. Structural homology-based methods and sequence homology-based tools revealed that 8.8% of the nsSNPs are pathogenic. SIFT, PolyPhen2, M-CAP, CADD, FATHMM-MKL, DANN, PANTHER, Mutation Taster, LRT, and SNAP2 had a significant score for identifying deleterious nsSNPs. The importance of rs374941368 and rs200149541 in the prediction of post-translation changes was highlighted because it impacts a possible phosphorylation site. Gene-gene interactions revealed CCBE1's association with other genes, showing its role in a number of pathways and coexpressions. The top 16 deleterious nsSNPs found in this research should be investigated further in the future while researching diseases caused CCBE1 gene specifically HS. The FT web server predicted amino acid residues involved in the ligand-binding site of the CCBE1 protein, and two of the substitutions (R167W and T153N) were found to be involved. These highly deleterious nsSNPs can be used as marker pathogenic variants in the mutational diagnosis of the HS syndrome, and this research also offers potential insights that will aid in the development of precision medicines. CCBE1 proteins from Hennekam syndrome patients should be tested in animal models for this purpose. © 2021 Khyber Shinwari et al.The work was carried out within the framework of state research at the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, project number AAAA-A21-121012090091-6

    Molecular diagnostics of primary immunodeficiencies in Sverdlovsk region

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    The article presents the results of the work performed by the laboratory of molecular diagnostics at the Medical Center “Health Care of Mother and Child” for the diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency in Sverdlovsk region over 5 years. The laboratory was organized in 2009 to verify the diagnosis of monogenic hereditary diseases included in the Neonatal Screening Program in the Russian Federation, e.g., phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis, classical galactosemia. Over time, the range of diagnosed nosologies expanded, and since 2014, the laboratory has included in studies of a new group of disorders, i.e., congenital errors of immunity. Every year the Regional Registry of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) replenished by 20 to 70 persons, thus comprising 15 to 43% of the entire Russian Registry for these conditions. As of 03/01/2020, the registry of patients with a clinical diagnosis of “primary immunodeficiency” consisted of 526 people, more than half of them (275) being children under 18 years of age. According to the expert calculations, the frequency of detected PID cases in the Sverdlovsk region is 1:10 480 inhabitants, which indicates not only high level of the existing clinical immunology service, but also the high expected frequency of PID in the region. Until 2014, verification of the “primary immunodeficiency” diagnosis in the patients from Sverdlovsk region was traditionally carried out in Moscow clinics (Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, Moscow Research Centre for Medical Genetics). Over 6 years of cooperation between regional immunological service with the medical genetic center, 47 children received molecular genetic confirmation of the diagnosis of congenital immunity errors at the laboratory of Regional Medical Center “Health Care of Mother and Child”. The authors present the data of Regional Registry of patients, classified into nosological forms of immune-dependent pathology and provide a detailed description of diagnostic procedures for the patients with various PIDs. A deletion of chromosome 22 (Di Giorgi syndrome) was found in 43 people, mutations in the Btk gene (X-linked agammaglobulinemia) were revealed in 7 patients and 6 members of their families, Nijmegen syndrome was confirmed in 1 child, a familial case of ADA-deficiency, difficult for diagnostics, was decided. The results of the study encourage the authors for further expansion of the spectrum of detectable disorders diagnosis, and give a hope that development of regional laboratories at this level may improve the diagnostic algorithm for PID diagnostic procedures in Russia, i.e., from prenatal and neonatal screening to the development of gene therapy for certain forms of immune-dependent disorders

    Неонатальный скрининг на тяжелую комбинированную иммунную недостаточность в России: прекрасное дале ко или завтрашняя реальность?

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    Mass screening of newborns in Russia for five hereditary diseases does not meet the requirements of the world community for the neonatal screening program. Success in the development of laboratory diagnostic technologies and active introduction of achievements in genetics and molecular biology into medical practice allow for the revision of the list of nosologies included in the national neonatal screening program by replacing the disease or adding new nosologies. The article discusses the possibility of including genetic testing for severe combined immune deficiency in the Newborn Screening Program in Russia. The results from a retrospective study of markers of naive T- and B-lymphocytes (TREC and KREC) in the group of children with immuno-dependent pathology developed in the first year of life are discussed. © 2017 Voprosy Sovremennoi Pediatrii - Current Pediatrics. All rights reserved

    Risk factors of cerebral ischemia in infants born to mothers with gestational diabetes

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is carbohydrate intolerance that occurs during pregnancy. The present study was arranged to determine the risk of cerebral ischemia (CI) in infants born to mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus and MTHFR gene polymorphism

    Analysis of the TREC and KREC Levels in the Dried Blood Spots of Healthy Newborns with Different Gestational Ages and Weights

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    Inborn errors of immunity can be detected by evaluating circular DNA (cDNA) fragments of T-and B-cell receptors (TREC and KREC) resulting from the receptor gene rearrangement in T and B cells. Maturation and activation of the fetal immune system is known to proceed gradually according to the gestational age, which highlights the importance of the immune status in premature infants at different gestational ages. In this article, we evaluated TREC and KREC levels in infants of various gestational ages by real-time PCR with taking into account the newborn’s weight and sex. The 95% confidence intervals for TREC and KREC levels (expressed in the number of cDNA copies per 105 cells) were established for different gestational groups. The importance of studying immune system development in newborns is informed by the discovered dependence of the level of naive markers on the gestational stage in the early neonatal period. © 2022 National Research University Higher School of Economics. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Determination of reference values for TREC and krec in dry blood spots of Newborns from different gestation ages in Sverdlovsk region

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    As a preparatory stage for implementation of genetic testing for severe combined immunodeficiency under a neonatal screening program, a study was performed in Sverdlovsk Region which concerned quantitative determination of T and B cell neogenesis markers (TREC and KREC, respectively) in blood of conditionally healthy newborns. Archived samples of dry blood spots collected in test-forms for routine neonatal screening were used as biological material for the study of full-term 26 girls and 26 boys who did not exhibit serious illnesses during first year of their life. In addition, we investigated potential effects of foetal gestational age upon the number of TREC and KREC in preterm infants. Blood samples from 55 preterm infants (23 to 36 gestational weeks) were also examined. It was shown that the levels of TREC and KREC increased sequentially with the increased gestation terms, but the quantitative changes of markers showed different dynamics. In this respect, the recommended terms of blood sample collection for SCID screening is entirely consistent with timing of blood sampling for routine newborn screening. An alternative result was obtained with a complete absence of TREC or KREC in blood sample of a newborn, irrespectively of prematurity degree (at valid copy numbers of a control gene) which should serve as an indication for immediate consulting of the child by immunologist and in-depth immunological examination, because it may be a first prognostic sign of a fatal disease. In order to obtain correct cut-off levels for TREC/KREC, additional studies are needed on a larger sample of newborns (1.000 to 5.000), followed by validation of the obtained reference boundaries in studies involving patients with different forms of primary immunodeficiencies. © 2018, SPb RAAC

    Variability of CATCH-22 symptome complex within the framework of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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    Chromosomal pathology is one of the most common causes of congenital malformations. The CATCH-22 symptom complex is most often associated with a microdeletion of chromosome 22, upon detection of which it is customary to diagnose DiGeorge syndrome, a known primary immunodeficiency or syndrome of innate errors of immunity. According to our data on the frequency of occurrence among all chromosomal abnormalities, DiGeorge’s syndrome takes second place in the Sverdlovsk region after Down’s syndrome, but its diagnosis is not simple due to varying severity of clinical manifestations, as well as different forms of the chromosome 22 defects. Along with several typical variants of 22q11 microdeletions, there duplications of critical regions are also reported, accompanied by immunodeficiency and other symptoms of CATCH-22. The effectiveness of diagnosing chromosomal abnormalities both in pre- and postnatal period largely depends on the grouping criteria of the patients with suspected chromosomal abnormalities, and on the methods used to identify hereditary pathology. In our study, we analyzed and compared the results of studies of 23 patients with various rearrangements of the 22q11.2 region, which were observed by a geneticist and clinical immunologist. The paper presents data on the polymorphism of phenotypes associated with rearrangements of the 22q11.2 region with an analysis of pathomorphological manifestations depending on the type of structural anomaly, i.e, del22q11.2, or dup22q11.2. The results of analysis demonstrate importance of different diagnostic options for laboratory studies of microdeletion and microduplication syndromes associated with immune-dependent pathology. We also compared the results of molecular genetic diagnostics and phenotypic manifestations in deletions and duplications of the 22q11.2 region. To identify the rearrangements of 22q11.2 region, two different methods were used – Prenatal BoBs and multiplex ligase-dependent probes’ amplification (MLPA). In particular, the both methods were used in the same patient to verify diagnosis, thus enabling to show differences in their efficiency. It was concluded that 22q11.2 deletion syndrome exhibits wide heterogeneity in phenotypic traits: neurological and immunological manifestations, anomalies in musculoskeletal development and internal organs, skull deformities and facial dysmorphia. Each clinical case was unique, requiring careful analysis of clinical manifestations. It is necessary to have a wide range of laboratory options for molecular genetic verification of the diagnosis

    In Silico Analysis Revealed Five Novel High-Risk Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms (rs200384291, rs201163886, rs193141883, rs201139487, and rs201723157) in ELANE Gene Causing Autosomal Dominant Severe Congenital Neutropenia 1 and Cyclic Hematopoiesis

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    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the ELANE (Elastase, Neutrophil Expressed) gene are associated with severe congenital neutropenia, while the ELANE gene provides instructions for making a protein called neutrophil elastase. We identified disease susceptibility single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ELANE gene using several computational tools. We used cutting-edge computational techniques to investigate the effects of ELANE mutations on the sequence and structure of the protein. Our study suggested that eight nsSNPs (rs28931611, rs57246956, rs137854448, rs193141883, rs201723157, rs201139487, rs137854451, and rs200384291) are the most deleterious in ELANE gene and disturb protein structure and function. The mutants F218L, R34W, G203S, R193W, and T175M have not yet been identified in patients suffering from SCN and cyclic hematopoiesis, while C71Y, P139R, C151Y, G214R, and G203C reported in our study are already associated with both of the disorders. These mutations are shown to destabilize structure and disrupt ELANE protein activation, splicing, and folding and might diminish trypsin-like serine protease efficiency. Prediction of posttranslation modifications highlighted the significance of deleterious nsSNPs because some of nsSNPs affect potential phosphorylation sites. Gene-gene interactions showed the relation of ELANE with other genes depicting its importance in numerous pathways and coexpressions. We identified the deleterious nsSNPs, constructed mutant protein structures, and evaluated the impact of mutation by employing molecular docking. This research sheds light on how ELANE failure upon mutation results in disease progression, including congenital neutropenia, and validation of these novel predicted nsSNPs is required through the wet lab. © 2022 Khyber Shinwari et al.Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, UB RAS: AAAAA-A21- 121012090091-6The work was carried out in accordance with the state order of the Institute of Immunology and Physiology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, AAAAA-A21- 121012090091-6