77 research outputs found

    Improvement of Strength and Radiation Protection Properties of Biodegradable Jute Fiber Reinforced Material

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    Over past few years, polymer composites with natural fiber reinforcement, called eco-composites, have achieved a worldwide compliance due to their strong potentiality to save the environment from pollution as a result of their ultimate disposability, as compared to glass-filled composites. Since natural fibers combine a low cost and low density with high toughness, biodegradability, renewability, reduced tool wear, and higher energy recovery. They are carbon dioxide neutral when burned and are present in abundance, which make composites made from them also sustainable and economical. We report a facile method for the improvement of strength and radiation protection properties of biodegradable jute fiber reinforced material by ceramic treatment of red mud. The developed powder was further blended with polyester resin to form thick, viscous radiation protection organic gel-based material. The developed protection gel material was then cured for making advanced non-toxic, biodegradable radiation protection panels using jute as natural fiber reinforcement. The developed radiation protection panels were analyzed by X-ray method with different energies of X-ray photons found to possess highly competent properties. Their various mechanical properties, like tensile, flexural, and impact strength values and morphological features were evaluated. The developed non-toxic, biodegradable, jute fiber reinforced, X-ray radiation protection panels combine good shielding and mechanical properties, which ensures their broad application spectrum ranging from diagnostic X-ray and CT scanner room installations to nuclear power plant and other strategic radiation shielding tasks.В настоящее время широкое применение получили композиты, армированные натуральными волокнами (экокомпозиты). В отличие от стеклопластиков, они подвержены биодеградации и безвредны для окружающей среды, имеют низкую стоимость и плотность, не выделяют вредных веществ при горении и расщепляются микроорганизмами. Предложена новая технология производства из краснозема биодеградируемого джутоволоконного материала с высокими прочностными и радиационно-защитными свойствами. Оценены проницаемость его рентгеновскими лучами, статическая прочность при разрыве и изгибе, а также ударная прочность. Проведены микроструктурные исследования. Полученные результаты подтверждают перспективность предложенной технологии производства из данного материала защитных панелей для рентгеновских кабинетов и другого оборудования радиационной защиты..На сьогодні широке застосування отримали композити, армовані натуральними волокнами (екокомпозити). На відміну від склопластиків, вони схильні до біодеградації і нешкідливі для навколишнього середовища, мають низьку вартість і щільність, не виділяють шкідливих речовин при горінні і розщеплюються мікроорганізмами. Запропоновано нову технологію виробництва з червонозему здатного до біодеградації джутоволоконного матеріалу з високими міцнісними та радіаційно-захисними властивостями. Оцінено проникність його рентгенівськими променями, статичну міцність при розриві і згині, а також ударну міцність. Проведено мікроструктурні дослідження. Отримані результати підтверджують перспективність запропонованої технології виробництва з цього матеріалу захисних панелей для рентгенівських кабінетів та іншого обладнання радіаційного захисту

    Luminomagnetic bifunctionality of Mn2+-bonded graphene oxide/reduced graphene oxide two dimensional nanosheets

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    Herein, we report the luminomagnetic bifunctional properties of two-dimensional (2D) Mn2+ bonded graphene oxide (GO)/reduced graphene oxide (RGO) nanosheets synthesized using a facile route of oxidation followed by a solvothermal reduction method. Photoluminescence (PL) studies (excited by different wavelengths) revealed that the resonant energy transfer between Mn2+ and sp(3)/sp(2) clusters of GO/RGO is responsible for the enhancement of emissions. Moreover, pH-sensitive PL behaviors have also been investigated in detail. The ferromagnetic behavior is believed to arise due to defects in Mn2+ bonded GO composites. Thus, present reduction method provides a direct route to tune and enhance the optical properties of GO and RGO nanosheets bonded with Mn2+ ions, which creates an opportunity for various technological applications

    Mathematical and experimental investigation of water migration in plant xylem

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    Plant can take water from soil up to several metres high. However, the mechanism of how water rises against gravity is still controversially discussed despite a few mechanisms have been proposed. Also, there still lacks of a critical transportation model because of the diversity and complex xylem structure of plants. This paper mainly focuses on the water transport process within xylem and a mathematical model is presented. With a simplified micro channel from xylem structure and the calculation using the model of water migration in xylem, this paper identified the relationship between various forces and water migration velocity. The velocity of water migration within the plant stem is considered as detail as possible using all major forces involved, and a full mathematical model is proposed to calculate and predict the velocity of water migration in plants. Using details of a specific plant, the velocity of water migration in the plant can be calculated, and then compared to the experimental result from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The two results match perfectly to each other, indicating the accuracy of the mathematical model, thus the mathematical model should have brighter future in further applications

    Nano-Green Cigarettes: using the Nano-Sized Non-Toxic nascent Oxygen Yielding (NSNTOY) Agents

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    The Carcinogenic hazards of tobacco smoking are well established and are mainly ascribed to the presence of Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and other Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAH) responsible for bronchogenic carcinoma, leukaemia and lung cancer. A novel Nano-sized Non-Toxic Nascent Oxygen Yielding (NSNTOY) Agent impregnated Tobacco cigarettes (Nano-Green Cigarettes) have been prepared by sol-gel method using precursors of Potassium permanganate and Potassium oxalate. The tobacco leaves of an Indian commercial filter-tipped cigarette were taken out, leaving the outer paper intact. The tobacco leaves were sprayed with a fixed quantity of solutions of NSNTOY Agents in increasing concentrations and the leaves were air dried and reconstituted as Nano-Green Cigarettes. The effect of NSNTOY Agents in reducing the BaP content of the cigarette smoke have been studied by HPLC method. The decrease in tumorigenesis has been evaluated by the Ames assay. During cigarette smoking, these agents provide nascent oxygen intrinsically by thermal autolysis which is necessary for the effective combustion of the PAH’s present in Cigarette smoke into much simpler non-aromatic and non-tumorigenic compounds. The BaP content and the tumorigenic potential of the Nano-Green Cigarettes Smoke have been found to be reduced upto 80% of the control group of Cigarettes. The NSNTOY Agent incorporated Nano-Green cigarettes prove to be a feasible option as it hits the weakest point in the chain of carcinogenesis. It decreases the very production of one of the biggest group of carcinogens, namely the Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons.Keywords: Carcinogenic; leukaemia; NSNTOY; tumorigenesi

    Cr (VI) removal in acidic aqueous solution using iron-bearing industrial solid wastes and their stabilization with cement.

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    In this study, iron-bearing industrial solid wastes iron filings, ETP sludge of steel and red mud of aluminium industries; were used for Cr(VI) removal at pH 3. A complete removal of Cr(VI) was found for initial 10 mg 1(-1) of 100 ml solutions in the presence of 2.5 g iron filings, 8 g ETP sludge and 10 g red mud for up to one hour of shaking at room temperature. After Cr(VI) removal, inclusion of chromium on the reacted iron filing surface was demonstrated by EDAX analysis. Leachability of chromium and iron from the reacted wastes was determined by using Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP). This test showed a very low level of leachability of chromium as Cr(III) and iron from the reacted wastes. To minimise their leachability further, Cr(VI)-reacted solid wastes were stabilised with Portland cement in their 3:1 ratio. Leachability tests of stabilised wastes by TCLP indicated a considerable decrease in leachability of chromium and iron compared with the that of reacted wastes alone. To explore the possibility of utilisation in building materials, bricks of cement-mixed Cr(VI)-reacted wastes were made and their comprehensive strength, durability and leachability under immersion conditions were measured

    Low Temperature sintering pyrophyllite compositions for wall tiles.

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    The results of studies on the preparation of wall tiles from pyrophyllite with silicate and phosphatic binders, with or without addition of fluxing agents, are presented. Reduction in grinding, drying and firing energies are achieved by making use of softer materials and dry blending followed by compaction and low temperature firing respectively. The process is amenable for fast firing schedules

    Sintering behaviour of pyrophyllite mineral: effect of some alkali and alkaline-earth metal carbonates.

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    Pyrophyllite mineral was heat treated with alkali and alkaline-earth metal carbonates in equimolar ratios at 1000 °C for 2 h and the various phases formed in the sintered products were investigated using X-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The morphology of the products was studied using scanning electron microscopy. In each case formation of aluminosilicate phase of respective cation was observed, but the presence of mullite in sintered products was not detected

    Adsorption Model for Sorption of Lead and Zinc on Francolite Mineral

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    The low-grade ( Zn2+. Francolite was found to be most effective in removing Pb2+, with a lead removal of 82−99.9% and a maximum LRC (lead removal capacity) of 0.018 (g of Pb)/(g of francolite). The adsorption process was found to be exothermic, and the Langmuir adsorption model was found to represent the adsorption data at different temperatures more suitably