202 research outputs found

    Brugada-type Electrocardiographic Pattern Induced by Electrocution

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    Heart is one of the most frequently affected organs in electrocution. Electrical injury can cause life-threatening cardiac complications such as asystole, ventricular fibrillation, and myocardial rupture. In this case report, we describe a 22-yr-old male patient who sustained electric burn injury and presented with electrocardiogram showing transient Brugada type pattern

    Early recognition and detection of juvenile psoriatic arthritis: a call for a standardized approach to screening

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    Background: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines recommend annual screening for psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in all patients with psoriasis. Currently, no validated assessment tools have been recommended for screening for juvenile PsA (JPsA). Aim: To determine dermatologists' practice when assessing children's joints and explore the challenges dermatologists experience when looking for joint disease, in order to inform future strategies to improve early detection of arthritis. Methods: Structured telephone interviews were undertaken with dermatologists identified through the British Society of Paediatric Dermatology. Percentages for binary and categorized responses were calculated. Thematic content analysis was used to generate a set of core themes across the interview data. Results: Of the 41 consultant dermatologists contacted, 23 agreed to be interviewed. Of these, 78% (18/23) reported they routinely ask about joint disease. Only 13% (3/23) routinely examine the joints of children with psoriasis. Overall, assessment for JPsA lacked a structured, evidence-based approach. The average confidence rating for assessing joint disease was low (score of 3). The two key barriers described for detecting arthritis were a lack of experience and training, and subtle or difficult to detect signs. The two main suggestions for improving detection were the introduction of an assessment tool/guideline and increased clinical experience and training. Conclusion: There is a clear need for dermatologists to use a standardized approach for screening and to increase their confidence in paediatric musculoskeletal examination. In this article, we provide guidance on screening for psoriatic arthritis in children based on our clinical experience

    Stenosis in single coronary artery originating from right sinus of valsalva: asymptomatic upto sixth decade of life

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    Among all coronary anomalies, the prevalence of single coronary artery (SCA) originating from right sinus of Valsalva is 1.3%. Here, we report a rare case of a 60-years-old male serendipitously diagnosed with SCA originating from right aortic sinus with pre-pulmonic course of anomalous left coronary artery (LCA). His angiogram revealed 90% stenosis in distal right coronary artery with normal anomalous LCA. Thus, the patient was treated with percutaneous coronary intervention using a stent and was found stable post-procedure

    Colocalization of intranuclear lamin foci with RNA splicing factors

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    The lamins form a fibrous network underlying the inner nuclear membrane termed the nuclear lamina. In order to gain insights into the role of lamins in nuclear organization, we have characterized a monoclonal antibody (LA-2H10) raised against recombinant rat lamin A that labels nuclei in a speckled pattern in all cells of unsynchronized populations of HeLa and rat F-111 fibroblast cells, unlike the typical nuclear periphery staining by another monoclonal antibody to lamin A, LA-2B3. In immunolocalization studies the lamin A speckles or foci were found to colocalize with the RNA splicing factors SC-35 and U5-116 kD, but not with p80 coilin found in coiled bodies. Lamin B1 was also associated with these foci. These foci dispersed when cells entered mitosis and reformed during anaphase. The differential reactivity of LA-2H10 and LA-2B3 was retained after nuclei were extracted with detergents, nucleases and salt to disrupt interactions of lamins with chromatin and other nuclear proteins. Using deletion fragments of recombinant lamin A, the epitope recognized by LA-2H10 was located between amino acids 171 and 246. Our findings are consistent with a structural role for lamins in supporting nuclear compartments containing proteins involved in RNA splicing


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    Due to the expanding prominence of distributed computing, an ever increasing number of information proprietors are persuaded to outsource their information to cloud servers for extraordinary accommodation and lessened cost in information administration. In any case, delicate information ought to be scrambled before outsourcing for security necessities, which obsoletes information usage like catchphrase based report recovery. In this paper, we display a protected multi-catchphrase positioned seek plot over scrambled cloud information, which all the while bolsters dynamic refresh operations like erasure and inclusion of records. In particular, the vector space display and the broadly utilized TF×IDF model are joined in the record development and question era. We develop an extraordinary tree-based record structure and propose an "Insatiable Depth-first Search" calculation to give proficient multi-watchword positioned seek. The safe kNN calculation is used to encode the file and inquiry vectors, and in the mean time guarantee precise significance score computation between scrambled list and question vectors. With a specific end goal to oppose measurable assaults, ghost terms are added to the file vector for blinding query items . Because of the utilization of our uncommon tree-based file structure, the proposed plan can accomplish sub-direct pursuit time and manage the erasure and addition of archives adaptably. Broad tests are led to exhibit the productivity of the proposed plot

    Effect of nocturnal ventilation on the occurrence of Botrytis cinerea in Mediterranean unheated tomato greenhouses

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    Botrytis cinerea is the causal agent of grey mould disease which is one of the most important diseases affecting tomato crops in unheated greenhouses. Nocturnal ventilation is a technique that can be used to reduce relative humidity inside unheated greenhouses. The main objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of ventilation management on the environmental conditions and on the disease severity, to develop and validate a model which could predict disease severity and to present a warning system. Experiments were conducted in two plastic greenhouses. Two natural ventilation treatments were randomly assigned to the greenhouses. One was nocturnal ventilation (NV), with the vents open during the day and night, while the other was classical ventilation (CV), in which the vents were open during the day and closed during the night. A tomato crop was grown directly in the soil between the end of February and the end of July during two crop seasons. Climatic data were measured with three meteorological stations, averaged and recorded on an hourly basis. The number of diseased leaflets were counted and removed from the greenhouse. In the NV greenhouse a significant reduction of air humidity and disease appearance was observed. A warning system was developed and can be a useful tool for helping to decide on appropriate actions and the correct timing to avoid conditions that favour disease development. For a more practical application, disease risk levels were defined as a function of the duration of periods with RH > 90%

    Assesment of Water Contamination Due to Industry Effluents on Noyyal River Basin

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the water quality of Noyyal river and to understand the impact of anthropogenic activities on the water quality. Water samples were collected from different sites along the river and analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters. The results of the analysis showed that the water quality of Noyyal river was poor, with levels of certain parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids above the limits set. The results of the analysis also showed that the river was polluted due to the discharge of untreated effluents from various industries located in and around the river. The study also showed that the water quality of Noyyal river was deteriorating due to the anthropogenic activities in the catchment area. The results of this study can be used to develop strategies to improve the water quality of Noyyal river and to protect the catchment area from further degradation