6 research outputs found

    Effects of maternal diabetes on male offspring: high cell proliferation and increased activity of MMP-2 in the ventral prostate

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    This study presents a comprehensive view of the histological and functional status of the prostate of adult rat offspring of mothers subjected to gestational diabetes induced by alloxan. The ventral prostate of male adult offspring of diabetic (DP) or normal (CP) mothers was evaluated for collagen fibres, cell death, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, cell proliferation, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), androgen receptors (AR), transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta-1), catalase and total antioxidant activity. The prostates of DP animals were lower in weight than those of the CP group. The DP group also exhibited hyperglycaemia and hypotestosteronemia, higher cell proliferation and AR expression, a reduction in alpha-actin (possibly interfering with the reproductive function of the prostate), and enhanced activity of MMP-2, although the absolute content of MMP-2 was lower in this group. These findings were associated with increased TGF beta-1 and decreased collagen distribution. The prostates of DP rats additionally exhibited reductions in catalase and total antioxidant activity. Thus, rats developing in a diabetic intrauterine environment have glycaemic and hormonal changes that impact on the structure and physiology of the prostate in adulthood. The increased AR expression possibly leads to elevated cell proliferation. Stromal remodelling was characterized by enhanced activity of MMP-2 and collagen degradation, even with increased TGF beta-1 activation. These changes associated with increased oxidative stress might interfere with tissue architecture and glandular homeostasis

    Caracterização agronômica de videiras e enológica de uvas e vinhos de inverno no Cerrado brasileiro.

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    Os vinhos de inverno estão sendo produzidos no Brasil Central, a partir da técnica da dupla poda para a videira. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma caracterização agronômica das videiras, e avaliação enológica das uvas e dos vinhos no sudoeste baiano. A região não possui histórico com videiras, podendo ser uma alternativa para os produtores, em busca de um novo terroir vitivinícola. O vinhedo experimental foi implantado em 2018 em uma propriedade no bioma Cerrado, a 1.100 m de altitude. Foram implantadas 50 mudas de cada variedade, sendo duas brancas (Chardonnay e Sauvignon Blanc) e seis tintas (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Mourvèdre, Pinot Noir e Syrah). Os resultados foram obtidos em dois anos (2021 e 2022), através da caracterização agronômica das videiras, bem como avaliação do potencial enológico das uvas, e análises físico-químicas e sensoriais dos vinhos, entre espumantes, brancos e tintos. Nos aspectos agronômicos, os ciclos variaram de 113 a 156 dias entre a poda e a colheita, enquanto que a produtividade variou de 3 a 26 ton ha-1. A composição físico-química dos vinhos está dentro dos valores recomendados pela legislação, enquanto que a avaliação sensorial comprova o potencial e a tipicidade dos produtos na região. Esta publicação está alinhada aos ODS 2 e 9. A vitivinicultura para vinhos de inverno no Brasil, é uma oportunidade e alternativa altamente rentável para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável, seja para agricultura familiar, bem como para agricultura empresarial. Ocorre também o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável, pelo incentivo e promoção do enoturismo, com aumento e valorização da cultura e artesanato regional. Sendo assim, O ODS 2 aumentará a renda e promoverá uma agricultura sustentável, para micro, pequenos, médios ou grandes produtores. O ODS 9 ligado à vitivinicultura fortalecerá a indústria, a inovação e infraestrutura, seja por associativismo/cooperativismo, ou empresarial.ODS 2, ODS 9

    Increased Dietary Leucine Reduces Doxorubicin-Associated Cardiac Dysfunction in Rats

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    Cardiotoxicity is one of the most significant adverse effects of the oncologic treatment with doxorubicin, which is responsible for a substantial morbid and mortality. The occurrence of heart failure with ventricular dysfunction may lead to severe cardiomyopathy and ultimately to death. Studies have focused on the effects of leucine supplementation as a strategy to minimize or revert the clinical condition of induced proteolysis by several clinical onsets. However, the impact of leucine supplementation in heart failure induced by doxorubicin is unknown. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of leucine supplementation on the cardiotoxicity in the heart of rats treated with doxorubicin. Rats treated with a 7.5 mg/kg cumulative dose of doxorubicin for 14 days presented a dilatation of the left ventricle (LV), and a reduction of the ejection fraction (FE). The 5% supplementation of leucine in the rats' food prevented the malfunctioning of the LV when administered with doxorubicin. Some alterations in the extracellular matrix remodeling were confirmed by the increase of collagen fibers in the doxorubicin group, which did not increase when the treatment was associated with leucine supplementation. Leucine attenuates heart failure in this experimental model with doxorubicin. Such protection is followed by the maintenance of interstitial collagen fibers