596 research outputs found

    On Liouville-type theorems and the uniqueness of the positive Cauchy problem for a class of hypoelliptic operators

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    This note contains a representation formula for positive solutions of linear degenerate second-order equations of the form tu(x,t)=j=1mXj2u(x,t)+X0u(x,t)(x,t)RN×],T[, \partial_t u (x,t) = \sum_{j=1}^m X_j^2 u(x,t) + X_0 u(x,t) \qquad (x,t) \in \mathbb{R}^N \times\, ]- \infty ,T[, proved by a functional analytic approach based on Choquet theory. As a consequence, we obtain Liouville-type theorems and uniqueness results for the positive Cauchy problem.Comment: The results of the present version recover most of the ones in the previous version, but, on top of it, this new version contains some further new and interesting result

    A Yosida's parametrix approach to Varadhan's estimates for a degenerate diffusion under the weak Hörmander condition

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    We adapt and extend Yosida's parametrix method, originally introduced for the construction of the fundamental solution to a parabolic operator on a Riemannian manifold, to derive Varadhan-type asymptotic estimates for the transition density of a degenerate diffusion under the weak Hörmander condition. This diffusion process, widely studied by Yor in a series of papers, finds direct application in the study of a class of path-dependent financial derivatives known as Asian options. We obtain a Varadhan-type formula which relates the transition density p of the stochastic process with the optimal cost Ψ of a deterministic control problem associated to the diffusion. We provide a partial proof of this formula, and present numerical evidence to support the validity of an intermediate inequality that is required to complete the proof. We also derive an asymptotic expansion of the cost function Ψ, expressed in terms of elementary functions, which is useful in order to design efficient approximation formulas for the transition density

    Gaussian lower bounds for non-homogeneous Kolmogorov equations with measurable coefficients

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    We prove Gaussian upper and lower bounds for the fundamental solutions of a class of degenerate parabolic equations satisfying a weak Hörmander condition. The bound is independent of the smoothness of the coefficients and generalizes classical results for uniformly parabolic equations

    Moser's estimates for degenerate Kolmogorov equations with non-negative divergence lower order coefficients

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    We prove Lloc 1e estimates for positive solutions to the following degenerate second order partial differential equation of Kolmogorov type with measurable coefficients of the form 11i,j=1m0 02xjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@14c7905daij(x,t) 02xjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@41a3b5feu(x,t)+ 11i,j=1Nbijxj 02xjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@21dceba6u(x,t) 12 02tu(x,t)++ 11i=1m0bi(x,t) 02iu(x,t) 12 11i=1m0 02xjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@638b72d3ai(x,t)u(x,t)+c(x,t)u(x,t)=0 where (x,t)=(x1,\u2026,xN,t)=z is a point of RN+1, and 1 64m0 64N. (aij) is a uniformly positive symmetric matrix with bounded measurable coefficients, (bij) is a constant matrix. We apply the Moser's iteration method to prove the local boundedness of the solution u under minimal integrability assumption on the coefficients

    SIP-based mobility management in next generation networks

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    The ITU-T definition of next generation networks includes the ability to make use of multiple broadband transport technologies and to support generalized mobility. Next generation networks must integrate several IP-based access technologies in a seamless way. In this article, we first describe the requirements of a mobility management scheme for multimedia real-time communication services; then, we report a survey of the mobility management schemes proposed in the recent literature to perform vertical handovers between heterogeneous networks. Based on this analysis, we propose an application-layer solution for mobility management that is based on the SIP protocol and satisfies the most important requirements for a proper implementation of vertical handovers. We also implemented our proposed solution, testing it in the field, and proving its overall feasibility and its interoperability with different terminals and SIP servers

    Additives incorporated into urea to reduce nitrogen losses after application to the soil.

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    The objective of this work was to develop urea-based fertilizers with internal incorporation of urease inhibitors and other additives in the granule. The effects of the incorporation of NBPT, copper (Cu+2), boric acid (H3BO3), elemental sulphur (Sº), and a clay mineral from the zeolite group in powder urea - with ten different combinations of these additives - were evaluated as to N losses by volatilization and leaching. The losses in laboratory-developed formulations were compared with those of commercial fertilizers coated with the same additives (Super N, FH Nitro Mais, and FH Nitro Gold). The evaluations were made in greenhouse conditions, using a Ultisol accommodated in PVC columns. Nitrate and ammonium leaching was evaluated in the solution percolated through the soil columns. Ammonia volatilization was measured with a semi-open static chamber. The incorporation of urease inhibitors (NBPT, H3BO3, and Cu+2) into the urea granules was efficient to reduce N volatilization. Ammonia volatilization in the laboratory-developed ureas was lower than in commercial fertilizers coated with the same additives, while ammonium sulfate losses by leaching were similar. The addition of zeolite does not reduce N volatilization. Mineral N leaching in the soil profile is not affected by urease inhibitors.Título em português: Aditivos incorporados à ureia para reduzir perdas de nitrogênio após aplicação ao solo

    SIP-based mobility management in next generation networks

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    Design and Projected Performance of a Flapping Foil AUV

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    The design and construction of a biomimetic flapping foil autonomous underwater vehicle is detailed. The vehicle was designed as a proof of concept for the use of oscillating foils as the sole source of motive power for a cruising and hovering underwater vehicle. Primary vehicle design requirements included scalability and flexibility in terms of the number and placement of foils, so as to maximize experimental functionality. This goal was met by designing an independent self-contained module to house each foil, requiring only direct current power and a connection to the vehicle’s Ethernet local area network for operation. The results of tests on the foil modules in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Marine Hydrodynamics Water Tunnel and the MIT Ship Model Testing Tank are both used to demonstrate fundamental properties of flapping foils and to predict the performance of the specific vehicle design based on the limits of the actuators. The maximum speed of the vehicle is estimated based on the limitations of the specific actuator and is shown to be a strong function of the vehicle drag coefficient. When using four foils, the maximum speed increases from 1 m/s with a vehicle Cd of 1.4 to 2 m/s when Cd = 0.1, where Cd is based on vehicle frontal area. Finally, issues of vehicle control are considered, including the decoupling of speed and pitch control using pitch-biased maneuvering and the tradeoff between actuator bandwidth and authority during both the cruising and hovering operation

    Produção de fertilizante organomineral granulado a partir de dejetos de suínos e aves no Brasil.

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    Resumo: As atividades de suinocultura e de avicultura estão crescendo muito rapidamente no Brasil. Estes sistemas de produção geram grandes quantidades de resíduos orgânicos. Atualmente, no Brasil são produzidos cerca de 7,8 milhões de toneladas de cama-de-aviário e 105 milhões de m3 de dejetos líquidos de suínos. A utilização destes resíduos como fonte de nutrientes para o cultivo de grãos e de pastagens é uma prática comum em várias regiões brasileiras. No entanto, o uso de resíduos animais in natura resulta em baixa eficiência de utilização dos nutrientes, perdas por lixiviação e volatilização, e aumenta o risco de contaminação ambiental. Após a transformação biológica dos resíduos animais e sua associação com minerais fontes é possível produzir fertilizantes organominerais granulados com alto teor de fósforo solúvel, para uso em sistemas de produção extensiva de grãos. As características físicas e químicas do fertilizante organomineral granulado esta de acordo com a lei brasileira de fertilizantes. Resultados de campo indicam que a eficiência do uso do fósforo proveniente dos fertilizantes organominerais é semelhante à eficiência dos fertilizantes solúveis. Dependendo da região analisada, devido a alguns aspectos relacionados com a logística e distribuição, os fertilizantes organominerais granulados podem significar uma alternativa de baixo custo comparada com os fertilizantes minerais tradicionais