151 research outputs found

    Resilience and the pedagogical task: from research-training to transformative educator intervention Resilienza e compito pedagogico: dalla ricerca-formazione all’intervento trasformativo del pedagogista

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    The concept of resilience describes the ability to resist and cope with the destructive challenges that life sometimes imposes, a process that involves dynamic aspects that support, encourage and promote the ability to struggle, overcome obstacles, alongside biological determinants, caregivers assume a strategic role and constitute the protective factors. The paper exposes the research-training pathway, developed in the 2020-2021 academic year with a class of pedagogists from the University of Salento, a pathway that produced a transformation in the perception of one's role with respect to the educational task, becoming builders of resilience. The active research path enabled the trainees to recognize themselves as resilience builders, identifying projects, areas and specific actions for intervention. The 46 projects implemented were positioned on 4 macro-categories of fragile users and invested the most extensive areas of life, strategies, technologies and intervention models typical of educational action

    Elevated levels of serum sialic acid and C-reactive protein: markers of systemic inflammation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a systemic chronic inflammatory disease with pulmonary and extra-pulmonary manifestations involving lungs causing airways dysfunction. C-reactive protein (C-RP) is a positive acute phase reactant and albumin a negative phase reactant during inflammation in COPD patients. Sialic acid (SA) prevalent in mucus rich tissues is gaining importance as biochemical marker in inflammatory immune response. Purpose of present study was to measure serum C-reactive protein (C-RP), total sialic acid and albumin levels in COPD patients and establish there association in COPD and compare with healthy controls.Methods: Seventy five clinically confirmed COPD patients, both male and female between the age group of 38-70 years were selected for the study and age/ sex matched healthy volunteers as controls were selected for comparison. Serum samples were analyzed for C-RP (mg/dl) by nephalometry and TSA (mmol/L) by periodate resorcinol method and albumin by dye binding method by spectrophotometer.Results: The mean value of serum C-RP in cases was 3.26±2.0 (mg/dl) and in controls 0.57±0.34 (mg/dl) with p<0.001. TSA in cases was 3.53±1.41 (mmol/L) compared to controls 1.81±0.53 (mmol/L), p<0.001. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between C-RP and TSA (r=0.755, p<0.001). The mean value of Albumin in cases decreased (2.54±0.87) as compared to control (4.07±0.66) (p<0.001) showed negative correlation with C-RP (r= -0.418, p<0.01) and TSA (r= -0.728, p<0.001). There was a significant decrease in BMI among cases 19.95±3.17 compared to control 21.17±1.78 p<0.001.Conclusions: C- reactive protein in association with TSA has increased in COPD as a marker of systemic inflammation. Albumin and BMI decreased as a result of nutritional depletion. Patients with low BMI and low serum albumin level have greater risk of having exacerbation, acute respiratory failure than patients with normal BMI.

    LA COMUNICAZIONE: MEDIA, PROCESSI PRODUTTIVI E NARRAZIONI Atti del workshop 2020 (Lecce, 15 – 16 ottobre)

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    Il volume, composto da 10 saggi che costituiscono solo una parte dei contributi discussi nel Workshop “La comunicazione: media, processi produttivi e narrazioni” del Dottorato in Human and Social Sciences dell’Università del Salento (Lecce, 15-16 ottobre 2020), attesta la vivacità delle riflessioni sul tema presenti nelle discipline storiche, geografiche, giuridiche, sociologiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche e tramite l’open access consente di rendere disponibili tali prodotti della ricerca alla comunità globale, scientifica e non, per divulgare le prospettive di sviluppo delle proposte di cui il Dottorato si è fatto incubator


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    La validazione italiana delle Scale di identificazione delle caratteristiche comportamentali degli alunni plusdotati ha reso necessaria una raccolta dati a livello nazionale che potesse rendere il campione abbastanza rappresentativo. Per questo motivo la somministrazione è avvenuta in tre distinte aree geografiche, Sud (Puglia), Centro (Lazio) e Nord Italia (Emilia-Romagna), grazie alla collaborazione di tre distinte istituzio- ni universitarie: • Università del Salento (capofila) • Università di Bologna • Università di Roma Tre

    Role of glycated hemoglobin (HBA1c) as a dual marker to predict glycemic status and dyslipidemia in type II diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is an endocrinological disease associated with hyperglycemia characterized by both insulin resistance and defective insulin secretion. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a routinely used marker for long-term glycemic control. This study is aimed at investigating the relationship between glycemic control and serum lipid profile and to evaluate the role of glycated haemoglobin as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases in patients with type-2 diabetes and to evaluate the diagnostic value of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in predicting diabetic dyslipidemia as a marker of circulating lipids. The aim of the present study was to estimate glycated hemoglobin and lipid profile in patients with type 2 DM and compare it with controls (healthy subjects). The association of glycated hemoglobin with lipid profile evaluated.Methods: This study was conducted in 150 subjects, out of whom 75 were type 2 diabetes mellitus patients (cases) and 75 were non diabetic healthy subjects (controls).The sera were analyzed for HbA1c, fasting blood glucose (FBG), total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL).Results: A significantly increased level of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is observed in cases compared to control. HbA1c showed direct and significant correlations with cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL and inverse correlation with HDL in cases when compared to controls. Our study also revealed a significant positive correlation between lipid profile and glycated hemoglobin.Conclusions: These findings clearly suggest that HbA1c can provide valuable supplementary information about the extent of circulating lipids besides its primary role in monitoring long-term glycemic control. Further studies are warranted to reinforce the potential of HbA1c as a biomarker for screening of high-risk diabetic patients

    DisabilitĂ  e inclusione nell'immaginario di un gruppo di insegnanti in formazione. Una ricerca sulle rappressentazioni

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    Gli atteggiamenti verso la disabilità e l’inclusione sono il risultato delle rappresentazioni che le persone creano e condividono durante l’interazione sociale: sono un’interpretazione individuale di una credenza collettiva (Ramel, 2014; Salès-Wuillemin, 2006). Partendo da questa prospettiva, l’articolo riporta i risultati di uno studio condotto tra il 2017 e il 2018 sulle rappresentazioni della disabilità e dell’inclusione di un gruppo di insegnanti in formazione. Dagli aspetti evidenziati dalla ricerca, si ravvisa la necessità di continuare a insistere sullo studio delle rappresentazioni e degli atteggiamenti degli insegnanti, anche in vista della complessificazione degli scenari sociali e dell’approccio culturale alle differenze a scuola

    Lezioni da non dimenticare… la didattica universitaria durante la pandemia: dal monitoraggio all’elaborazione delle Linee Guida sulla Teledidattica UniSalento

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    In concomitanza dell’improvvisa attivazione dei corsi universitari online dettata dall’emergenza sociosanitaria da Covid-19, il Centro sulle nuove tecnologie per la disabilità e l’inclusione (CNTHI) dell’Università del Salento ha avviato una ricerca quali-quantitativa di Ateneo finalizzata a monitorare l’impatto dell’introduzione della didattica online su docenti e studenti e ad elaborare, sulla scorta delle evidenze esposte nella ricerca che sarà presentata, linee-guida di indirizzo per l’aggiustamento e il miglioramento dell’esperienza di tele-didattica. Scongiurando ogni possibile retorica e artificiosa contrapposizione tra didattica in presenza e online, il percorso di ricerca-intervento evidenzia l’apporto che le tecnologie hanno sui processi cognitivi, relazionali e di autonomia degli studenti universitari, richiamando, però, l’importante ruolo delle competenze del docente universitario in tema di mediazione e progettazione pedagogico-didattic

    EGFR blockade reverts resistance to KRAS G12C inhibition in colorectal cancer

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    Most patients with KRAS G12C-mutant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) experience clinical benefit from selective KRASG12C inhibition, whereas patients with colorectal cancer bearing the same mutation rarely respond. To investigate the cause of the limited efficacy of KRASG12C inhibitors in colorectal cancer, we examined the effects of AMG510 in KRAS G12C colorectal cancer cell lines. Unlike NSCLC cell lines, KRAS G12C colorectal cancer models have high basal receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) activation and are responsive to growth factor stimulation. In colorectal cancer lines, KRASG12C inhibition induces higher phospho-ERK rebound than in NSCLC cells. Although upstream activation of several RTKs interferes with KRASG12C blockade, we identify EGFR signaling as the dominant mechanism of colorectal cancer resistance to KRASG12C inhibitors. The combinatorial targeting of EGFR and KRASG12C is highly effective in colorectal cancer cells and patient-derived organoids and xenografts, suggesting a novel therapeutic strategy to treat patients with KRAS G12C colorectal cancer. SIGNIFICANCE: The efficacy of KRASG12C inhibitors in NSCLC and colorectal cancer is lineage-specific. RTK dependency and signaling rebound kinetics are responsible for sensitivity or resistance to KRASG12C inhibition in colorectal cancer. EGFR and KRASG12C should be concomitantly inhibited to overcome resistance to KRASG12C blockade in colorectal tumors.See related commentary by Koleilat and Kwong, p. 1094.This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 1079
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