3,164 research outputs found

    Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a 0.08-scale YF-17 airplane model at high angles of attack and sideslip

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    Data were obtained with and without the nose boom and with several strake configurations; also, data were obtained for various control surface deflections. Analysis of the results revealed that selected strake configurations adequately provided low Reynolds number simulation of the high Reynolds number characteristics. The addition of the boom in general tended to reduce the Reynolds number effects

    Dynamics of the triple contact line on a non-isothermal heater at partial wetting

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    The dynamics of the triple gas-liquid-solid contact line is analysed for the case where the gas is the saturated vapour corresponding to the liquid, like in the vapour bubble in boiling. It is shown that even small superheating (with respect to the saturation temperature) causes evaporation of the adsorption liquid film and the true triple contact is established. It is shown that the hydrodynamic contact line singularity cannot be relaxed with the Navier slip condition under such circumstances. Augmented with the second derivative slip condition is proposed to be applied. For the partial wetting conditions, a non-stationary contact line problem where the contact line motion is caused by evaporation or condensation is treated in the lubrication approximation in the vicinity of the contact line. High heat fluxes in this region require the transient heat conduction inside the heater to be accounted for. Two 2D problems, those of drop retraction with no phase change and of drop evaporation are solved and analysed as illustrations of the proposed approach

    Low speed aerodynamic characteristics of an 0.075-scale F-15 airplane model at high angles of attack and sideslip

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    An 0.075 scale model representative of the F-15 airplane was tested in the Ames 12 foot pressure wind tunnel at a Mach number of 0.16 to determine static longitudinal and lateral directional characteristics at spin attitudes for Reynolds numbers from 1.48 to 16.4 million per meter (0.45 to 5.0 million per foot). Angles of attack ranged from 0 to +90 deg and from -40 deg to -80 deg while angles of sideslip were varied from -20 deg to +30 deg. Data were obtained for nacelle inlet ramp angles of 0 to 11 deg with the left and right stabilators deflected 0, -25 deg, and differentially 5 deg and -5 deg. The normal pointed nose and two alternate nose shapes were also tested along with several configurations of external stores. Analysis of the results indicate that at higher Reynolds numbers there is a slightly greater tendency to spin inverted than at lower Reynolds numbers. Use of a hemispherical nose in place of the normal pointed nose provided an over correction in simulating yawing moment effects at high Reynolds numbers

    Anisotropic magneto-Coulomb effect versus spin accumulation in a ferromagnetic single-electron device

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    We investigate the magneto-transport characteristics of nanospintronics single-electron devices. The devices consist of single non-magnetic nano-objects (nanometer size nanoparticles of Al or Cu) connected to Co ferromagnetic leads. The comparison with simulations allows us attribute the observed magnetoresistance to either spin accumulation or anisotropic magneto-Coulomb effect (AMC), two effects with very different origins. The fact that the two effects are observed in similar samples demonstrates that a careful analysis of Coulomb blockade and magnetoresistance behaviors is necessary in order to discriminate them in magnetic single-electron devices. As a tool for further studies, we propose a simple way to determine if spin transport or AMC effect dominates from the Coulomb blockade I-V curves of the spintronics device

    Polarization memory in single Quantum Dots

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    We measured the polarization memory of excitonic and biexcitonic optical transitions from single quantum dots at either positive, negative or neutral charge states. Positive, negative and no circular or linear polarization memory was observed for various spectral lines, under the same quasi-resonant excitation below the wetting layer band-gap. We developed a model which explains both qualitatively and quantitatively the experimentally measured polarization spectrum for all these optical transitions. We consider quite generally the loss of spin orientation of the photogenerated electron-hole pair during their relaxation towards the many-carrier ground states. Our analysis unambiguously demonstrates that while electrons maintain their initial spin polarization to a large degree, holes completely dephase.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    A Mixed-Method Analysis of Remittance Scripts Among Bolivian Immigrants in Spain

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    The use of mixed methods to deal with the complexity of remittance motivations is still infrequent. This paper uses statistical and qualitative data and provides evidence on the conceptual framework for understanding remittance behaviour proposed by the scholar Jørgen Carling. Carling''s ‘remittance scripts’ understand remittances as multifaceted transactions and enrich the assessment of the relationship between remittances and development at origin. We use quantitative and qualitative data, both extracted from an ethnosurvey conducted in Spain, to shed light on the situation of transnational Bolivian immigrants after the economic crisis of 2008. We argue that the transactions are best represented by the necessity to provide for the recipients'' basic needs

    Resolving the decades-long transient FIRST J141918.9+394036: an orphan long gamma-ray burst or a young magnetar nebula?

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    Ofek (2017) identified FIRST J141918.9+394036 (hereafter FIRST J1419+3940) as a radio source sharing similar properties and host galaxy type to the compact, persistent radio source associated with the first known repeating fast radio burst, FRB 121102. Law et al. (2018) showed that FIRST J1419+3940 is a transient source decaying in brightness over the last few decades. One possible interpretation is that FIRST J1419+3940 is a nearby analogue to FRB 121102 and that the radio emission represents a young magnetar nebula (as several scenarios assume for FRB 121102). Another interpretation is that FIRST J1419+3940 is the afterglow of an `orphan' long gamma-ray burst (GRB). The environment is similar to where most such events are produced. To distinguish between these hypotheses, we conducted radio observations using the European VLBI Network at 1.6 GHz to spatially resolve the emission and to search for millisecond-duration radio bursts. We detect FIRST J1419+3940 as a compact radio source with a flux density of 620±20 μJy620 \pm 20\ \mathrm{\mu Jy} (on 2018 September 18) and a source size of 3.9±0.7 mas3.9 \pm 0.7\ \mathrm{mas} (i.e. 1.6±0.3 pc1.6 \pm 0.3\ \mathrm{pc} given the angular diameter distance of 83 Mpc83\ \mathrm{Mpc}). These results confirm that the radio emission is non-thermal and imply an average expansion velocity of (0.10±0.02)c(0.10 \pm 0.02)c. Contemporaneous high-time-resolution observations using the 100-m Effelsberg telescope detected no millisecond-duration bursts of astrophysical origin. The source properties and lack of short-duration bursts are consistent with a GRB jet expansion, whereas they disfavor a magnetar birth nebula.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Two-photon- photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy of single quantum-dots

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    We present experimental and theoretical study of single semiconductor quantum dots excited by two non-degenerate, resonantly tuned variably polarized lasers. The first laser is tuned to excitonic resonances. Depending on its polarization it photogenerates a coherent single exciton state. The second laser is tuned to biexciton resonances. By scanning the energy of the second laser for various polarizations of the two lasers, while monitoring the emission from the biexciton and exciton spectral lines, we map the biexciton photoluminescence excitation spectra. The resonances rich spectra of the second photon absorption are analyzed and fully understood in terms of a many carrier theoretical model which takes into account the direct and exchange Coulomb interactions between the quantum confined carriers.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR