372 research outputs found

    Tracking free-ranging Pantaneiro sheep during extreme drought in the Pantanal through precision technologies.

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    The Pantanal has been facing consecutive years of extreme drought, with an impact on the quantity and quality of available pasture. However, little is known about how locally adapted breeds respond to the distribution of forage resources in this extreme drought scenario. This study aimed to evaluate the movement of free-grazing Pantaneiro sheep using a low-cost GPS to assess the main grazing sites, measure the daily distance traveled, and determine the energy requirements for walking with body weight monitoring. In a herd of 100 animals, 31 were selected for weighing, and six ewes were outfitted with GPS collars. GPS data collected on these animals every 10 m from August 2020 to May 2021 was analyzed using the Python programming language. The traveled distance and activity energy requirements (ACT) for horizontal walking (Mcal/d of NEm) were determined. The 31 ewes were weighed at the beginning and end of each season. The available dry matter (DM) and floristic composition of the grazing sites were estimated at the peak of the drought. DM was predicted using power regression with NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) (R2 = 0.94). DM estimates averaged 450 kg/ha, ranging from traces to 3830 kg/ha, indicating overall very low values. Individual variation in the frequency of use of grazing sites was observed (p < 0.05), reflecting the distances traveled and the energetic cost of the activity. The range of distances traveled by the animals varied from 3.3 to 17.7 km/d, with an average of 5.9 km/d, indicating low energy for walking. However, the traveled distance and ACT remained consistent over time; there were no significant differences observed between seasons (p > 0.05). On average, the ewes’ initial weight did not differ from the weight at the drought peak (p > 0.05), indicating that they maintained their initial weight, which is important for locally adapted breeds as it confers robustness and resilience. This study also highlighted the importance of the breed’s biodiverse diet during extreme drought, which enabled the selection of forage for energy and nutrient supplementation. The results demonstrated that precision tools such as GPS and satellite imagery enabled the study of animals in extensive systems, thereby contributing to decision-making within the production system

    Impending anthropogenic threats and protected area prioritization for jaguars in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Jaguars (Panthera onca) exert critical top-down control over large vertebrates across the Neotropics. Yet, this iconic species have been declining due to multiple threats, such as habitat loss and hunting, which are rapidly increasing across the New World tropics. Based on geospatial layers, we extracted socio-environmental variables for 447 protected areas across the Brazilian Amazon to identify those that merit short-term high-priority efforts to maximize jaguar persistence. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and comparisons of measures of central tendency. Our results reveal that areas containing the largest jaguar densities and the largest estimated population sizes are precisely among those confronting most anthropogenic threats. Jaguars are threatened in the world’s largest tropical forest biome by deforestation associated with anthropogenic fires, and the subsequent establishment of pastures. By contrasting the highest threats with the highest jaguar population sizes in a bivariate plot, we provide a shortlist of the top-10 protected areas that should be prioritized for immediate jaguar conservation efforts and 74 for short-term action. Many of these are located at the deforestation frontier or in important boundaries with neighboring countries (e.g., Peruvian, Colombian and Venezuelan Amazon). The predicament of a safe future for jaguars can only be ensured if protected areas persist and resist downgrading and downsizing due to both external anthropogenic threats and geopolitical pressures (e.g., infrastructure development and frail law enforcement)

    Pilosidade da folha do algodão nativo brasileiro como caractere morfológico para diferenciação interespecífica e intraespecífica.

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    O algodão nativo brasileiro (Gossypium mustelinum) é endêmico do Nordeste brasileiro. Entre as cinco espécies que cruzam com algodão cultivado (pool gênico primário), é a que mais se diferencia e, entre as três espécies exclusivamente selvagens do pool gênico primário, a de maior diversidade. Para comparar o número de tricomas de folhas de genótipos do algodão, folhas foram coletadas em plantas conduzidas em casa telada de dez genótipos nativos, coletados no Nordeste do Brasil e georreferenciados, e doze variedades de algodão cultivado, de diferentes países

    Comparação de antioxidantes para a cultura de tecidos de algodão.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar os antioxidantes carvão ativado (1 g L-1) e nitrato de prata (3 mg L-1) sobre a toxidez de imazapyr em uma linhagem de algodão

    Measuring local depletion of terrestrial game vertebrates by central-place hunters in rural Amazonia

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    The degree to which terrestrial vertebrate populations are depleted in tropical forests occupied by human communities has been the subject of an intense polarising debate that has important conservation implications. Conservation ecologists and practitioners are divided over the extent to which community-based subsistence offtake is compatible with ecologically functional populations of tropical forest game species. To quantify depletion envelopes of forest vertebrates around human communities, we deployed a total of 383 camera trap stations and 78 quantitative interviews to survey the peri-community areas controlled by 60 semi-subsistence communities over a combined area of over 3.2 million hectares in the Médio Juruá and Uatumã regions of Central-Western Brazilian Amazonia. Our results largely conform with prior evidence that hunting large-bodied vertebrates reduces wildlife populations near settlements, such that they are only found at a distance to settlements where they are hunted less frequently. Camera trap data suggest that a select few harvest-sensitive species, including lowland tapir, are either repelled or depleted by human communities. Nocturnal and cathemeral species were detected relatively more frequently in disturbed areas close to communities, but individual species did not necessarily shift their activity patterns. Group biomass of all species was depressed in the wider neighbourhood of urban areas rather than communities. Interview data suggest that species traits, especially group size and body mass, mediate these relationships. Large-bodied, large-group-living species are detected farther from communities as reported by experienced informants. Long-established communities in our study regions have not “emptied” the surrounding forest. Low human population density and low hunting offtake due to abundant sources of alternative aquatic protein, suggest that these communities represent a best-case scenario for sustainable hunting of wildlife for food, thereby providing a conservative assessment of game depletion. Given this ‘best-case’ camera trap and interview-based evidence for hunting depletion, regions with higher human population densities, external trade in wildlife and limited access to alternative protein will likely exhibit more severe depletion

    Elaboration of handbook about dietary fibers and bowel constipation

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    Objective: to elaborate a handbook with high-fiber foods to be used in the composition of the homogeneous liquid diet for patients in postoperative period to reduce or prevent the bowel constipation. Methods: the handbook highlights the importance of dietary fibers, classification, food sources, amount of use, interaction with other nutrients, directions for preparation, solubility, functions and problems caused by the excess ingestion. It also contains a list of food with fibers quantities present in 100 grams of each food. Such data were obtained from the Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Alimentos of Unicamp and Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Alimentos of University of São Paulo. The handbook was elaborated by students from Fundap Professional Improvement Program and distributed for free for all patients of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, in postoperative period, receiving homogeneous liquid diet. The handbook was also made available in the homepages www.centrinho.usp/manual and www.redeprofis.com.br for consultation and free copies. The handbook art and illustrations were made by a student of Marketing rom USC. Results: The use of fibers will be oriented in a preventive form for patients not showing bowel constipation and in a corrective form for those already constipated. Conclusions: Bowel constipation is a public health problem in Brazil, mainly among women, and it becomes worse when individuals are submitted to a homogeneous liquid diet in which the foods are liquefied and filtered and the residues (fibers) are rejected. In such case, the composition of this diet needs to be enriched with dietary fibers to prevent or correct the bowel constipation

    Theory of Pseudomodes in Quantum Optical Processes

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    This paper deals with non-Markovian behaviour in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum EM field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in high Q cavities or photonic band gap materials. In cases such as the former, we show that the pseudo mode theory for single quantum reservoir excitations can be obtained by applying the Fano diagonalisation method to a system in which the atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which in turn are coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants and continuum mode density. Each pseudomode can be identified with a discrete quasimode, which gives structure to the actual reservoir of true modes via the expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. The quasimode theory enables cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir to now be treated via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system. Applications of the theory to one, two and many discrete quasimodes are made. For a simple photonic band gap model, where the reservoir structure is associated with the true mode density rather than the coupling constants, the single quantum excitation case appears to be equivalent to a case with two discrete quasimodes

    Dereplication of sclerotiorin-like azaphilones produced by Penicillium meliponae using LC-MS/MS analysis and molecular networking.

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    Penicillium meliponae, a recently described and rare species, was isolated as an endophytic fungus from the Amazonian plant Duguetia sthelechantha, and has been proven to be a pigment producer. Considering the high productivity of this species and the lack of data on its chemical composition, the present study aimed to characterize the chemical profile of P. meliponae and evaluate the influence of agitation and the use of different culture media. For this purpose, liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and molecular networking were used, allowing the identification of 17 azaphilone molecules with sclerotiorin-like skeletons, becoming the first chemical report of this species. In addition, the different production patterns in the tested culture media were indicative that this species is sensitive to changes in the composition of the carbon source and to the presence of agitation. Furthermore, this work contributes to the fragmentation mechanisms of the different possible structural arrangements for azaphilones of the sclerotiorin type and serves as a repository of information on the gas-phase behavior of this type of metabolite in mass spectrometry experiments and will assist future studies aimed at the discovery of azaphilones

    Influence of sense of coherence on adolescents' self-perceived dental aesthetics:a cross-sectional study

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    Background Sense of coherence (SOC) is a psychosocial factor capable of influencing perception of health, improving one’s ability to manage life. It is the central construct of salutogenesis. SOC allows for identification and mobilization of resources to effectively manage or solve problems, promoting health and quality of life. Using Wilson-Cleary’s conceptual model we hypothesized that SOC might contribute to self-perception of dental aesthetics. The aim of this study was to investigate whether SOC levels were related to self-perception of dental aesthetics against assessed normative orthodontic treatment need among adolescents. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted with 615 male and female adolescents aged 12 to 15 years. Data collection comprised socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics, SOC (SOC 13), self-perceived dental aesthetics (Oral Aesthetic Subjective Impact Scale), and assessment of orthodontic treatment need (Dental Aesthetic Index). Statistical analysis involved Pearson’s chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney test and multiple linear regression. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was calculated for the determination of the strength of correlations among the numerical variables. The level of significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05). Results 50.1% of the participants were classified as having a high SOC (≥ median). Overall, SOC was associated with self-perceived dental aesthetics (p = 0.048). In the adolescents with no orthodontic treatment need, those with a low SOC perceived their dental aesthetics more negatively than those with high levels of SOC. The multiple regression analysis demonstrated an inverse relationship between SOC and: 1) age (p = 0.007), SOC being higher in the younger age group; 2) self-perceived dental aesthetics (p = 0.001), a higher SOC being associated with those who had a positive dental self-perception. Conclusions SOC was associated with self-perceived dental aesthetics and adolescents with a high SOC were more likely to perceive their dental aesthetics more positively. SOC did not seem to influence self-perception of dental aesthetics in adolescents who were clinically assessed as having an orthodontic treatment need, however, in those where there was no orthodontic treatment need, a low SOC was associated with a negative self-perception of dental appearance