360 research outputs found

    Optomechanical creation of magnetic fields for photons on a lattice

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    We propose using the optomechanical interaction to create artificial magnetic fields for photons on a lattice. The ingredients required are an optomechanical crystal, i.e. a piece of dielectric with the right pattern of holes, and two laser beams with the right pattern of phases. One of the two proposed schemes is based on optomechanical modulation of the links between optical modes, while the other is an lattice extension of optomechanical wavelength-conversion setups. We illustrate the resulting optical spectrum, photon transport in the presence of an artificial Lorentz force, edge states, and the photonic Aharonov-Bohm effect. Moreover, wWe also briefly describe the gauge fields acting on the synthetic dimension related to the phonon/photon degree of freedom. These can be generated using a single laser beam impinging on an optomechanical array

    Confinement-induced resonances for a two-component ultracold atom gas in arbitrary quasi-one-dimensional traps

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    We solve the two-particle s-wave scattering problem for ultracold atom gases confined in arbitrary quasi-one-dimensional trapping potentials, allowing for two different atom species. As a consequence, the center-of-mass and relative degrees of freedom do not factorize. We derive bound-state solutions and obtain the general scattering solution, which exhibits several resonances in the 1D scattering length induced by the confinement. We apply our formalism to two experimentally relevant cases: (i) interspecies scattering in a two-species mixture, and (ii) the two-body problem for a single species in a non-parabolic trap.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Consumer attitudes and preference exploration towards fresh-cut salads using best–worst scaling and latent class analysis

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    This research explored the preferences and buying habits of a sample of 620 consumers of fresh-cut, ready-to-eat salads. A best–worst scaling approach was used to measure the level of preference stated by individuals regarding 12 attributes for quality (intrinsic, extrinsic and credence) of fresh-cut salads. The experiment was carried out through direct interviews at several large-scale retail outlets in the Turin metropolitan area (north-west of Italy). Out of the total number of questioned consumers, 35% said they did not consume fresh-cut salads. On the contrary, the rest of the involved sample expressed the highest degree of preference towards the freshness/appearance attribute, followed by the expiration date and the brand. On the contrary, attributes such as price, organic certification and food safety did not emerge as discriminating factors in consumer choices. Additionally, five clusters of consumers were identified, whose preferences are related both to purchasing styles and socio-demographic variables. In conclusion, this research has highlighted the positive attitude of consumers towards quality products backed by a brand, providing ideas for companies to improve within this sector and implement strategies to answer the needs of a new segment of consumers, by determining market opportunities that aim to strengthen local brands

    Ecological and economic indicators for the evaluation of almond (Prunus dulcis l.) orchard renewal in sicily

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    Globally, almond production is experiencing a growing trend thanks to a strong interest in the health, gastronomic, and industrial properties that are linked to the fruits and their derivatives. After a constant and marked decline in the second half of the last century, the Mediterranean Basin is thoroughly reassessing this crop, which provides significant results with a modern orchard management. The opportunity determined by the transition from traditional to modern systems have increased the interest in evaluating the different environmental impacts of the two cultivation models that still coexist today. In this work, through the application of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and an economic assessment approach with an in-depth analysis related to the cultivation cycle and the use of resources, the role played by each factor involved in production was determined. Overall, the Greenhouses Gases (GHG) emissions in modern farms are higher (Global Warming Potential (GWP) 0.224 kg CO2 eq.) than those in traditional farms (GWP 0.182 kg CO2 eq.). Regarding the economic assessment, it appears relevant that the modern almond model in the full production phase guarantees significantly higher margins (+84%).The perception of the importance attributed to evaluating economic and environmental aspects by different stakeholders shows relevant differences in the approach coming from growers, dealers, and governmental institutions allows the investigators to positively underline the current innovation in almond orchard systems considering the balance between fruit production and the conservation of environmental resources

    Quasienergy description of the driven Jaynes-Cummings model

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    We analyze the driven resonantly coupled Jaynes-Cummings model in terms of a quasienergy approach by switching to a frame rotating with the external modulation frequency and by using the dressed atom picture. A quasienergy surface in phase space emerges whose level spacing is governed by a rescaled effective Planck constant. Moreover, the well-known multiphoton transitions can be reinterpreted as resonant tunneling transitions from the local maximum of the quasienergy surface. Most importantly, the driving defines a quasienergy well which is nonperturbative in nature. The quantum mechanical quasienergy state localized at its bottom is squeezed. In the Purcell limited regime, the potential well is metastable and the effective local temperature close to its minimum is uniquely determined by the squeezing factor. The activation occurs in this case via dressed spin flip transitions rather than via quantum activation as in other driven nonlinear quantum systems such as the quantum Duffing oscillator. The local maximum is in general stable. However, in presence of resonant coherent or dissipative tunneling transitions the system can escape from it and a stationary state arises as a statistical mixture of quasienergy states being localized in the two basins of attraction. This gives rise to a resonant or an antiresonant nonlinear response of the cavity at multiphoton transitions. The model finds direct application in recent experiments with a driven superconducting circuit QED setup.Comment: 13 pages, 8 fi

    Dietary Patterns at the Individual Level through a Nutritional and Environmental Approach: The Case Study of a School Canteen

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    The public catering sector has important responsibilities in seeking a change toward more sustainable choices for many aspects related to the environmental impacts of their services. The environmental impact of production processes can be studied through life cycle assessment (LCA), which allows a greater awareness of choices and has rarely been applied to catering. In this work, we studied the impacts of two dishes (braised meat and cauliflower meatballs) in a school canteen, their impacts were studied using the daily energy requirement (expressed in kcal) as a functional unit. Global warming potential (GWP) and nonrenewable energy (NRE) were calculated starting from the supply of raw materials up to distribution. Electricity and the act of cooking the meatballs accounted for more than 60% of the measured impact in terms of GWP, whereas, less markedly, they dominated in terms of nonrenewable energy used. In the case of braised meat, the total impact was, however, attributable to the life cycle of the meat (between 60% and 76%) and the consumption of electricity (between 19% and 27%), whereas for all other factors, the contribution was never particularly high. Additionally, a discussion on the correct functional unit to be used proposed the environmental impact of different recipes as an additional criterion for nutritionists during the composition of the menu. An integrated system appears important for changing policies and behaviors and the application of LCA can be a tool capable of contributing to the construction of a holistic instrument of sustainability

    Community garden initiatives addressing health and well‐being outcomes: A systematic review of infodemiology aspects, outcomes, and target populations

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    Previous research has suggested that activities such as community gardens could offer a wide range of health benefits. The aim of the article is to systematically review the available literature to analyse the magnitude of the phenomenon, the geographical distribution, and the main characteristics in terms of health outcomes and target populations. The search addresses the question whether the activity in community gardens improves health and well-being outcomes of individuals. From the total amount of 7226, 84 selected articles showed that:(1) up to 50% are published by U.S. universities or institutions; (2) up to 44% of the studies considered “community gardens” as the main activity of the research focus; (3) one-third of the studies included adults; (4) almost 25% of the studies used “general health” as the main outcome when investigating the benefits of community gardens; (5) the percentage of studies that achieved their outcomes was heterogeneous among the different health dimensions. In conclusion, while a certain degree of heterogeneity in the used definition and outcome still exist, community gardens may be a viable strategy for well-being promotion in terms of psychological, social, and physical health and may be considered as an innovative urban strategy to promote urban public health


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    The economic development of rural areas has rarely followed that of urban centres, with greater evidence of this in developing countries where the outlying communities have remained considerably more remote from the systems of cultural and economic growth. Even if this has had negative repercussions in terms of social equilibrium within the various countries, from a strictly agronomic point of view it has often resulted in the natural conservation of indigenous and native biodiversity. This has been affected by the natural and daily use of local plant extracts both for nutritional purposes and for a variety of other reasons. The exchange of genetic material between one community and another, often a sign of respect and friendship, has helped to increase plant diversity and to enhance its role in the everyday diet of rural populations. Any activity aimed at conserving biodiversity cannot disregard the fact that native plant species (and even more indigenous species) now play a vital role in the cultural identity of rural communities, and that making such communities aware of this precious asset can also play a strategic part in the idea of promoting biological diversity as a way of developing local economies. Such evidence clearly emerged through the various activities conducted in the context of the project, FAO GTF/RAF/426/ITA Promoting Origin-linked Quality Products in Four Countries in West Africa, financed by the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity Onlus. This project, conducted in 4 West African countries (Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Mali), aimed to carry out a study of these 4 states and draw up an inventory of the traditional plant and animal species, to examine the link between these and the diet of rural populations, and to assess the risks of genetic erosion by actions to safeguard the native biodiversity
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