27 research outputs found

    Evolving provenance in the Proterozoic Pranhita-Godavari Basin, India

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    The Pranhita-Godavari Basin in central eastern India is one of the Proterozoic “Purāna” basins of cratonic India. New geochronology demonstrates that it has a vast depositional history of repeated basin reactivation from the Palaeoproterozoic to the Mesozoic. U-Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry dating of detrital zircons from two samples of the Somanpalli Group—a member of the oldest sedimentary cycle in the valley—constrains its depositional age to ∼1620 Ma and demonstrates a tripartite age provenance with peaks at ∼3500 Ma, ∼2480 Ma and ∼1620 Ma, with minor age peaks in the Eoarchaean (∼3.8 Ga) and at ∼2750 Ma. These ages are consistent with palaeocurrent data suggesting a southerly source from the Krishna Province and Enderby Land in East Antarctica. The similarity in the maximum depositional age with previously published authigenic glauconite ages suggest that the origin of the Pranhita-Godvari Graben originated as a rift that formed at a high angle to the coeval evolving late Meosproterozoic Krishna Province as Enderby Land collided with the Dharwar craton of India. In contrast, detrital zircons from the Cycle III Sullavai Group red sandstones yielded a maximum depositional age of 970 ± 20 Ma and had age peaks of ∼2550 Ma, ∼1600 Ma and then a number of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircons terminating in three analyses at ∼970 Ma. The provenance of these is again consistent with a southerly source from the Eastern Ghats Orogen and Antarctica. Later cycles of deposition include the overlying Albaka/Usur Formations and finally the late Palaeozoic to Mesozoic Gondwana Supergroup

    Sinuous stromatolites of the Chandi Formation, Chattisgarh Basin, India: Their origin and implications for Mesoproterozoic seawater

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    Remnants of some of the planet's most ancient life forms, stromatolites in the late Mesoproterozoic sea of the Chattisgarh Basin, India, preserve a conspicuous sinuous pattern. They occur as successive biostromes, 10-30 cm thick, separated by 2-5-cm-thick marly layers and discrete bioherms up to several metres thick and 20 m across. Stromatolite columns in the Chandi Formation are 5-10 cm high, sinuous, inclined and straight, with both branched and non-branched types. These stromatolites are composed of calcite micrite and show well defined light and dark laminae with evidence of erosion between lamina sets. The column sinuosity probably originated as a response to changes in direction and strength of currents. Successive flat beds of stromatolite (biostromes), separated by marl/clay horizons, impart a rhythmic pattern to the succession. The Chandi sinuous stromatolite columns resemble those occurring in China, North America and Siberia, of a comparable age, suggesting that similar marine conditions of stromatolite formation might have been operating in the late Mesoproterozoic seas worldwide. However, the petrographic and sedimentological analyses of these stromatolites indicate their development through in situ production of carbonate with some trapping and binding of detrital sediment. As a result of the presence of terrigenous material within the stromatolites, whole-rock geochemical analyses for trace elements and rare earth elements cannot be used for interpretation of seawater chemistry and the redox conditions at the time

    A Palaeoproterozoic dolomite (Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah Basin, India) showing Phanerozoic-type dolomitisation

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    © 2019 The Palaeoproterozoic Vempalle Formation of the Cuddapah Basin, India, significantly adds to our understanding of the evolution of Precambrian marine carbonate systems and the redox state of the Earth's early oceans. A facies-microfacies-diagenetic-geochemical examination of samples from a ∼1000-m long exposure in a freshly-cut canal section shows that 10–15% of precursor limestone is still preserved in the Vempalle Formation in the form of remnant patches of calcimicrite and ooids with calcite spar cement. The ooids, preserving primary radial and concentric fabrics and radial fractures, are considered to have been originally precipitated as calcite, which may have been low-Mg. In places the preserved calcite spar, that is partially replaced by fabric-destructive dolomite, shows Type I calcite twin lamellae. Petrographic observations demonstrate that Vempalle Formation dolomite formed through very early precipitation, which in stromatolites preserved microbial filaments, as well as through fabric-destructive dolomitization during shallow to moderate burial. Vempalle Formation dolomite is characterized by micritic dolomite crystals which suggest rapid early dolomitization of lime mud and micritic calcite from a supersaturated Mg-Ca-rich solution, probably near-surface or during shallow burial. Depletion of Na and Sr contents of Vempalle Formation dolomite along with negative δ18O values indicate dolomite recrystallisation during burial and further replacement. Dolomite δ13C values of −0.5 to 2‰ are likely inherited original marine values. Geochemical proxies (trace elements and rare earths) imply that Cuddapah Basin seawater and dolomitizing fluids were anoxic and ferruginous but not euxinic. Geochemical analyses also indicate that the burial diagenetic fluids evolved from Eu-enriched seawater that probably resulted from continental rifting around 1.9–2.0 Ga. This probable ocean chemistry is in contrast with the anoxic, ferruginous and extremely high Mg/Ca “dolomite oceans” that prevailed during Proterozoic time. The Vempalle dolomite shows more similarities with dolomitised Phanerozoic platform carbonates than typical Precambrian dolomite with its well-preserved textures and burial dolospar cements

    Detrital mineral age, radiogenic isotopic stratigraphy and tectonic significance of the Cuddapah Basin, India

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    The Cuddapah Basin is one of a series of Proterozoic basins that overlie the cratons of India that, due to limited geochronological and provenance constraints, have remained subject to speculation as to their time of deposition, sediment source locations, and tectonic/geodynamic significance. Here we present 21 new, stratigraphically constrained, U–Pb detrital zircon samples from all the main depositional units within the Cuddapah Basin. These data are supported by Hf isotopic data from 12 of these samples, that also encompass the stratigraphic range, and detrital muscovite 40Ar/39Ar data from a sample of the Srisailam Formation. Taken together, the data demonstrate that the Papaghni and lower Chitravati Groups were sourced from the Dharwar Craton, in what is interpreted to be a rift basin that evolved into a passive margin. The Nallamalai Group is here constrained to be deposited between 1659 ± 22 Ma and ~ 1590 Ma. It was sourced from the coeval Krishna Orogen to the east, and was deposited in its foreland basin. Nallamalai Group detrital zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope values directly overlap with similar data from the Ongole Domain metasedimentary rocks. Depositional age constraints on the Srisailam Formation are permissive with it being coeval with the Nallamalai Group and it was possibly deposited within the same basin. The Kurnool Group saw a return to Dharwar Craton derived provenance and is constrained to being Neoproterozoic. It may represent deposition in a long-wavelength basin forelandward of the Tonian Eastern Ghats Orogeny. Detrital zircons from the Gandikota Formation, which is traditionally considered a part of the Chitravati Group, constrain it to being deposited after 1181 ± 29 Ma, more than 700 Ma after the lower Chitravati Group. It is possible that the Gandikota Formation is correlative with the Kurnool Group.The new data suggest that the Nallamalai Group correlates temporally and tectonically with the Somanpalli Group of the Pranhita–Godavari Valley Basin, which is tightly constrained to being deposited at ~ 1620 Ma. These syn-orogenic foreland basin deposits firmly link the SE India Proterozoic basins to their orogenic hinterland with their discovery filling a ‘missing-link’ in the tectonic development of the region

    Carbonate xenoliths hosted by the Mesoproterozoic Siddanpalli Kimberlite Cluster (Eastern Dharwar craton): Implications for the geodynamic evolution of southern India and its diamond and uranium metallogenesis

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    A number of limestone and metasomatised carbonate xenoliths occur in the 1,090 Ma Siddanpalli kimberlite cluster, Raichur kimberlite Field, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India. These xenoliths are inferred to have been derived from the carbonate horizons of the Kurnool (Palnad) and Bhima Proterozoic basins and provide evidence for a connection between these basins in the geological past. A revised Mesoproterozoic age is proposed for the Bhima and Kurnool (Palnad) basins based on this kimberlite association and is in agreement with similar proposals made recently for the Chattisgarh and Upper Vindhyan sediments in Central India. The observed Bhima–Kurnool interbasinal uplift may have been caused by: (1) extension- or plume-related mafic alkaline magmatism that included the emplacement of the southern Indian kimberlites at *1.1 Ga, (2) mantle plume-related doming of the peninsular India during the Cretaceous, or (3) Quaternary differential uplift in this region. It is not possible, with the currently available geological information to constrain the exact timing of this uplift. The deep erosion of primary diamond sources in the Raichur kimberlite Field in the upper reaches of the Krishna River caused by this uplift could be the elusive source of the alluvial diamonds of the Krishna valley. Mesoproterozoic sedimentary basins can host world class unconformity-type uranium deposits. In light of its inferred Mesoproterozoic age, a more detailed stratigraphic and metallogenic analysis of the Kurnool basin is suggested for uranium exploration