149 research outputs found

    Identifying the counterpart of HESS J1858+020

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    HESS J1858+020 is a weak gamma-ray source that does not have any clear cataloged counterpart at any wavelengths. Recently, the source G35.6-0.4 was re-identified as a SNR. The HESS source lies towards the southern border of this remnant. The purpose of this work is to investigate the interstellar medium around the mentioned sources in order to look for possible counterparts of the very-high energy emission. Using the 13CO J=1-0 line from the Galactic Ring Survey and mid-IR data from GLIMPSE we analyze the environs of HESS J1858+020 and SNR G35.6-0.4. The 13CO data show the presence of a molecular cloud towards the southern border of SNR G35.6-0.4 and at the same distance as the remnant. This cloud is composed by two molecular clumps, one, over the SNR shell and the other located at the center of HESS J1858+020. We estimate a molecular mass and a density of ~ 5 X 10^{3} Msun and ~ 500 cm^{-3}, respectively for each clump. Considering the gamma-ray flux observed towards HESS J1858+020, we estimate that a molecular cloud with a density of at least 150 cm^{-3} could explain the very-high energy emission hadronically. Thus, we suggest that the gamma-ray emission detected in HESS J1858+020 is due to hadronic mechanism. Additionally, analyzing mid-IR emission, we find that the region is active in star formation, which could be considered as an alternative or complementary possibility to explain the very-high energy emission.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Lette

    Unveiling the circumstellar environment towards a massive young stellar object

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    As a continuation of a previous work, in which we found strong evidence of massive molecular outflows towards a massive star forming site, we present a new study of this region based on very high angular resolution observations with the aim of discovering the outflow driven mechanism. Using near-IR data acquired with Gemini-NIRI at the broad H- and Ks-bands, we study a region of 22" x 22" around the UCHII region G045.47+0.05, a massive star forming site at the distance of about 8 kpc. To image the source with the highest spatial resolution possible we employed the adaptative optic system ALTAIR, achieving an angular resolution of about 0.15". We discovered a cone-like shape nebula with an opening angle of about 90 degree extending eastwards the IR source 2MASS J19142564+1109283, a very likely MYSO. This morphology suggests a cavity that was cleared in the circumstellar material and its emission may arise from scattered continuum light, warm dust, and likely emission lines from shock-excited gas. The nebula, presenting arc-like features, is connected with the IR source through a jet-like structure, which is aligned with the blue shifted CO outflow found in a previous study. The near-IR structure lies ~3" north of the radio continuum emission, revealing that it is not spatially coincident with the UCHII region. The observed morphology and structure of the near-IR nebula strongly suggest the presence of a precessing jet. In this study we have resolved the circumstellar ambient (in scale of a thousand A.U.) of a distant MYSO, indeed one of the farthest cases.Comment: Accepted in A&A Letters (October 2013

    Mapping the 13CO/C18O abundance ratio in the massive star forming region G29.96-0.02

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    Estimating molecular abundances ratios from the direct measurement of the emission of the molecules towards a variety of interstellar environments is indeed very useful to advance in our understanding of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy, and hence of the physical processes related to the chemistry. It is necessary to increase the sample of molecular clouds, located at different distances, in which the behavior of molecular abundance ratios, such as the 13CO/C18O ratio (X), is studied in detail. We selected the well-studied high-mass star-forming region G29.96-0.02, located at a distance of about 6.2 kpc, which is an ideal laboratory to perform this kind of studies. To study the X towards this region it was used 12CO J=3-2 data obtained from COHRS, 13CO and C18O J=3-2 data from CHIMPS, and 13CO and C18O J=2-1 data retrieved from the CDS database (observed with the IRAM 30m telescope). The distribution of column densities and X throughout the molecular cloud was studied based on LTE and non-LTE methods. Values of X between 1.5 to 10.5, with an average of 5, were found, showing that, besides the dependency between X and the galactocentric distance, the local physical conditions may strongly affect this abundance ratio. We found that correlating the X map with the location of the ionized gas and dark clouds allows us to suggest in which regions the far-UV radiation stalls in dense gaseous components, and in which ones it escapes and selectively photodissociates the C18O isotope. The non-LTE analysis shows that the molecular gas has very different physical conditions, not only spatially across the cloud, but also along the line of sight. This kind of studies may represent a tool to indirectly estimate (from molecular lines observations) the degree of photodissociation in molecular clouds, which is indeed useful to study the chemistry in the interstellar medium.Comment: Accepted in A&A (July 10, 2018

    Discovering a misaligned CO outflow related to the red MSX source G034.5964-01.0292

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    The red MSX source G034.5964-01.0292 (MSXG34), catalogued as a massive YSO, was observed in molecular lines with the aim of discover and study molecular outflows. We mapped a region of 3'x3' centered at MSXG34 using the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment in the 12CO J=3-2 and HCO+ J=4-3 lines with an angular and spectral resolution of 22" and 0.11 km/s, respectively. Additionally, public 13CO J=1-0 and near-IR UKIDSS data obtained from the Galactic Ring Survey and the WFCAM Sciencie Archive, respectively, were analyzed. We found that the 12CO spectra towards the YSO present a self-absorption dip, as it is usual in star forming regions, and spectral wings evidencing outflow activity. The HCO+ was detected only towards the MSXG34 position at v_LSR ~ 14.2 km/s, in coincidence with the 12CO absorption dip and approximately with the velocity of previous ammonia observations. HCO+ and NH3 are known to be enhanced in molecular outflows. Analyzing the spectral wings of the 12CO line, we discovered misaligned red- and blue-shifted molecular outflows associated with MSXG34. The near-IR emission shows a cone-like shape nebulosity composed by two arc-like features related to the YSO, which can be due to a cavity cleared in the circumstellar material by a precessing jet. This can explain the misalignment in the molecular outflows. From the analysis of the 13CO J=1--0 data we suggest that the YSO is very likely related to a molecular clump ranging between 10 and 14 km/s. This suggests that MSXG34, with an associated central velocity of about 14 km/s, may be located in the background of this clump. Thus, the blue-shifted outflow is probably deflected by the interaction with dense gas along the line of sight.Comment: Accepted in A&A June 10, 201

    Studying the Molecular Ambient towards the Young Stellar Object EGO G35.04-0.47

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    We are performing a systematic study of the interstellar medium around extended green objects (EGOs), likely massive young stellar objects driving outflows. EGO G35.04-0.47 is located towards a dark cloud at the northern-west edge of an HII region. Recently, H2 jets were discovered towards this source, mainly towards its southwest, where the H2 1-0 S(1) emission peaks. Therefore, the source was catalogued as the Molecular Hydrogen emission-line object MHO 2429. In order to study the molecular ambient towards this star-forming site, we observed a region around the aforementioned EGO using the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment in the 12CO J=3--2, 13CO J=3--2, HCO+ J=4--3, and CS J=7--6 lines with an angular and spectral resolution of 22" and 0.11 km s-1, respectively. The observations revealed a molecular clump where the EGO is embedded at v_LSR ~ 51 km s-1, in coincidence with the velocity of a Class I 95 GHz methanol maser previously detected. Analyzing the 12CO line we discovered high velocity molecular gas in the range from 34 to 47 km s-1, most likely a blueshifted outflow driven by the EGO. The alignment and shape of this molecular structure coincide with those of the southwest lobe of MHO 2429 mainly between 46 and 47 km s-1, confirming that we are mapping its CO counterpart. Performing a SED analysis of EGO G35.04-0.47 we found that its central object should be an intermediate-mass young stellar object accreting mass at a rate similar to those found in some massive YSOs. We suggest that this source can become a massive YSO.Comment: accepted to be published in PASJ - 24 September 201

    Radio and X-ray study of two multi-shell Supernova Remnants: Kes79 and G352.7-0.1

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    We investigate two multi-shell galactic supernova remnants (SNRs), Kes79 and G352.7-0.1, to understand the causes of such morphology. The research was carried out based on new and reprocessed archival VLA observations and XMM-Newton archival data. The surrounding was investigated based on data extracted from the HI Canadian Galactic Plane Survey, the 13^CO Galactic Ring Survey and the HI Southern Galactic Plane Survey. The present study revealed that the overall morphology of both SNRs is the result of the mass-loss history of their respective progenitor stars. Kes79 would be the product of the gravitational collapse of a massive O9 star evolving near a molecular cloud and within the precursor's wind-driven bubble, while G352.7-0.1 would be the result of interactions of the SNR with an asymmetric wind from the progenitor together with projection effects. No radio point source or pulsar wind nebula was found associated with the X-ray pulsar CXOU J185238.6+004020 in Kes79. The X-ray study of G352.7-0.1, on its hand, revealed that most of the thermal X-ray radiation completely fills in the interior of the remnant and originates in heated ejecta. Characteristic parameters, like radio flux, radio spectral index, age, distance, shock velocity, initial energy and luminosity, were estimated for both SNRs.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures. Accepted to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Early phases of star formation: testing chemical tools

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    The star forming processes strongly influence the ISM chemistry. Nowadays, there are available many high-quality databases at millimeter wavelengths. Using them, it is possible to carry out studies that review and deepen previous results. If these studies involve large samples of sources, it is preferred to use direct tools to study the molecular gas. With the aim of testing these tools such as the use of the HCN/HNC ratio as a thermometer, and the use of H13^{13}CO+^{+}, HC3_{3}N, N2_{2}H+^{+}, and C2_{2}H as "chemical clocks", we present a molecular line study towards 55 sources representing massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) at different evolutive stages: infrared dark clouds (IRDCs), high-mass protostellar objects (HMPOs), hot molecular cores (HMCs) and ultracompact HII regions (UCHII). We found that the use of HCN/HNC ratio as an universal thermometer in the ISM should be taken with care because the HCN optical depth is a big issue that can affect the method. Hence, this tool should be used only after a careful analysis of the HCN spectrum, checking that no line, neither the main nor the hyperfine ones, present absorption features. We point out that the analysis of the emission of H13^{13}CO+^{+}, HC3_{3}N, N2_{2}H+^{+}, and C2_{2}H could be useful to trace and distinguish regions among IRDCs, HMPOs and HMCs. The molecular line widths of these four species increase from the IRDC to the HMC stage, which can be a consequence of the gas dynamics related to the star-forming processes taking place in the molecular clumps. Our results do not only contribute with more statistics regarding to probe such chemical tools, useful to obtain information in large samples of sources, but also complement previous works through the analysis on other types of sources.Comment: accepted to be published in Research in Astronomy & Astrophysics, October 13, 202

    12CO and 13CO J=3-2 observations toward N11 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    After 30 Doradus, N11 is the second largest and brightest nebula in the LMC. This large nebula has several OB associations with bright nebulae at its surroundings. N11 was previously mapped at the lowest rotational transitions of 12^{12}CO (J=1--0 and 2--1), and in some particular regions pointings of the 13^{13}CO J=1--0 and 2--1 lines were also performed. Using ASTE we mapped the whole extension of the N11 nebula in the 12^{12}CO J=3--2 line, and three sub-regions in the 13^{13}CO J=3--2 line. The regions mapped in the 13^{13}CO J=3--2 were selected based on that they may be exposed to the radiation at different ways: a region lying over the nebula related to the OB association LH10 (N11B), another one that it is associated with the southern part of the nebula related to the OB association LH13 (N11D), and finally a farther area at the southwest without any embedded OB association (N11I). We found that the morphology of the molecular clouds lying in each region shows some signatures that could be explained by the expansion of the nebulae and the action of the radiation. Fragmentation generated in a molecular shell due to the expansion of the N11 nebula is suggested. The integrated line ratios 12^{12}CO/13^{13}CO show evidences of selective photodissociation of the 13^{13}CO, and probably other mechanisms such as chemical fractionation. The CO contribution to the continuum at 870 μ\mum was directly derived. The distribution of the integrated line ratios 12^{12}CO J=3--2/2--1 show hints of stellar feedback in N11B and N11D. The ratio between the virial and LTE mass (Mvir_{\rm vir}/MLTE_{\rm LTE}) is higher than unity in all analyzed molecular clumps, which suggests that the clumps are not gravitationally bounded and may be supported by external pressure. A non-LTE analysis suggests that we are mapping gas with densities about a few 103^{3} cm−3^{-3}.Comment: Accepted to be published in A&A. Figures were degrade
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