1,471 research outputs found

    A Common Explosion Mechanism for Type Ia Supernovae

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    Type Ia supernovae, the thermonuclear explosions of white dwarf stars composed of carbon and oxygen, were instrumental as distance indicators in establishing the acceleration of the universe's expansion. However, the physics of the explosion are debated. Here we report a systematic spectral analysis of a large sample of well observed type Ia supernovae. Mapping the velocity distribution of the main products of nuclear burning, we constrain theoretical scenarios. We find that all supernovae have low-velocity cores of stable iron-group elements. Outside this core, nickel-56 dominates the supernova ejecta. The outer extent of the iron-group material depends on the amount of nickel-56 and coincides with the inner extent of silicon, the principal product of incomplete burning. The outer extent of the bulk of silicon is similar in all SNe, having an expansion velocity of ~11000 km/s and corresponding to a mass of slightly over one solar mass. This indicates that all the supernovae considered here burned similar masses, and suggests that their progenitors had the same mass. Synthetic light curve parameters and three-dimensional explosion simulations support this interpretation. A single explosion scenario, possibly a delayed detonation, may thus explain most type Ia supernovae.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Supernova 1996L: evidence of a strong wind episode before the explosion

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    Observations of the type II SN 1996L reveal the presence of a slowly expanding (V~700$ km/s) shell at ~ 10^(16) cm from the exploding star. Narrow emission features are visible in the early spectra superposed on the normal SN spectrum. Within about two months these features develop narrow symmetric P-Cygni profiles. About 100 days after the explosion the light curve suddenly flattens, the spectral lines broaden and the Halpha flux becomes larger than what is expected from a purely radioactive model. These events are interpreted as signatures of the onset of the interaction between the fast moving ejecta and a slowly moving outer shell of matter ejected before the SN explosion. At about 300 days the narrow lines disappear and the flux drops until the SN fades away, suggesting that the interaction phase is over and that the shell has been swept away. Simple calculations show that the superwind episode started 9 yr before the SN explosion and lasted 6 yr, with an average dM/dt=10^(-3) M_solar/yr. Even at very late epochs (up to day 335) the typical forbidden lines of [OI], CaII], [FeII] remain undetected or very weak. Spectra after day 270 show relatively strong emission lines of HeI. These lines are narrower than other emission lines coming from the SN ejecta, but broader than those from the CSM. These high excitation lines are probably the result of non-thermal excitation and ionization caused by the deposition of the gamma-rays emitted in the decay of radioactive material mixed in the He layer.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Latex, To appear in M.N.R.A.

    Exploring the spectroscopic diversity of Type Ia Supernovae

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    The velocities and equivalent widths (EWs) of a set of absorption features are measured for a sample of 28 well-observed Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) covering a wide range of properties. The values of these quantities at maximum are obtained through interpolation/extrapolation and plotted against the decline rate, and so are various line ratios. The SNe are divided according to their velocity evolution into three classes defined in a previous work of Benetti et al.: low velocity gradient (LVG), high velocity gradient (HVG) and FAINT. It is found that all the LVG SNe have approximately uniform velocities at B maximum, while the FAINT SNe have values that decrease with increasing Delta m_15(B), and the HVG SNe have a large spread. The EWs of the Fe-dominated features are approximately constant in all SNe, while those of Intermediate mass element (IME) lines have larger values for intermediate decliners and smaller values for brighter and FAINT SNe. The HVG SNe have stronger Si II 6355-A lines, with no correlation with Delta m_15(B). It is also shown that the Si II 5972 A EW and three EW ratios, including one analogous to the R(Si II) ratio introduced by Nugent et al., are good spectroscopic indicators of luminosity. The data suggest that all LVG SNe have approximately constant kinetic energy, since burning to IME extends to similar velocities. The FAINT SNe may have somewhat lower energies. The large velocities and EWs of the IME lines of HVG SNe appear correlated with each other, but are not correlated with the presence of high-velocity features in the Ca II infrared triplet in the earliest spectra for the SNe for which such data exist.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figures, updated (typo and style corrections). MNRAS, in pres

    Long Gamma-Ray Bursts and Type Ic Core Collapse Supernovae Have Similar Locations in Hosts

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    When the afterglow fades at the site of a long-duration gamma-ray burst (LGRB), Type Ic supernovae (SN Ic) are the only type of core collapse supernova observed. Recent work found that a sample of LGRB in high-redshift galaxies had different environments from a collection of core-collapse environments, which were identified from their colors and light curves. LGRB were in the brightest regions of their hosts, but the core-collapse sample followed the overall distribution of the galaxy light. Here we examine 504 supernovae with types assigned based on their spectra that are located in nearby (z < 0.06) galaxies for which we have constructed surface photometry from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The distributions of the thermonuclear supernovae (SN Ia) and some varieties of core-collapse supernovae (SN II and SN Ib) follow the galaxy light, but the SN Ic (like LGRB) are much more likely to erupt in the brightest regions of their hosts. The high-redshift hosts of LGRB are overwhelmingly irregulars, without bulges, while many low redshift SN Ic hosts are spirals with small bulges. When we remove the bulge light from our low-redshift sample, the SN Ic and LGRB distributions agree extremely well. If both LGRB and SN Ic stem from very massive stars, then it seems plausible that the conditions necessary for forming SN Ic are also required for LGRB. Additional factors, including metallicity, may determine whether the stellar evolution of a massive star leads to a LGRB with an underlying broad-lined SN Ic, or simply a SN Ic without a gamma-ray burst.Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal, 12 pages, 3 tables, 4 figures, SN sample size increases from 263 to 504 in v2, varying host magnitude and distance shown not to introduce systematic error in measurement
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