295 research outputs found

    Characterization and hormonal modulation of immunoreactive thiamin carrier protein secreted by adult rat Leydig cells in vitro

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    Leydig cells isolated from adult rats and maintained under defined conditions in culture secrete a protein of molecular weight (Mr) 70 000 which is immunologically similar to chicken thiamin carrier protein (TCP). Synthesis of immunoreactive TCP by these cells is demonstrated by immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine incorporated, newly synthesized proteins with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to chicken TCP. The amount of immunoreactive TCP secreted into the culture supernatant is quantitated by using a specific radioimmunoassay. Under the influence of LH, secretion of immunoreactive TCP is enhanced 3-fold and can be inhibited by up to 70% with aromatase inhibitor (1,4,6-androstatrien-3,17-dione). Cyclic AMP acts as a second messenger in the sequence of events involved in LH-induced elevation of immunoreactive TCP in Leydig cells. The effects of exogenous estradiol-17beta and diethylstilbestrol are comparable in terms of stimulation of secretion of immunoreactive TCP by these cells. Tamoxifen brought about a 70% decrease in the elevated levels of immunoreactive TCP. These results suggest that estrogen mediates immunoreactive TCP induction in hormonally stimulated adult rat Leydig cells

    Enzymic conversion of agmatine to putrescine in Lathyrus sativus seedlings. Purification and properties of a multifunctional enzyme (Putrescine synthase)

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    The participation of a multifunctional enzyme (a single polypeptide with multiple catalytic activities (14)) has been demonstrated in the conversion of agmatine to putrescine in Lathyrus sativus seedlings. This enzyme (putrescine synthase) with inherent activities of agmatine iminohydrolase, putrescine transcarbamylase, ornithine transcarbamylase, and carbamate kinase has been purified to homogeneity and has Mr = 55,000. In the presence of inorganic phosphate, the enzyme catalyzed the stoichiometric conversion of agmatine and ornithine to putrescine and citrulline, respectively. The different activities associated with the enzyme copurified with near constancy in their specific activity. The enzyme catalyzed phosphorolysis and arsenolysis of N-carbamyl putrescine. The multifunctionality of putrescine synthase was also supported by 1) activity staining, 2) intact transfer of the ureido-14C group from labeled N-carbamyl putrescine to ornithine to form citrulline, and 3) the affinity of the enzyme toward structurally and functionally related affinity matrices. An agmatine cycle is proposed wherein N-carbamyl putrescine arising from the agmatine iminohydrolase reaction is converted to putrescine and citrulline, with the ureido group of N-carbamyl putrescine being transferred intact to ornithine. Preliminary results indicate that this series of reactions is also present in other plants

    Stability of Influence Maximization

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    The present article serves as an erratum to our paper of the same title, which was presented and published in the KDD 2014 conference. In that article, we claimed falsely that the objective function defined in Section 1.4 is non-monotone submodular. We are deeply indebted to Debmalya Mandal, Jean Pouget-Abadie and Yaron Singer for bringing to our attention a counter-example to that claim. Subsequent to becoming aware of the counter-example, we have shown that the objective function is in fact NP-hard to approximate to within a factor of O(n1−ϵ)O(n^{1-\epsilon}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. In an attempt to fix the record, the present article combines the problem motivation, models, and experimental results sections from the original incorrect article with the new hardness result. We would like readers to only cite and use this version (which will remain an unpublished note) instead of the incorrect conference version.Comment: Erratum of Paper "Stability of Influence Maximization" which was presented and published in the KDD1

    Isolation of sheep anterior pituitary messenger RNA and its translation in a heterologous cell-free system

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    A preparation rich in the specific messenger RNA involved in the synthesis of prolactin from sheep anterior pituitary glands was obtained by employing both the immunochemical and affinity techniques. A dose-dependent and efficient stimulation of protein synthesis by the isolated total pituitary RNA as well as poly (A) rich RNA were achieved with the reticulocyte system. The synthesis of prolactin as one of the translational products of this cell-free system was established by specific immunoprecipitation followed by resolution on sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

    Modulation of testicular lutropin receptors in the developing male rat

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    In the developing male rat around 40 days of age, the testis appears to contain the maximum amount of lutropin receptors per unit weight. During this period, circulating levels of testosterone markedly increase without the concomitant major surges in lutropin levels. The increased sensitivity and responsiveness of tests to basal levels of circulating lutropin during this period is accompanied by enhanced serum prolactin levels suggesting that this hormone may be involved in this process. The finding that prolactin treatment of pubertal rats for 3 days induced the formation of more testicular lutropin receptors supports the above premise. However, shortterm immunoneutralisation of endogenous prolactin did not significantly alter the specific binding of [125I]-labelled lutropin to testicular membranes. Interestingly, during development, a close correction exists between receptor occupancy and capacity of the tissue to bind labelled lutropin. The apparent dissociation between serum lutropin levels, on the one hand and tissue occupancy and free receptor contents on the other, suggests that factors other than lutropin (presumably prolactin) are involved in the modulation of the sensitivity and the responsiveness of the testis to lutropin during early development

    Amino acid interrelationships in cysteine toxicity in Neurospora crassa

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    L-Cysteine became toxic to the growth of Neurospora crassa (wild, Em 5297a), in the range 1.0-2.0 mM in the culture medium. The specificity of cysteine toxicity was shown by absence of toxicity with other sulphydryl compounds (β -mercaptoethanol, thioglycollic acid, reduced glutathione) and with cysteine metabolites, L-cysteic acid and taurine, under similar conditions. The toxicity of L-cysteine was completely overcome by supplements of S-methyl-L-cysteine and to a marked extent by DL-methionine and DL-homocysteine; partial counteraction of cysteine toxicity was observed with L-serine, DL-tryptophan, DL-alanine, DL-valine, DL-homoserine or DL-threonine. DL-Methionine and S-methyl-L-cysteine counteracted the inhibitory effect of L-cysteine in two N. crassa mutants, namely, methionineless mutant 38706 and cystathionineless mutant 9666

    Biochemical and immunological aspects of riboflavin carrier protein

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    Riboflavin carrier protein which is obligatorily involved in yolk deposition of the vitamin in the chicken egg, is a unique glycophosphoprotein present in both the yolk and white compartments. The yolk and egg white proteins are products of a single estrogen-inducible gene expressed in the liver and the oviduct respectively of egg laying birds. Despite the fact that the carbohydrate composition of the yolk and white riboflavin carrier proteins differ presumably due to differential post-translational modification, the proteins are immunologically similar and have identical amino acid sequence (including a cluster of 8 phosphoser residues towards the C-terminus) except at the carboxy terminus where the yolk riboflavin carrier protein lacks 13 amino acids as a consequence of proteolytic cleavage during uptake by oocytes. The protein is highly conserved throughout evolution all the way to humans in terms of gross molecular characteristics such as molecular weight and isoelectric point, and in immunological properties, preferential affinity for free riboflavin and estrogen inducibility at the biosynthetic locusviz., liver. Obligatory involvement of the mammalian riboflavin carrier protein in transplacental flavin transport to subserve fetal vitamin nutrition during gestation is revealed by experiments using pregnant rodent or subhuman primate models wherein immunoneutralisation of endogenous maternal riboflavin carrier protein results in fetal wastage followed by pregnancy termination due to selective yet drastic curtailment of vitamin efflux into the fetoplacental unit. Using monoclonal antibodies to chicken riboflavin carrier protein, it could be shown that all the major epitopes of the avian riboflavin carrier protein are highly conserved throughout evolution although the relative affinities of some of the epitopes for different monoclonal antibodies have undergone progressive changes during evolution. Using these monoclonal antibodies, an attempt is being made to map the different epitopes on the riboflavin carrier protein molecule with a view to delineate the immunodominant regions of the vitamin carrier to understand its structure-immunogenicity relationship

    Riboflavin carrier protein: a serum and tissue marker for breast carcinoma

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    We have earlier shown that the estrogen-modulated riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) first isolated from the chicken egg is evolutionarily conserved in mammals and is elaborated by lactating mammary gland as demonstrated with rat mammary epithelial cells in culture and confirmed by isolation of the vitamin carrier from bovine milk. In view of several earlier reports that many milk proteins as well as other estrogen-inducible proteins are up-regulated and secreted into circulation in animal models and in women with neoplastic breast disease, we analyzed serum RCP levels in a double-blind study using a specific radioimmunoassay in pre- and post-menopausal women with clinically diagnosed breast cancer at early and advanced stages of the disease and compared these levels with those in normal age-matched control volunteers. Our data reveal that the serum RCP levels in cycling breast cancer patients are 3- to 4-fold higher (p < 0.01) than those in their normal counterparts. This difference in circulatory RCP levels between cancer patients and their age-matched normal counterparts is further magnified to 9- to 11-fold (p < 0.005) at the post-menopausal stage. In addition, there seems to be a good correlation between rising RCP levels and disease progression, since significantly higher RCP concentrations (p < 0.005) are encountered in patients with advanced metastasizing breast cancer versus those with early disease. Using specific monoclonal antibodies, RCP could be localized immunohistochemically in the cytoplasm of invading neoplastic cells of lobular and ductal carcinomas of the breast, indicating that the malignant cells are probably the source of the elevated serum RCP levels in breast cancer. These findings suggest that measurement of circulatory RCP and the immunohistochemical staining pattern of RCP in biopsy specimens could be exploited as an additional marker in diagnosis/prognosis of breast cancer in women

    Some structural features and neurotoxic action of a compound from Lathyrus sativus

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