3,902 research outputs found

    Wide parameter search for isolated pulsars using the Hough transform

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    We use the Hough transform to analyze data from the second science run of the LIGO interferometers, to look for gravitational waves from isolated pulsars. We search over the whole sky and over a large range of frequencies and spin-down parameters. Our search method is based on the Hough transform, which is a semi-coherent, computationally efficient, and robust pattern recognition technique. We also present a validation of the search pipeline using hardware signal injections.Comment: Presented at GWDAW-9 in Annecy, France (Dec. 2004). 11 pages, 5 Figures. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    The 1998 Earthquake Sequence South of Long Valley Caldera, California: Hints of Magmatic Involvement

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    A significant episode of seismic and geodetic unrest took place at Long Valley Caldera, California, beginning in the summer of 1997. Activity through late May of 1998 was concentrated in and around the south moat and the south margin of the resurgent dome. The Sierran Nevada block (SNB) region to the south/southeast remained relatively quiet until a M 5.1 event occurred there on 9 June 1998 (UT). A second M 5.1 event followed on 15 July (UT); both events were followed by appreciable aftershock sequences. An additional, distinct burst of activity began on 1 August 1998. The number of events in the August sequence (over the first week or two) was similar to the aftershock sequence of the 15 July 1998 M 5.1 event, but the later sequence was not associated with any events larger than M 4.3. All of the summer 1998 SNB activity was considered tectonic rather than magmatic; in general the SNB is considered an unlikely location for future eruptions. However, the August sequence—an “aftershock sequence without a mainshock”—is suggestive of a strain event larger than the cumulative seismotectonic strain release. Moreover, a careful examination of waveforms from the August sequence reveals a small handful of events whose spectral signature is strikingly harmonic. We investigate the waveforms of these events using spectral, autocorrelation, and empirical Green's function techniques and conclude that they were most likely associated with a fluid-controlled source. Our observations suggest that there may have been some degree of magma or magma-derived fluid involvement in the 1998 SNB sequence

    Potential mechanical loss mechanisms in bulk materials for future gravitational wave detectors

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    Low mechanical loss materials are needed to further decrease thermal noise in upcoming gravitational wave detectors. We present an analysis of the contribution of Akhieser and thermoelastic damping on the experimental results of resonant mechanical loss measurements. The combination of both processes allows the fit of the experimental data of quartz in the low temperature region (10 K to 25 K). A fully anisotropic numerical calculation over a wide temperature range (10 K to 300 K) reveals, that thermoelastic damping is not a dominant noise source in bulk silicon samples. The anisotropic numerical calculation is sucessfully applied to the estimate of thermoelastic noise of an advanced LIGO sized silicon test mass.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series (AMALDI8

    Fault-Zone Waves Observed at the Southern Joshua Tree Earthquake Rupture Zone

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    Waveform and spectral characteristics of several aftershocks of the M 6.1 22 April 1992 Joshua Tree earthquake recorded at stations just north of the Indio Hills in the Coachella Valley can be interpreted in terms of waves propagating within narrow, low-velocity, high-attenuation, vertical zones. Evidence for our interpretation consists of: (1) emergent P arrivals prior to and opposite in polarity to the impulsive direct phase; these arrivals can be modeled as headwaves indicative of a transfault velocity contrast; (2) spectral peaks in the S wave train that can be interpreted as internally reflected, low-velocity fault-zone wave energy; and (3) spatial selectivity of event-station pairs at which these data are observed, suggesting a long, narrow geologic structure. The observed waveforms are modeled using the analytical solution of Ben-Zion and Aki (1990) for a plane-parallel layered fault-zone structure. Synthetic waveform fits to the observed data indicate the presence of NS-trending vertical fault-zone layers characterized by a thickness of 50 to 100 m, a velocity decrease of 10 to 15% relative to the surrounding rock, and a P-wave quality factor in the range 25 to 50

    A measurement of noise created by fluctuating electrostatic charges on dielectric surfaces using a torsion balance

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    Future gravitational wave detectors could have their sensitivity significantly limited, at frequencies below 10 Hz, by the presence of fluctuating electrostatic charges on the dielectric surfaces of the detector optics. A confirmed observation of the effect of fluctuating charges, or charging noise, in a gravitational wave detector has still to be made and it has never been experimentally verified by any other means. This paper presents a direct measurement of the fluctuating force noise created by moving charges on a dielectric surface using a servo controlled torsion balance. The results confirm that the fluctuating force noise caused by excess charges can be best described by a Markov process with a single correlation time and has a frequency dependence of f<sup>-1</sup&gt

    Matching of the continuous gravitational wave in an all sky search

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    We investigate the matching of continuous gravitational wave (CGW) signals in an all sky search with reference to Earth based laser interferometric detectors. We consider the source location as the parameters of the signal manifold and templates corresponding to different source locations. It has been found that the matching of signals from locations in the sky that differ in their co-latitude and longitude by π\pi radians decreases with source frequency. We have also made an analysis with the other parameters affecting the symmetries. We observe that it may not be relevant to take care of the symmetries in the sky locations for the search of CGW from the output of LIGO-I, GEO600 and TAMA detectors.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 3 Tables, To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Electron and ion stagnation at the collision front between two laser produced plasmas

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    We report results from a combined optical interferometric and spectrally resolved imaging study on colliding laser produced aluminium plasmas. A Nomarski interferometer was used to probe the spatio-temporal distribution of electron densities at the collision front. Analysis of the resulting interferograms reveals the formation and evolution of a localized electron density feature with a well-defined profile reminiscent of a stagnation layer. Electron stagnation begins at a time delay of 10 ns after the peak of the plasma generating laser pulse. The peak electron density was found to exceed 10^19 cm^−3 and the layer remained well defined up to a time delay of ca 100 ns. Temporally and spectrally resolved optical imaging was also undertaken, to compare the Al^+ ion distribution with that of the 2D electron density profile. This revealed nascent stagnation of singly charged ions at a delay time of 20 ns. We attribute these results to the effects of space charge separation in the seed plasma plumes

    Effect of heat treatment and aging on the mechanical loss and strength of hydroxide catalysis bonds between fused silica samples

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    Hydroxide catalysis bonds are used in the aLIGO gravitational wave detectors and are an essential technology within the mirror suspensions which allowed for detector sensitivities to be reached that enabled the first direct detections of gravitational waves. Methods aimed at further improving hydroxide catalysis bonds for future upgrades to these detectors, in order to increase detection rates and the number of detectable sources, are explored. Also, the effect on the bonds of an aLIGO suspension construction procedure involving heat, the fibre welding process, is investigated. Here we show that thermal treatments can be beneficial to improving some of the bond properties important to the mirror suspensions in interferometric gravitational wave detectors. It was found that heat treating bonds at 150\,^\circC increases bond strength by a factor of approximately 1.5 and a combination of bond ageing and heat treatment of the optics at 150\,\circC reduces the mechanical loss of a bond from 0.10 to 0.05. It is also shown that current construction procedures do not reduce bond strength

    Spectropolarimetry of the 3.4 micron absorption feature in NGC 1068

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    In order to test the silicate-core/organic-mantle model of galactic interstellar dust, we have performed spectropolarimetry of the 3.4 micron C-H bond stretch that is characteristic of aliphatic hydrocarbons, using the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 1068, as a bright, dusty background source. Polarization calculations show that, if the grains in NGC 1068 had the properties assigned by the core-mantle model to dust in the galactic diffuse ISM, they would cause a detectable rise in polarization over the 3.4 micron feature. No such increase is observed. We discuss modifications to the basic core-mantle model, such as changes in grain size or the existence of additional non-hydrocarbon aligned grain populations, which could better fit the observational evidence. However, we emphasize that the absence of polarization over the 3.4 micron band in NGC 1068 - and, indeed, in every line of sight examined to date - can be readily explained by a population of small, unaligned carbonaceous grains with no physical connection to the silicates.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Background Detection with Resonant-Mass Detectors

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    In this paper we discuss how the standard optimal Wiener filter theory can be applied, within a linear approximation, to the detection of an isotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background with two or more detectors. We apply then the method to the AURIGA-NAUTILUS pair of ultra low temperature bar detectors, near to operate in coincidence in Italy, obtaining an estimate for the sensitivity to the background spectral density of $\simeq 10^{-49}\ Hz^{-1},thatconvertstoanenergydensityperunitlogarithmicfrequencyof, that converts to an energy density per unit logarithmic frequency of \simeq 8\times10^{-5}\times\rho_cwith with \rho_c\simeq1.9 \times 10^{-26}\ kg/m^3theclosuredensityoftheUniverse.WealsoshowthatbyaddingtheVIRGOinterferometricdetectorunderconstructioninItalytothearray,andbyproperlyre−orientingthedetectors,onecanreachasensitivityof the closure density of the Universe. We also show that by adding the VIRGO interferometric detector under construction in Italy to the array, and by properly re- orienting the detectors, one can reach a sensitivity of \simeq 6 \times10^{-5}\times\rho_c.WethencalculatethatthepairformedbyVIRGOandonelargemasssphericaldetectorproperlylocatedinoneofthenearbyavailablesitesinItalycanreahasensitivityof. We then calculate that the pair formed by VIRGO and one large mass spherical detector properly located in one of the nearby available sites in Italy can reah a sensitivity of \simeq 2\times10^{-5}\times \rho_cwhileapairofsuchsphericaldetectorsatthesamesitesofAURIGAandNAUTILUScanachievesensitivitiesof while a pair of such spherical detectors at the same sites of AURIGA and NAUTILUS can achieve sensitivities of \simeq 2 \times10^{-6}\rho_c$.Comment: 32 pages, postscript file, also available at http://axln01.lnl.infn.it/reports/stoch.htm
