14 research outputs found

    Matter X waves

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    We predict that an ultra-cold Bose gas in an optical lattice can give rise to a new form of condensation, namely matter X waves. These are non-spreading 3D wave-packets which reflect the symmetry of the Laplacian with a negative effective mass along the lattice direction, and are allowed to exist in the absence of any trapping potential even in the limit of non-interacting atoms. This result has also strong implications for optical propagation in periodic structuresComment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Conditions for Nondistortion Interrogation of Quantum System

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    Under some physical considerations, we present a universal formulation to study the possibility of localizing a quantum object in a given region without disturbing its unknown internal state. When the interaction between the object and probe wave function takes place only once, we prove the necessary and sufficient condition that the object's presence can be detected in an initial state preserving way. Meanwhile, a conditioned optimal interrogation probability is obtained.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 1 figures, Presentation improved, corollary 1 added. To appear in Europhysics Letter

    Loading a Bose-Einstein Condensate onto an Optical Lattice: an Application of Optimal Control Theory to The Non Linear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    Using a set of general methods developed by Krotov [A. I. Konnov and V. A. Krotov, Automation and Remote Control, {\bf 60}, 1427 (1999)], we extend the capabilities of Optimal Control Theory to the Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation (NLSE). The paper begins with a general review of the Krotov approach to optimization. Although the linearized version of the method is sufficient for the linear Schr\"odinger equation, the full flexibility of the general method is required for treatment of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. Formal equations for the optimization of the NLSE, as well as a concrete algorithm are presented. As an illustration, we consider a Bose-Einstein condensate initially at rest in a harmonic trap. A phase develops across the BEC when an optical lattice potential is turned on. The goal is to counter this effect and keep the phase flat by adjusting the trap strength. The problem is formulated in the language of Optimal Control Theory (OCT) and solved using the above methodology. To our knowledge, this is the first rigorous application of OCT to the Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, a capability that is bound to have numerous other applications.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, A reference added, Some typos correcte

    Tunneling mediated by conical waves in a 1D lattice

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    The nonlinear propagation of 3D wave-packets in a 1D Bragg-induced band-gap system, shows that tranverse effects (free space diffraction) affect the interplay of periodicity and nonlinearity, leading to the spontaneous formation of fast and slow conical localized waves. Such excitation corresponds to enhanced nonlinear transmission (tunneling) in the gap, with peculiar features which differ on the two edges of the band-gap, as dictated by the full dispersion relationship of the localized waves.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Momentum state engineering and control in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We demonstrate theoretically the use of genetic learning algorithms to coherently control the dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate. We consider specifically the situation of a condensate in an optical lattice formed by two counterpropagating laser beams. The frequency detuning between the lasers acts as a control parameter that can be used to precisely manipulate the condensate even in the presence of a significant mean-field energy. We illustrate this procedure in the coherent acceleration of a condensate and in the preparation of a superposition of prescribed relative phase.Comment: 9 pages incl. 6 PostScript figures (.eps), LaTeX using RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, incl. small modifications, some references adde

    Regular spatial structures in arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates induced by modulational instability

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    We show that the phenomenon of modulational instability in arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates confined to optical lattices gives rise to coherent spatial structures of localized excitations. These excitations represent thin disks in 1D, narrow tubes in 2D, and small hollows in 3D arrays, filled in with condensed atoms of much greater density compared to surrounding array sites. Aspects of the developed pattern depend on the initial distribution function of the condensate over the optical lattice, corresponding to particular points of the Brillouin zone. The long-time behavior of the spatial structures emerging due to modulational instability is characterized by the periodic recurrence to the initial low-density state in a finite optical lattice. We propose a simple way to retain the localized spatial structures with high atomic concentration, which may be of interest for applications. Theoretical model, based on the multiple scale expansion, describes the basic features of the phenomenon. Results of numerical simulations confirm the analytical predictions.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Creation of gap solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We discuss a method to launch gap soliton-like structures in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates confined in optical traps. Bright vector solitons consisting of a superposition of two hyperfine Zeeman sublevels can be created for both attractive and repulsive interactions between the atoms. Their formation relies on the dynamics of the atomic internal ground states in two far-off resonant counterpropagating sigma^+ sigma^- polarized laser beams which form the optical trap. Numerical simulations show that these solitons can be prepared from a one-component state provided with an initial velocity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetism in a lattice of spinor Bose condensates

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    We study the ground state magnetic properties of ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensates confined in a deep optical lattices. In the Mott insulator regime, the ``mini-condensates'' at each lattice site behave as mesoscopic spin magnets that can interact with neighboring sites through both the static magnetic dipolar interaction and the light-induced dipolar interaction. We show that such an array of spin magnets can undergo a ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic phase transition under the magnetic dipolar interaction depending on the dimension of the confining optical lattice. The ground-state spin configurations and related magnetic properties are investigated in detail

    Nonlinear atom optics and bright gap soliton generation in finite optical lattices

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    We theoretically investigate the transmission dynamics of coherent matter wave pulses across finite optical lattices in both the linear and the nonlinear regimes. The shape and the intensity of the transmitted pulse are found to strongly depend on the parameters of the incident pulse, in particular its velocity and density: a clear physical picture for the main features observed in the numerical simulations is given in terms of the atomic band dispersion in the periodic potential of the optical lattice. Signatures of nonlinear effects due the atom-atom interaction are discussed in detail, such as atom optical limiting and atom optical bistability. For positive scattering lengths, matter waves propagating close to the top of the valence band are shown to be subject to modulational instability. A new scheme for the experimental generation of narrow bright gap solitons from a wide Bose-Einstein condensate is proposed: the modulational instability is seeded in a controlled way starting from the strongly modulated density profile of a standing matter wave and the solitonic nature of the generated pulses is checked from their shape and their collisional properties

    Input-output theory for fermions in an atom cavity

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    We generalize the quantum optical input-output theory developed for optical cavities to ultracold fermionic atoms confined in a trapping potential, which forms an "atom cavity". In order to account for the Pauli exclusion principle, quantum Langevin equations for all cavity modes are derived. The dissipative part of these multi-mode Langevin equations includes a coupling between cavity modes. We also derive a set of boundary conditions for the Fermi field that relate the output fields to the input fields and the field radiated by the cavity. Starting from a constant uniform current of fermions incident on one side of the cavity, we use the boundary conditions to calculate the occupation numbers and current density for the fermions that are reflected and transmitted by the cavity