2,961 research outputs found

    Joint Entanglement of Topology and Polarization Enables Error-Protected Quantum Registers

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    Linear-optical systems can implement photonic quantum walks that simulate systems with nontrivial topological properties. Here, such photonic walks are used to jointly entangle polarization and winding number. This joint entanglement allows information processing tasks to be performed with interactive access to a wide variety of topological features. Topological considerations are used to suppress errors, with polarization allowing easy measurement and manipulation of qubits. We provide three examples of this approach: production of two-photon systems with entangled winding number (including topological analogs of Bell states), a topologically error-protected optical memory register, and production of entangled topologicallyprotected boundary states. In particular it is shown that a pair of quantum memory registers, entangled in polarization and winding number, with topologically-assisted error suppression can be made with qubits stored in superpositions of winding numbers; as a result, information processing with winding number-based qubits is a viable possibility

    Directionally-unbiased unitary optical devices in discrete-time quantum walks

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    The optical beam splitter is a widely-used device in photonics-based quantum information processing. Specifically, linear optical networks demand large numbers of beam splitters for unitary matrix realization. This requirement comes from the beam splitter property that a photon cannot go back out of the input ports, which we call “directionally-biased”. Because of this property, higher dimensional information processing tasks suffer from rapid device resource growth when beam splitters are used in a feed-forward manner. Directionally-unbiased linear-optical devices have been introduced recently to eliminate the directional bias, greatly reducing the numbers of required beam splitters when implementing complicated tasks. Analysis of some originally directional optical devices and basic principles of their conversion into directionally-unbiased systems form the base of this paper. Photonic quantum walk implementations are investigated as a main application of the use of directionally-unbiased systems. Several quantum walk procedures executed on graph networks constructed using directionally-unbiased nodes are discussed. A significant savings in hardware and other required resources when compared with traditional directionally-biased beam-splitter-based optical networks is demonstrated.Accepted manuscriptPublished versio

    Experimental demonstration of a directionally-unbiased linear-optical multiport

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    All existing optical quantum walk approaches are based on the use of beamsplitters and multiple paths to explore the multitude of unitary transformations of quantum amplitudes in a Hilbert space. The beamsplitter is naturally a directionally biased device: the photon cannot travel in reverse direction. This causes rapid increases in optical hardware resources required for complex quantum walk applications, since the number of options for the walking particle grows with each step. Here we present the experimental demonstration of a directionally-unbiased linear-optical multiport, which allows reversibility of photon direction. An amplitude-controllable probability distribution matrix for a unitary three-edge vertex is reconstructed with only linear-optical devices. Such directionally-unbiased multiports allow direct execution of quantum walks over a multitude of complex graphs and in tensor networks. This approach would enable simulation of complex Hamiltonians of physical systems and quantum walk applications in a more efficient and compact setup, substantially reducing the required hardware resources

    Quantum simulation of topologically protected states using directionally unbiased linear-optical multiports

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    It is shown that quantum walks on one-dimensional arrays of special linear-optical units allow the simulation of discrete-time Hamiltonian systems with distinct topological phases. In particular, a slightly modified version of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) system can be simulated, which exhibits states of nonzero winding number and has topologically protected boundary states. In the large-system limit this approach uses quadratically fewer resources to carry out quantum simulations than previous linear-optical approaches and can be readily generalized to higher-dimensional systems. The basic optical units that implement this simulation consist of combinations of optical multiports that allow photons to reverse direction

    Quantum simulation of discrete-time Hamiltonians using directionally unbiased linear optical multiports

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    Recently, a generalization of the standard optical multiport was proposed [Phys. Rev. A 93, 043845 (2016)]. These directionally unbiased multiports allow photons to reverse direction and exit backwards from the input port, providing a realistic linear optical scattering vertex for quantum walks on arbitrary graph structures. Here, it is shown that arrays of these multiports allow the simulation of a range of discrete-time Hamiltonian systems. Examples are described, including a case where both spatial and internal degrees of freedom are simulated. Because input ports also double as output ports, there is substantial savings of resources compared to feed-forward networks carrying out the same functions. The simulation is implemented in a scalable manner using only linear optics, and can be generalized to higher dimensional systems in a straightforward fashion, thus offering a concrete experimentally achievable implementation of graphical models of discrete-time quantum systems.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation EFRI-ACQUIRE Grant No. ECCS-1640968, NSF Grant No. ECCS-1309209, and by the Northrop Grumman NG Next. (ECCS-1640968 - National Science Foundation EFRI-ACQUIRE Grant; ECCS-1309209 - NSF Grant; Northrop Grumman NG Next

    Evaluation Of The Quality Of Pet Foods Using Fast Techniques And Official Methods [avaliação Da Qualidade De Rações Utilizando Métodos Rápidos E Métodos Oficiais]

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    This paper was designed to evaluate the rancidity of 18 pet food samples using the Diamed FATS kits and official AOCS methods for the quantification of free fatty acids, peroxide value and concentrations of malonaldehyde and alkenal in the lipid extracted. Although expiration dates have passed, the samples presented good quality evidencing little oxidative rancidity. The results of this study suggest that the Brazilian pet food market is replete with products of excellent quality due to the competitiveness of this market sector.28SUPPL.223230(2004) Herbário, , http://www.herbario.com.br/bot/agri/alipet.htm, ALIMENTOS PARA BICHOS DE ESTIMAÇÃO, sept. 16th, 2002. See, November 1stAOCS. Official methods and recommended practices of the American Oil Chemists' Society. Champaign: American Oil Chemists' Society, 2004Belitz, H.D., Grosch, W., (1999) Food Chemistry, , 2nd edition. 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New York: Marcel DekkerOsawa, C.C., Testes rápidos (kits) para avaliação da qualidade de óleos, gorduras e produtos que os contenham e sua correlação com os métodos oficiais da AOCS (2005), p. 403. , Campinas, Dissertation (Food Technology Master) - Food Engineering College, Campinas State University (UNICAMP)Osawa, C.C., Felicio, P.E., Gonçalves, L.A.G., Teste de TBA aplicado a carnes e derivados: métodos tradicionais, modificados e alternativos (2005) Química Nova, 28 (4), pp. 655-663. , http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?, See:, script=sci_arttext&pid=s0100-40422005000400019&lng=en&nrm=isso (DOI: 10.1590/s0100-40422005000400019) June 6th, 2007Osawa, C.C., Gonçalves, L.A.G., Evaluación de ácidos grasos libres presentes en aceites vegetales a través de kits rápidos y técnica potenciométrica de detección (2006) Aceites y Grasas, 1 (62), pp. 158-163Osawa, C.C., Gonçalves, L.A.G., Oxidación lipídica y nuevos métodos analíticos de detección (2006) Aceites y Grasas, 2 (63), pp. 330-338Osawa, C.C., Gonçalves, L.A.G., Grimaldi, R., Melo, L., Resultados preliminares de novos estudos do sistema Diamed F.A.T.S. na determinação do índice de peróxidos (PV) e ácidos graxos livres (AGL) de óleos refinados, óleos degomados e azeites de oliva (2003) SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL "TENDÊNCIAS E INOVAÇÕES EM TECNOLOGIA DE ÓLEOS E GORDURAS", p. 1. , In, Campinas. 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