Evaluation Of The Quality Of Pet Foods Using Fast Techniques And Official Methods [avaliação Da Qualidade De Rações Utilizando Métodos Rápidos E Métodos Oficiais]


This paper was designed to evaluate the rancidity of 18 pet food samples using the Diamed FATS kits and official AOCS methods for the quantification of free fatty acids, peroxide value and concentrations of malonaldehyde and alkenal in the lipid extracted. Although expiration dates have passed, the samples presented good quality evidencing little oxidative rancidity. The results of this study suggest that the Brazilian pet food market is replete with products of excellent quality due to the competitiveness of this market sector.28SUPPL.223230(2004) Herbário, , http://www.herbario.com.br/bot/agri/alipet.htm, ALIMENTOS PARA BICHOS DE ESTIMAÇÃO, sept. 16th, 2002. See, November 1stAOCS. Official methods and recommended practices of the American Oil Chemists' Society. Champaign: American Oil Chemists' Society, 2004Belitz, H.D., Grosch, W., (1999) Food Chemistry, , 2nd edition. 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