570 research outputs found

    Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of an Invasive Exotic Species Broussonetia Papyrifera in Ghana

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    The study was done to determine the chemical composition and nutritive value of Broussonetia papyrifera with the aim of determining its potential for forage in Ghana. Due to its prolific regeneration pattern it has invaded large canopy gaps and degraded farm lands with a lot of ecological consequences.  Foliage samples of Broussonetia papyrifera were collected from wild stands in the Tano South District of the Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana, together with samples of Ficus exasperata and Leucaena leucocephala for comparison. The nutrient content (proximate composition, cell wall content and macro-mineral composition), anti-nutritive factor (condensed tannin) and digestibility of the test species were analysed. Results of the study showed that for a cheaper source of plant crude protein (27.17% DM), ether extract (6.45% DM), carbohydrate (25.37% DM), ash (11.54% DM), calcium (2.54% DM), phosphorus (0.23% DM), potassium (0.73% DM), magnesium (0.86% DM) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (50.88% DM), B. papyrifera appears good potential forage in ruminant nutrition. However, the level of condensed tannin (CT) in B. papyrifera (6.96% - 7.09% DM) may interfere with animal performance since they exceed 5.0% DM concentration which may reduce the digestibility of forage as a result of the nitrogen-condensed tannin (N-CT) complex formation that reduces their solubility and degradation by rumen bacteria. The results suggest that B. papyrifera could be a good candidate for forage, especially during the dry season for resource-poor farmers with stalled-fed animals in the B. papyrifera invaded areas in Ghana. Keywords: Invasive species, chemical composition, nutritive value, forage, Broussonetia papyrifera, Ghana

    Induction of Isochromanones by Co-Cultivation of the Marine Fungus Cosmospora sp. and the Phytopathogen Magnaporthe oryzae

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    Microbial co-cultivation is a promising approach for the activation of biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) that remain transcriptionally silent under artificial culture conditions. As part of our project aiming at the discovery of marine-derived fungal agrochemicals, we previously used four phytopathogens as model competitors in the co-cultivation of 21 marine fungal strains. Based on comparative untargeted metabolomics analyses and anti-phytopathogenic activities of the co-cultures, we selected the co-culture of marine Cosmospora sp. with the phytopathogen Magnaporthe oryzae for in-depth chemical studies. UPLC-MS/MS-based molecular networking (MN) of the co-culture extract revealed an enhanced diversity of compounds in several molecular families, including isochromanones, specifically induced in the co-culture. Large scale co-cultivation of Cosmospora sp. and M. oryzae resulted in the isolation of five isochromanones from the whole co-culture extract, namely the known soudanones A, E, D (1-3) and their two new derivatives, soudanones H-I (4-5), the known isochromans, pseudoanguillosporins A and B (6, 7), naphtho-γ-pyrones, cephalochromin and ustilaginoidin G (8, 9), and ergosterol (10). Their structures were established by NMR, HR-ESIMS, FT-IR, electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectroscopy, polarimetry ([α]D), and Mosher’s ester reaction. Bioactivity assays revealed antimicrobial activity of compounds 2 and 3 against the phytopathogens M. oryzae and Phytophthora infestans, while pseudoanguillosporin A (6) showed the broadest and strongest anti-phytopathogenic activity against Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas campestris, M. oryzae and P. infestans. This is the first study assessing the anti-phytopathogenic activities of soudanones

    Evaluation of Credit Risk Management Practices in Societe Generale Ghana

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    The study evaluated the credit risk management strategies of SG-SSB Ghana. The research was an attempt to assess the extent to which the implementation of various credit risk management strategies by the bank has reduced the amount of non-performing loans. In order to answer the research objectives, the case study approach was employed where face-to face interview was conducted to collate the views of a senior credit officer at SG-SSB Ghana Ltd on credit risk management strategies. Besides, information on non-performing loans was obtained from administered questionnaires. The results from the study showed that SG-SSB has a clear, written guideline on credit risk management with the board of directors having an oversight responsibility for implementation. SG-SSB realigns the amount of credit within various sectors grouped into a credit portfolio depending on environmental factors such as political regime, macroeconomic strategy of political regimes, new and existing regulations and legislation, social concerns of operating markets and technological developments within the banking industry in Ghana.  The study recommends that SG-SSB should work in collaboration with credit reference bureau in the country to thoroughly investigate the past credit records of loan applicants so as to reduce the high rate of default

    Examination of The Problems Associated with Revenue Collection at Electricity Company of Ghana. A Case Study of Afienya District

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    Revenue refers to the amount in a monetary unit received during a period of time. These monetary units are generated from different sources such as taxes, fines, borrowings, fees and bills. Revenue is important to an organization because an increase in revenue could mean an increase in profit, however if revenue increases, expenses will also (usually) increase and so on the percentage change in profit will not shift as much as one might think. The study examined the problems associated with revenue collection at Electricity Company of Ghana using Afienya District as a case study. Both primary and secondary data were sourced for the study. The data collected were analysed qualitatively using descriptive analysis like charts, graphs and tables. The major findings of the study were that though Afienya District of Electricity Company of Ghana applies guidelines like disconnections, taking action against illegal connectors, monitoring of consumption patterns of customers and billing customers. These guidelines are not effectively followed to enable it meet annual targets. The recommendations are that the company intensifies its monitoring, bill customers promptly, and take prompt and stringent action against illegal connectors and overdue accounts to maximize revenue

    Exploring the role of traditional authorities in managing the public as stakeholders on PPP projects: a case study

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    Previous research indicates that involving representatives of the public in stakeholder management increases the likelihood of obtaining successful outcomes when managing the public as stakeholders on PPP projects. Relatively little is however known about the exact roles played by traditional authorities, who are powerful public representatives and significantly influence the public and the stakeholder management process on PPP projects worldwide. A case study of a PPP was conducted to explore this question. Through a thematic analysis of data collected from multiple sources, four main roles of traditional authorities were identified: mediation; project monitoring; community representation; and custody management of community culture and physical resources. These roles and their associated outcomes make traditional authorities a crucial link between project executors and the public during stakeholder management. This study provides a step towards developing strategies for collaborating with traditional authorities for better stakeholder management of the public on PPP projects

    Importance of Training Needs Assessment at the Radiation Protection Institute of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission

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    Questionnaires were forwarded to the target population of sixty, nonetheless fifty-two were retrieved which represents 86.6% of the total sample.  The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) research package and Microsoft Excel were used to analyze the data. It was discovered from the study that 63.5% of the Radiation Protection Institute’s staff had attended some form of training, both on-the-job and off-the-job; however, 36.5% indicated that they have not had the opportunity of attending any training program since employed. Majority also agreed that the wrong people are sometimes selected to attend training programs.  It was thus recommended that in order to achieve maximum objective of a training program, before embarking on a training the first step in the training process must be carried out, thus conducting need assessment to know if training and what training would be required to fill a gap.  This would go a long way to maximize the benefits of the numerous training program at the Institute.  The nomination to a training program must be on the bases of identified need. Keywords: On- the- job and Off- the -job training, Radiation Protection Institut

    Reversibility of Apixaban Anticoagulation with a Four-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate in Healthy Volunteers.

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    It was hypothesized that the four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4F-PCC) Kcentra 25 unit/kg would reverse impairment of thrombin generation in healthy volunteers dosed with apixaban to steady state. In this randomized, two-period crossover, assessor-blinded trial, 12 healthy subjects received 5 mg apixaban every 12 h. Three h after the fifth dose, four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4F-PCC) 25 unit/kg or saline were infused. Serial blood samples were assessed for thrombin generation using PPP-reagent and PPP-reagent low, anti-Xa, PT, and PTT assays. Geometric mean ratio was calculated at 30 min postinfusion, and at 24, 48, and 72 h. Peak thrombin generation was 76% higher at 30 min postinfusion with 4F-PCC (p = 0.025). The difference declined to 24% at 24 h and resolved by 48 h. Other thrombin generation parameters were also partially normalized. There was no difference between 4F-PCC and saline in anti-Xa assessment at 30 min or later time points

    Assessment of the Internal Control Policies of Ecobank Ghana Limited

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of internal control in financial institutions. The study exploited information by the help of primary data from self-structured questionnaire and interview schedules. However, the purposive type of sampling was used in sampling. In all forty (40) respondents were sampled from the population. The data gathered was analyzed and interpreted using both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The findings of the study revealed that there are measures put in place by the Ecobank Ghana to enhance compliance. The measurement put in place is management oversight responsibility for internal control whereby control policies and procedures are being adhered to. It came to light that, the internal audit unit was responsible for monitoring internal control policy compliance whiles management assesses risk but the internal audit unit is not part of branch operations, they only visit the branches on monthly bases. The recommendations drawn from the study was that the Ecobank Ghana Limited should set internal audit units at their various branches across the country, so that there shall always be internal audit personnel to ensure compliance to the internal controls that exist in the organization. In view of this, the internal audit personnel should also be rotated at regular intervals to avoid any form of malpractices. Keywords: Internal Controls; Financial Institutions and COS
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