53 research outputs found
Constraints to exclusive breastfeeding practice among breastfeeding mothers in Southwest Nigeria: implications for scaling up
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The practice of exclusive breastfeeding is still low despite the associated benefits. Improving the uptake and appropriating the benefits will require an understanding of breastfeeding as an embodied experience within a social context. This study investigates breastfeeding practices and experiences of nursing mothers and the roles of grandmothers, as well as the work-related constraints affecting nurses in providing quality support for breastfeeding mothers in Southwest Nigeria.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using a concurrent mixed method approach, a structured questionnaire was administered to 200 breastfeeding mothers. In-depth interviews were also held with breastfeeding mothers (11), nurses (10) and a focus group discussion session with grandmothers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Breastfeeding was perceived as essential to baby's health. It strengthens the physical and spiritual bond between mothers and their children. Exclusive breastfeeding was considered essential but demanding. Only a small proportion (19%) of the nursing mothers practiced exclusive breastfeeding. The survey showed the major constraints to exclusive breastfeeding to be: the perception that babies continued to be hungry after breastfeeding (29%); maternal health problems (26%); fear of babies becoming addicted to breast milk (26%); pressure from mother-in-law (25%); pains in the breast (25%); and the need to return to work (24%). In addition, the qualitative findings showed that significant others played dual roles with consequences on breastfeeding practices. The desire to practice exclusive breastfeeding was often compromised shortly after child delivery. Poor feeding, inadequate support from husband and conflicting positions from the significant others were dominant constraints. The nurses decried the effects of their workload on providing quality supports for nursing mothers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Breastfeeding mothers are faced with multiple challenges as they strive to practice exclusive breastfeeding. Thus, scaling up of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers requires concerted efforts at the macro, meso and micro levels of the Nigerian society.</p
Dance as a Risk Factor for Injuries and Development of Occupational Diseases
Ozljede i bolesti mogu znatno utjecati na stvaralačku sposobnost, kreativnost i dostignuća umjetnika. Povezanost uvjeta i načina rada s pojavom bolesti u umjetnika prepoznata je već u srednjem vijeku. Tjelesna zahtjevnost izvedbe, gdje se tijelo koristi kao instrument izražavanja, može uzrokovati ozljede i razvoj profesionalnih bolesti koje mogu dovesti do nemogućnosti umjetničke interpretacije na očekivanoj razini, prekinuti aktivnosti i onemogućiti nastavak profesionalne karijere. Plesači su jedna od skupina umjetnika/izvođača koji su izloženi specifičnim rizicima i kojima treba specifična zdravstvena zaštita, što nije moguće ostvariti bez poznavanja mehanizama nastajanja ozljeda i uvažavanja posebnosti potreba plesača. Mnogi plesači teže visokim umjetničkim i estetskim kriterijima izvedbe, pri čemu često protežu svoje tjelesne mogućnosti i izdržljivost i zanemaruju vlastita tjelesna ograničenja. Zdravstveni problemi plesača obuhvaćaju čitav niz ozljeda, profesionalnih bolesti i bolesti vezanih uz rad koji se kreću od stresa i straha od nastupa sve do poremećaja u prehrambenim navikama. Također obuhvaćaju ozljede mišićno-koštanoga sustava, sindrome prenaprezanja i trenažnoga preopterećenja koje može uzrokovati karakterističnu topološku pojavu boli, koja je često početak kroničnih zdravstvenih problema kod plesača. Navedeni zdravstveni problemi plesača sve su češće područje zanimanja liječnika različitih specijalizacija, unaprjeđenja i provođenja preventivnih programa, dijagnostičkih metoda i liječenja u tom djelu populacije.Injuries and diseases can significantly affect the creativity and artistic performance. The link between working conditions and artistic performance had been recognised as early as the medieval age. Physically demanding performance arts such as dance can sometimes result in injuries, illnesses, inability to perform, and even end artist’s career. Dancers are exposed to specific risks and in need of specific medical care. Many dancers often stretch their physical capabilities and endurance and neglect their physical limitations. Their health problems include a number of work-related illnesses that range from stress and stage fright to metabolic and nutritional disorders. They also include musculoskeletal injuries due to overload training that are often the beginning of chronic health problems
The relationship between the Functional Movement Screen, Star Excursion Balance Test and the Beighton score in dancers.
Objectives: To determine the association between the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) and the Beighton Score (BS) in dancers with implications for performance and injury.
Methods: The study was of cross-sectional design and included 47 female university dancers (age: 20.4 ± 0.7 years, height: 160.5 ± 5.8 cm; mass: 55.6 ± 4.8 kg). Participants completed the FMS and the anterior, posteromedial and posterolateral reach components of the SEBT and hypermobility was assessed via the BS.
Results: A fair significant correlation existed between FMS composite and total BS (r = 0.37, p = 0.01). For individual elements of the screening tools, there were 24 significant correlations between the FMS and the BS, 11 significant correlations between the FMS and SEBT and 4 significant correlations between the SEBT and BS.
Conclusion: The FMS and the BS correlations highlighted the importance of the deep squat in functional movement and the relationship between FMS mobility elements and the BS. The significant correlation between the FMS and the BS may suggest that they capture similar information. The active straight leg raise and shoulder mobility measurements should be considered key elements to measure during screening
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