182 research outputs found

    Agaricoid basidiomycetes of Sverdlovsk region: results and research perspectives

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    There are 812 species of agaricoid basidiomycetes presently collected in Sverdlovsk region. The south-boreal subzone includes 680 species, whereas another ones relatively weak studied. In local scale, the richest list compiled for the Visim Nature Reserve (614 sp.)

    Exact solutions for equilibrium configurations of charged conducting liquid jets

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    A wide class of exact solutions is obtained for the problem of finding the equilibrium configurations of charged jets of a conducting liquid; these configurations correspond to the finite-amplitude azimuthal deformations of the surface of a round jet. A critical value of the linear electric charge density is determined, for which the jet surface becomes self-intersecting, and the jet splits into two. It exceeds the density value required for the excitation of the linear azimuthal instability of the round jet. Hence, there exists a range of linear charge density values, where our solutions may be stable with respect to small azimuthal perturbations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review


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    Purpose: The article substantiates the necessity to include the concept of identity, in general, and professional identity, in particular, as an indispensable element of virtually every major scientific linguistic investigation, and provides the rationale behind current investigation by justifying the research subject from psychological, sociological, and applied-linguistic perspectives. Methodology: In order to meet the stated objectives of the research, the following methods of analysis have been chosen: continuous sampling method along with corpus data collection (in order to facilitate further data analysis and reduce measurement errors to a minimum); discourse analysis (to single out and scrutinise encountered discursive markers along with their functioning in the chosen discursive space); functional analysis (to figure out the functional diapason of the analysed discourse); statistical data analysis (to assess collected, explored and presented amount of data in order to discover the underlying trends and patterns). Result: All the discursive markers collaborate with one another, forming a strong synergistic effect in terms of both the functional scope of language units and the functional scope of professional identity formation. In conclusion, the combined functional diapason of those discursive markers in popular science IT discourses significantly contributes to the overall partial construction of non-specialist’s professional identity. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Forming professional identity in popular science IT discourse is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Твердофазный синтез отрицательно заряженных олигомеров полиамидных миметиков нуклеиновых кислот

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    A Boc-protocol for manual solid-phase synthesis of novel sequences of negatively charged oligomeric polyamide mimetics of nucleic acids with a regular structure of the pseudopeptide backbone based on L-glutamic acid and glycine and having various positions of the carbethoxyethyl moiety was developed. Conditions for their cleavage from polymeric carrier, isolation and structure confirmation are presented.Разработан Вос-протокол ручного твердофазного синтеза новых последовательностей отрицательно заряженных олигомеров полиамидных миметиков нуклеиновых кислот с регулярной структурой псевдопептидного остова на основе L-глутаминовой кислоты и глицина и различным положением карбоксиэтильного остатка. Представлены условия для их удаления с полимерного носителя, выделения и доказательства структуры


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    Symptoms of neuromuscular dysfunction are quite common in patients with hypothyroidism. Structural changes of myelin and dysfunction of oligodendroglial processes in axons have pathogenetic significance in patients with neuropathies against the background of hypothyroidism. However, the etiopathogenesis of the development of neuropathies in hypothyroidism is not fully understood. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a modern imaging method that now provides an image of nerve trunks with a quality sufficient to assess their condition. The main task of MRI is to assess the difficult and atypical cases of nerve compression. We examined 26 patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism, including 8 patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, 1 patient — an anomaly of nerves and muscles, 2 patients were found to have the consequences of injuries, 1 patient was diagnosed with De-Kervin disease, and 14 patients with comorbidity, leading to nerve compression, was not found. The aim of the study was to assess the diagnostic capabilities of magnetic resonance imaging for compression-ischemic neuropathies of the hands in patients with hypothyroidism. Neurological examination and data from stimulation electroneuromyography allows you to accurately determine the area of investigation for MRI. The article shows the diagnostic capabilities of MRI, as well as its place in the diagnostic algorithm of compression-ischemic neuropathies of the hands in patients with hypothyroidism.Симптомы нервно-мышечных дисфункций достаточно часто встречаются у больных гипотиреозом. Структурные изменения миелина и дисфункция олигодендроглиальных процессов в аксонах имеют патогенетическое значение у пациентов с невропатиями на фоне гипотиреоза. Однако этиопатогенез развития невропатий при гипотиреозе изучен не до конца. Магнитно-резонансная томография (МРТ) — современный метод визуализации, позволяющий получить изображение стволов нервов с качеством, достаточным для оценки их состояния. Основная задача МРТ заключается в визуализации нервного ствола и оценке трудных и атипичных случаев компрессии нерва. Целью исследования была оценка диагностических возможностей МРТ при компрессионно-ишемических невропатиях рук у пациентов с гипотиреозом. Обследованы 26 пациентов с диагнозом «гипотиреоз», из них 8 пациентов с дегенеративно-дистрофическими заболеваниями позвоночника, у одного пациента была выявлена аномалия нервов и мышц, у 2 пациентов — последствия травм, у одного пациента — болезнь Де-Кервена, у 14 пациентов сопутствующей патологии, приводящей к компрессии нервов, не обнаружено. Неврологическое обследование и данные стимуляционной электронейромиографии (ЭНМГ) позволяют точно определить зону исследования для МРТ. Вместе с тем исследования, посвященные изучению возможностей МРТ в диагностике периферических нейропатий, имеют единичный характер. В статье показаны диагностические возможности МРТ, а также ее место в диагностическом алгоритме компрессионно-ишемических невропатий рук у пациентов с гипотиреозом