52,373 research outputs found

    Formulation of the information capacity of the optical-mechanical line-scan imaging process

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    An expression for the information capacity of the optical-mechanical line-scan imaging process is derived which includes the effects of blurring of spatial, photosensor noise, aliasing, and quantization. Both the information capacity for a fixed data density and the information efficiency (the ratio of information capacity to data density) exhibit a distinct single maximum when displayed as a function of sampling rate, and the location of this maximum was determined by the system frequency-response shape, signal-to-noise ratio, and quantization interval

    A spectral reflectance estimation technique using multispectral data from the Viking lander camera

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    A technique is formulated for constructing spectral reflectance curve estimates from multispectral data obtained with the Viking lander camera. The multispectral data are limited to six spectral channels in the wavelength range from 0.4 to 1.1 micrometers and most of these channels exhibit appreciable out-of-band response. The output of each channel is expressed as a linear (integral) function of the (known) solar irradiance, atmospheric transmittance, and camera spectral responsivity and the (unknown) spectral responsivity and the (unknown) spectral reflectance. This produces six equations which are used to determine the coefficients in a representation of the spectral reflectance as a linear combination of known basis functions. Natural cubic spline reflectance estimates are produced for a variety of materials that can be reasonably expected to occur on Mars. In each case the dominant reflectance features are accurately reproduced, but small period features are lost due to the limited number of channels. This technique may be a valuable aid in selecting the number of spectral channels and their responsivity shapes when designing a multispectral imaging system

    Application of information theory to the design of line-scan imaging systems

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    Information theory is used to formulate a single figure of merit for assessing the performance of line scan imaging systems as a function of their spatial response (point spread function or modulation transfer function), sensitivity, sampling and quantization intervals, and the statistical properties of a random radiance field. Computational results for the information density and efficiency (i.e., the ratio of information density to data density) are intuitively satisfying and compare well with experimental and theoretical results obtained by earlier investigators concerned with the performance of TV systems

    Aliased noise in radiometric measurements

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    The magnitude of aliased noise that degrades the accuracy of continuous reconstructions of discrete radiometric measurements was evaluated as a function of the spatial response and sampling intervals of the radiometer, and of the resolution of the reconstructed measurements. A Wiener spectrum, representative of a wide range of scenes, was used to characterize the radiance fluctuations

    A technique for constructing spectral reflectance curves from Viking lander camera multispectral data

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    A technique for evaluating the construction of spectral reflectance curves from multispectral data obtained with the Viking lander cameras is presented. The multispectral data is limited to 6 channels in the wave-length range 0.4 to 1.1 microns, and several of the channels suffer from appreciable out-of-band response. The technique represents the estimated reflectance curves as a linear combination of known basic functions with coefficients determined to minimize the error in the representation, and it permits all channels, with and without out-of-band response, to contribute equally valid information. The technique is evaluated for known spectral reflectance curves of 8 materials felt likely to be present on the Martian surface. The technique provides an essentially exact fit if the the reflectance curve has no pronounced maxima and minima. Even if the curve has pronounced maxima and minima, the fit is good and reveals the most dominant features. Since only 6 samples are available some short period features are lost. This loss is almost certainly due to undersampling rather than out-of-band channel response

    Critical phenomena in exponential random graphs

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    The exponential family of random graphs is one of the most promising class of network models. Dependence between the random edges is defined through certain finite subgraphs, analogous to the use of potential energy to provide dependence between particle states in a grand canonical ensemble of statistical physics. By adjusting the specific values of these subgraph densities, one can analyze the influence of various local features on the global structure of the network. Loosely put, a phase transition occurs when a singularity arises in the limiting free energy density, as it is the generating function for the limiting expectations of all thermodynamic observables. We derive the full phase diagram for a large family of 3-parameter exponential random graph models with attraction and show that they all consist of a first order surface phase transition bordered by a second order critical curve.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    4D visualization of embryonic, structural crystallization by single-pulse microscopy

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    In many physical and biological systems the transition from an amorphous to ordered native structure involves complex energy landscapes, and understanding such transformations requires not only their thermodynamics but also the structural dynamics during the process. Here, we extend our 4D visualization method with electron imaging to include the study of irreversible processes with a single pulse in the same ultrafast electron microscope (UEM) as used before in the single-electron mode for the study of reversible processes. With this augmentation, we report on the transformation of amorphous to crystalline structure with silicon as an example. A single heating pulse was used to initiate crystallization from the amorphous phase while a single packet of electrons imaged selectively in space the transformation as the structure continuously changes with time. From the evolution of crystallinity in real time and the changes in morphology, for nanosecond and femtosecond pulse heating, we describe two types of processes, one that occurs at early time and involves a nondiffusive motion and another that takes place on a longer time scale. Similar mechanisms of two distinct time scales may perhaps be important in biomolecular folding

    Subwavelength localization and toroidal dipole moment of spoof surface plasmon polaritons

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    We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate subwavelength scale localization of spoof surface plasmon polaritons at a point defect in a two-dimensional groove metal array. An analytical expression for dispersion relation of spoof surface plasmon polaritons substantiates the existence of a band gap where a defect mode can be introduced. A waveguide coupling method allows us to excite localized spoof surface plasmon polariton modes and measure their resonance frequencies. Numerical calculations confirm that localized modes can have a very small modal volume and a high Q factor both of which are essential in enhancing light-matter interactions. Interestingly, we find that the localized spoof surface plasmon polariton has a significant toroidal dipole moment, which is responsible for the high Q factor, as well as an electric quadrupole moment. In addition, the dispersion properties of spoof surface plasmon polaritons are analyzed using a modal expansion method and numerical calculations

    Analytical models and system topologies for remote multispectral data acquisition and classification

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    Simple analytical models are presented of the radiometric and statistical processes that are involved in multispectral data acquisition and classification. Also presented are basic system topologies which combine remote sensing with data classification. These models and topologies offer a preliminary but systematic step towards the use of computer simulations to analyze remote multispectral data acquisition and classification systems

    Shuttling of Spin Polarized Electrons in Molecular Transistors

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    Shuttling of electrons in single-molecule transistors with magnetic leads in the presence of an external magnetic field is considered theoretically. For a current of partially spin-polarized electrons a shuttle instability is predicted to occur for a finite interval of external magnetic field strengths. The lower critical magnetic field is determined by the degree of spin polarization and it vanishes as the spin polarization approaches 100%. The feasibility of detecting magnetic shuttling in a C60C_{60}-based molecular transistor with magnetic (Ni) electrodes is discussed [A.~N.~Pasupathy et al., Science 306, 86 (2004)].Comment: Submitted to a special issue of "Synthetic Metals" to appear in March 201