1,090 research outputs found

    Investigation into the selection of viewing configurations for three-component planar Doppler velocimetry measurements.

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    A method for the calculation of three orthogonal velocity components in planar Doppler velocimetry (PDV) using four or more measured velocity components (to the three typically used) is presented. The advantages and disadvantages are assessed by use of a Monte Carlo simulation and experimental measurements of the velocity field of a rotating disk. The addition of a fourth velocity component has been shown to lead to reductions in the final errors of up to 25%. The selection of viewing configurations for experiments is discussed by simulation of the level of errors in measured velocity components and investigation of the final level of errors in the orthogonal velocity components. Experimental measurements of the velocity field of a rotating disk are presented, demonstrating the effect of the viewing configuration on the final level of error

    Planar Doppler velocimetry measurements of flows using imaging fibre bundles

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    The development of a planar Doppler velocimetry is described. The technique is capable of measuring the three, instantaneous components of velocity in two dimensions using a single pair of signal and reference cameras. PDV can be used to measure the instantaneous 3-D velocity of a fluid by using an absorption line filter (ALF) to determine the Doppler shifted frequency of a narrow line pulsed laser (Nd:YAG) that has been scattered off particles seeded into the flow. The velocity of the fluid is determined using the Doppler formula and is dependent on the laser direction and the viewing direction. Hence, only one velocity component of the flow is measured. This component can be measured in two spatial dimensions using an array detector such as a CCD camera. To capture the three components, three such measurement heads have been used viewing from different angles. In the technique presented here the three views are ported from the collection optics to a single imaging plane using flexible fibre imaging bundles. These are made up of a coherent array of single fibres and are combined at one end as the input plane to the measurement head. The paper discusses the issues involved in developing a full three-dimensional velocity measurement system

    A PIV comparison of the flow field and wall shear stress in rigid and compliant models of healthy carotid arteries

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    Certain systems relevant to circulatory disease have walls which are neither rigid nor static, for example, the coronary arteries, the carotid artery and the heart chambers. In vitro modeling allows the fluid mechanics of the circulatory system to be studied without the ethical and safety issues associated with animal and human experiments. Computational methods in which the equations are coupled governing the flow and the elastic walls are maturing. Currently there is a lack of experimental data in compliant arterial systems to validate the numerical predictions. Previous experimental work has commonly used rigid wall boundaries, ignoring the effect of wall compliance. Particle Image Velocimetry is used to provide a direct comparison of both the flow field and wall shear stress (WSS) observed in experimental phantoms of rigid and compliant geometries representing an idealized common carotid artery. The input flow waveform and the mechanical response of the phantom are physiologically realistic. The results show that compliance affects the velocity profile within the artery. A rigid boundary causes severe overestimation of the peak WSS with a maximum relative difference of 61% occurring; showing compliance protects the artery from exposure to high magnitude WSS. This is important when trying to understand the development of diseases like atherosclerosis. The maximum, minimum and time averaged WSS in the rigid geometry was 2.3, 0.51 and 1.03Pa and in the compliant geometry 1.4, 0.58 and 0.84Pa, respectively

    Recent results from lattice calculations

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    Recent results from lattice QCD calculations relevant to particle physics phenomenology are reviewed. They include the calculations of strong coupling constant, quark masses, kaon matrix elements, and D and B meson matrix elements. Special emphasis is on the recent progress in the simulations including dynamical quarks.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, plenary talk at the 32nd International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP 2004), August 16-22, 2004, Beijing, Chin

    Orthodontic Bracket Manufacturing Tolerances and Dimensional Differences between Select Self-Ligating Brackets

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    In all manufacturing processes there are tolerances; however, orthodontic bracket manufacturers seldom state the slot dimensional tolerances. This experiment develops a novel method of analyzing slot profile dimensions using photographs of the slot. Five points are selected along each wall, and lines are fitted to define a trapezoidal slot shape. This investigation measures slot height at the slot's top and bottom, angles between walls, slot taper, and the linearity of each wall. Slot dimensions for 30 upper right central incisor self-ligating stainless steel brackets from three manufacturers were evaluated. Speed brackets have a slot height 2% smaller than the nominal 0.559 mm size and have a slightly convergent taper. In-Ovation brackets have a divergent taper at an average angle of 1.47 degrees. In-Ovation is closest to the nominal value of slot height at the slot base and has the smallest manufacturing tolerances. Damon Q brackets are the most rectangular in shape, with nearly 90-degree corners between the slot bottom and walls. Damon slot height is on average 3% oversized

    Design and Fabrication of a 1 m Model of the 70 mm Bore Twin Aperture Superconducting Quadrupole for the LHC Insertions

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    For reasons of geometrical acceptance, 70 mm bore twin aperture quadrupoles are required in the LHC insertions. For an operating gradient of 160 T/m at 4.5 K, a design based on a four layer coil wound from two graded 8.2 mm NbTi conductors has been developed. Three 1 m single aperture quadrupoles of this design have been built and successfully tested. Thereafter, the magnets have been disassembled and the coils re-collared using self-supporting collars. In this paper, we describe the design features of the twin aperture quadrupole, and report on the initial collaring tests and procedures for collaring and final assembly of the 1 m magnet

    Charm as a domain wall fermion in quenched lattice QCD

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    We report a study describing the charm quark by a domain-wall fermion (DWF) in lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Our study uses a quenched gauge ensemble with the DBW2 rectangle-improved gauge action at a lattice cutoff of a−1∌3a^{-1} \sim 3 GeV. We calculate masses of heavy-light (charmed) and heavy-heavy (charmonium) mesons with spin-parity JP=0∓J^P = 0^\mp and 1∓1^\mp, leptonic decay constants of the charmed pseudoscalar mesons (DD and DsD_s), and the D0D^0-D0ˉ\bar{D^0} mixing parameter. The charm quark mass is found to be mcMSˉ(mc)=1.24(1)(18)m^{\bar{\rm MS}}_{c}(m_{c})=1.24(1)(18) GeV. The mass splittings in charmed-meson parity partners Δq,J=0\Delta_{q,J=0} and Δq,J=1\Delta_{q, J=1} are degenerate within statistical errors, in accord with experiment, and they satisfy a relation Δq=ud,J>Δq=s,J\Delta_{q=ud, J} > \Delta_{q=s, J}, also consistent with experiment. A C-odd axial vector charmonium state, hc),lies22(11)MeVabovetheh_c), lies 22(11) MeV above the \chi_{c1}meson,or meson, or m_{h_{c}} = 3533(11)_{\rm stat.}MeVusingtheexperimental MeV using the experimental \chi_{c1}) mass. However, in this regard, we emphasize significant discrepancies in the calculation of hyperfine splittings on the lattice. The leptonic decay constants of DD and DsD_s mesons are found to be fD=232(7)stat.(−0+6)chiral(11)syst.f_D=232(7)_{\rm stat.}(^{+6}_{-0})_{\rm chiral}(11)_{\rm syst.} MeV and fDs/fD=1.05(2)stat.(−2+0)chiral(2)syst.f_{D_s}/f_{D} = 1.05(2)_{\rm stat.}(^{+0}_{-2})_{\rm chiral}(2)_{\rm syst.}, where the first error is statistical, the second a systematic due to chiral extrapolation and the third error combination of other known systematics. The D0D^0-D0ˉ\bar{D^0} mixing bag parameter, which enters the ΔC=2\Delta C = 2 transition amplitude, is found to be BD(2GeV)=0.845(24)stat.(−6+24)chiral(105)syst.B_D(2{GeV})=0.845(24)_{\rm stat.}(^{+24}_{-6})_{\rm chiral}(105)_{\rm syst.}.Comment: 49 pages, 15 figure

    Branching ratios of Bc Meson Decaying to Pseudoscalar and Axial-Vector Mesons

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    We study Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) favored weak decays of Bc mesons in the Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise (ISGW) quark model. We present a detailed analysis of the Bc meson decaying to a pseudoscalar meson (P) and an axial-vector meson (A). We also give the form factors involving transition in the ISGW II framework and consequently, predict the branching ratios of decays.Comment: 19 pages,7 table
