321 research outputs found

    The Equation of State of a Low-Temperature Fermi Gas with Tunable Interactions

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    Interacting fermions are ubiquitous in nature and understanding their thermodynamics is an important problem. We measure the equation of state of a two-component ultracold Fermi gas for a wide range of interaction strengths at low temperature. A detailed comparison with theories including Monte-Carlo calculations and the Lee-Huang-Yang corrections for low-density bosonic and fermionic superfluids is presented. The low-temperature phase diagram of the spin imbalanced gas reveals Fermi liquid behavior of the partially polarized normal phase for all but the weakest interactions. Our results provide a benchmark for many-body theories and are relevant to other fermionic systems such as the crust of neutron stars.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Bose-Hubbard physics in synthetic dimensions from interaction Trotterization

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    Activating transitions between a set of atomic internal states has emerged as an elegant scheme by which lattice models can be designed in ultracold atomic gases. In this approach, the internal states can be viewed as fictitious lattice sites defined along a synthetic dimension, hence offering a powerful method by which the spatial dimensionality of the system can be extended. Inter-particle collisions generically lead to infinite-range interactions along the synthetic dimensions, which a priori precludes the design of Bose-Hubbard-type models featuring on-site interactions. In this article, we solve this obstacle by introducing a protocol that realizes strong and tunable "on-site" interactions along an atomic synthetic dimension. Our scheme is based on pulsing strong intra-spin interactions in a fast and periodic manner, hence realizing the desired "on-site" interactions in a digital (Trotterized) manner. We explore the viability of this protocol by means of numerical calculations, which we perform on various examples that are relevant to ultracold-atom experiments. This general method, which could be applied to various atomic species by means of fast-response protocols based on Fano-Feshbach resonances, opens the route for the exploration of strongly-correlated matter in synthetic dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    The termites of Early Eocene Cambay amber, with the earliest record of the Termitidae (Isoptera)

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.pensoft.net.The fauna of termites (Isoptera) preserved in Early Eocene amber from the Cambay Basin (Gujarat, India) are described and figured. Three new genera and four new species are recognized, all of them Neoisoptera – Parastylotermes krishnai Engel & Grimaldi, sp. n. (Stylotermitidae); Prostylotermes kamboja Engel & Grimaldi, gen. et sp. n. (Stylotermitidae?); Zophotermes Engel, gen. n., with Zophotermes ashoki Engel & Singh, sp. n. (Rhinotermitidae: Prorhinotermitinae); and Nanotermes isaacae Engel & Grimaldi, gen. et sp. n. (Termitidae: Termitinae?). Together these species represent the earliest Tertiary records of the Neoisoptera and the oldest definitive record of Termitidae, a family that comprises >75% of the living species of Isoptera. Interestingly, the affinities of the Cambay amber termites are with largely Laurasian lineages, in this regard paralleling relationships seen between the fauna of bees and some flies. Diversity of Neoisoptera in Indian amber may reflect origin of the amber deposit in Dipterocarpaceae forests formed at or near the paleoequator

    Bisognano-Wichmann Hamiltonian for the entanglement spectroscopy of fractional quantum Hall states

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    We study the Bisognano-Wichmann Hamiltonian for fractional quantum Hall states defined on a sphere and explore its relationship with the entanglement Hamiltonian associated to the state. We present results for several examples, namely the bosonic Laughlin state stabilized by contact two-body interactions and the bosonic Moore-Read state by either three- or two-body interactions. Our findings demonstrate that the Bisognano-Wichmann Hamiltonian provides a reliable approximation of the entanglement Hamiltonian as a fully-local operator that can be written without any prior knowledge of the specific state under consideration

    The Dolichens database: the lichen biota of the Dolomites

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    The Dolichens project provides the first dynamic inventory of the lichens of the Dolomites (Eastern Alps, Italy). Occurrence records were retrieved from published and grey literature, reviewed herbaria, unpublished records collected by the authors, and new sampling campaigns, covering a period from 1820 to 2022. Currently, the dataset contains 56,251 records, referring to 1,719 infrageneric taxa, reported from 1820 to 2022, from hilly to nival belts, and corresponding to about half of the species known for the whole Alpine chain. Amongst them, 98% are georeferenced, although most of them were georeferenced a posteriori. The dataset is available through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF; https://www.gbif.org/es/dataset/cea3ee2c-1ff1-4f8e-bb37-a99600cb4134) and through the Dolichens website (https://italic.units.it/dolichens/). We expect that this open floristic inventory will contribute to tracking the lichen diversity of the Dolomites over the past 200 years, and providing the basis for future taxonomic, biogeographical, and ecological studies

    Exploring patterns of beta-diversity to test the consistency of biogeographical boundaries: A case study across forest plant communities of Italy

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    Aim: To date, despite their great potential biogeographical regionalization models have been mostly developed on descriptive and empirical bases. This paper aims at applying the beta-diversity framework on a statistically representative data set to analytically test the consistency of the biogeographical regionalization of Italian forests. Location: Italy. Taxon: Vascular plants. Methods: Forest plant communities were surveyed in 804 plots made in a statistically representative sample of forest communities made by 201 sites of Italian forests across the three biogeographical regions of the country: Alpine, Continental, and Mediterranean. We conducted an ordination analysis and an analysis of beta-diversity, decomposing it into its turnover and nestedness components. Results: Our results provide only partial support to the consistency of the biogeographical regionalization of Italy. While the differences in forest plant communities support the distinction between the Alpine and the other two regions, differences between Continental and Mediterranean regions had lower statistical support. Pairwise beta-diversity and its turnover component are higher between- than within-biogeographical regions. This suggests that different regional species pools contribute to assembly of local communities and that spatial distance between-regions has a stronger effect than that within-regions. Main conclusions: Our findings confirm a biogeographical structure of the species pools that is captured by the biogeographical regionalization. However, nonsignificant differences between the Mediterranean and Continental biogeographical regions suggest that this biogeographical regionalization is not consistent for forest plant communities. Our results demonstrate that an analytical evaluation of species composition differences among regions using beta-diversity analysis is a promising approach for testing the consistency of biogeographical regionalization models. This approach is recommended to provide support to the biogeographical regionalization used in some environmental conservation polices adopted by EU

    Superfluid fraction in an interacting spatially modulated Bose-Einstein condensate

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    At zero temperature, a Galilean-invariant Bose fluid is expected to be fully superfluid. Here we investigate theoretically and experimentally the quenching of the superfluid density of a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate due to the breaking of translational (and thus Galilean) invariance by an external 1D periodic potential. Both Leggett's bound fixed by the knowledge of the total density and the anisotropy of the sound velocity provide a consistent determination of the superfluid fraction. The use of a large-period lattice emphasizes the important role of two-body interactions on superfluidity

    Improved outcomes in the treatment of post-myocardial infarction ventricular septal defect with percutaneous TandemHeart left ventricular mechanical circulatory support

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    Background Post-myocardial infarction (MI) ventricular septal defect (VSD) is associated with 40% - 50% of peri-procedural mortalities; however, it is amenable to catheter-based therapies. We retrospectively investigated the impact of state-of-the-art bridging percutaneous left ventricular mechanical circulatory support (MCS) using the TandemHeart® (TH) ventricular assist device (VAD) on a patient with post-MI VSD. Results From July 2008 to March 2014, 23 patients were referred for treatment of post-MI VSD. Initially, 18/23 patients required MCS; 12 received an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), while 6 received initial TH support. Seven of the IABP patients later required TH support. Catheter-based device VSD closure was performed in 18 of the patients; however, three patients required conversion to conventional open cardiac surgical repair via VSD patch closure due to failure of the catheter-based approach. Five patients with TH underwent planned open cardiac surgical repair due to an anticipated lack of suitability for catheter-based treatment. Results revealed that delayed closure after MI correlated with improved survival. Overall, 30-day and 6-month survival rates were 83% (19/23) and 70% (16/23), respectively. Conclusions Further, Qp/Qs ratios of \u3c2.4 correlated with successful percutaneous VSD repair, and this assessment should be further explored as an assessment to inform clinical judgment in patients with post-MI VSD treatment
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