198 research outputs found

    Complex phytochemical preparation (Herba centaurii, Radix levistici and Folia rosmarini) protects kidney during glomerulonephritis

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    © 2017, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global problem all over the world. Special attention is paid to the action of natural compounds. This research was aimed to investigate the effect of complex phytochemical preparation (Herba centaurii, Radix levistici and Folia rosmarini) on dynamics of morphological changes in kidney tissue in animals with glomerulonephritis. We found a positive dynamics in the structure of the nephron, which allows us to conclude that its nephroprotective effect is expressed

    Diffusion of small two-dimensional Cu islands on Cu(111) studied with a kinetic Monte Carlo method

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    Diffusion of small two-dimensional Cu islands (containing up to 10 atoms) on Cu(111) has been studied using the newly developed self-learning Kinetic Monte Carlo (SLKMC) method which is based on a database of diffusion processes and their energetics accumulated automatically during the implementation of the SLKMC code. Results obtained from simulations in which atoms hop from one fcc hollow site to another are compared with those obtained from a parallel set of simulations in which the database is supplemented by processes revealed in complementary molecular dynamics simulations at 500K. They include processes involving the hcp (stacking-fault) sites, which facilitate concerted motion of the islands (simultaneous motion of all atoms in the island). A significant difference in the scaling of the effective diffusion barriers with island size is observed in the two cases. In particular, the presence of concerted island motion leads to an almost linear increase in the effective diffusion barrier with size, while its absence accounts for strong size-dependent oscillations and anomalous behavior for trimers and heptamers. We also identify and discuss in detail the key microscopic processes responsible for the diffusion and examine the frequencies of their occurrence, as a function of island size and substrate temperature.Peer reviewe

    Energetics and atomic mechanisms of dislocation nucleation in strained epitaxial layers

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    We study numerically the energetics and atomic mechanisms of misfit dislocation nucleation and stress relaxation in a two-dimensional atomistic model of strained epitaxial layers on a substrate with lattice misfit. Relaxation processes from coherent to incoherent states for different transition paths are studied using interatomic potentials of Lennard-Jones type and a systematic saddle point and transition path search method. The method is based on a combination of repulsive potential minimization and the Nudged Elastic Band method. For a final state with a single misfit dislocation, the minimum energy path and the corresponding activation barrier are obtained for different misfits and interatomic potentials. We find that the energy barrier decreases strongly with misfit. In contrast to continuous elastic theory, a strong tensile-compressive asymmetry is observed. This asymmetry can be understood as manifestation of asymmetry between repulsive and attractive branches of pair potential and it is found to depend sensitively on the form of the potential.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Многолетний опыт лечения спонтанного пневмоторакса в условиях одного медицинского центра

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    The objective: to analyze results of surgical treatment of the patients with spontaneous pneumothorax.Subjects and Methods. Medical records of patients with spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) who were treated in Surgical Thoracic Department of Ryazan Regional Clinical Hospital from 1998 to 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. The article describes the experience of treatment of 738 cases of spontaneous pneumothorax within one medical center. The evolution of tactics and principles of surgical treatment over a 23-year period is presented. The incidence of spontaneous pneumothorax and efficacy of different surgical options were analyzed. The recurrence of spontaneous pneumothorax was recorded in the following cases: after pleural cavity drainage – in 19.7%, after videothoracoscopic resection of bullous parts of the lung in combination with subtotal parietal pleurectomy – in 2.1%.Цель исследования: анализ результатов хирургического лечения пациентов со спонтанным пневмотораксом.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ медицинской документации пациентов со спонтанным пневмотораксом (СП), находившихся на лечении в хирургическом торакальном отделении ГБУ РО «ОКБ» г. Рязани в период с 1998 г. по 2021 г. В статье представлен опыт лечения 738 случаев спонтанного пневмоторакса в условиях одного медицинского центра. Отражена эволюция тактики и принципов хирургического лечения за 23-летний период. Проведен анализ частоты развития рецидива спонтанного пневмоторакса и эффективности различных вариантов хирургических вмешательств. Рецидив СП зафиксирован: после дренирования плевральной полости – в 19,7%, после видеоторакоскопической резекции буллезных участков легкого в комбинации с субтотальной париетальной плеврэктомией – в 2,1%

    Circulating markers of vascular damage as predictors of cardiovascular events in atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders

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    The article presents the results of cluster analysis of the contribution of immune inflammation and endothelial dysfunction (ED) markers to the frequency and severity of cardiovascular events (CVE) in cohorts of patients with asymptomatic atherosclerosis (AAS), coronary artery disease (CAD), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and metabolic syndrome (MS) during a 3-year prospective observation. Results Circulating markers of ED and immune inflammation, such as ET-1, IL-1β, TNF-α, antibodies to collagen type I and III, and antibodies to chondroitine sulfate (CS) contribute to cardiovascular (CV) manifestation in AAS. In CAD patients ET-1, eNOs, antibodies to collagen, as well as IL-6 and vWf  are the main contributors. In T2DM without clinical manifestation of CAD, the set of markers associated with the adverse events includes ET-1, eNOs, IL-6, anti-C, and anti-HA. In CAD combined with T2DM, the cluster of markers associated with the adverse events includes vWf, TNF-α, eNOs, IL-6, anti-C, anti-HA and CRP. In AAS without MS, the key contributors are ET-1 and vWf, and the presence of anti-C and anti-ChS; in AAS/MS patients, the key markers are IL-1β, TNF-α, anti-C, anti-ChS, anti-HA, and CRP. In CAD without MS, the cluster of markers associated with adverse events includes ET-1, eNOs and anti-HA; in CAD/MS it includes anti-C, ET-1, and IL-6. Conclusion. The obtained results confirm the role of systemic inflammation in the development of atherosclerosis-associated angiopathy in coronary pathology and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, and also suggest a set of circulating markers as predictors of adverse CVE

    Conductance of tubular nanowires with disorder

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    We calculate the conductance of tubular-shaped nanowires having many potential scatterers at random positions. Our approach is based on the scattering matrix formalism and our results analyzed within the scaling theory of disordered conductors. When increasing the energy the conductance for a big enough number of impurities in the tube manifests a systematic evolution from the localized to the metallic regimes. Nevertheless, a conspicuous drop in conductance is predicted whenever a new transverse channel is open. Comparison with the semiclassical calculation leading to purely ohmic behavior is made.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Observation of coherent transients in ultrashort chirped excitation of an undamped two-level system

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    The effects of Coherent excitation of a two level system with a linearly chirped pulse are studied theoretically and experimentally (in Rb (5s - 5p)) in the low field regime. The Coherent Transients are measured directly on the excited state population on an ultrashort time scale. A sharp step corresponds to the passage through resonance. It is followed by oscillations resulting from interferences between off-resonant and resonant contributions. We finally show the equivalence between this experiment and Fresnel diffraction by a sharp edge.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    Conductivity of graphene: How to distinguish between samples with short and long range scatterers

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    Applying a quasiclassical equation to carriers in graphene we found a way how to distinguish between samples with the domination of short and long range scatterers from the conductivity measurements. The model proposed explains recent transport experiments with chemically doped as well as suspended graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, some references have been corrected and revise