59 research outputs found

    State regulation features of university integration into national innovative system in the light of "triple helix" modern concept

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    The study is devoted to state regulation features research of university integration of into national innovative system in the light of “triple helix” modern concept developed by it’s kovit’s leidesdorf describing development of innovative systems through dynamics of state, business and universitiesyesBelgorod State Universit

    Self-preserving dispositions and strategies of modern Russian youth

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    The paper covers the results of a Russian study on the determination of self-preserving dispositions and strategies of modern Russian youth via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result of the study, the problem field of control over the self-preserving behaviour of young people was determined, at the perimeter of which there are problems related to the lack of work to prevent diseases among young people, uncontrolled smoking and the use of alcohol by young peopl


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    Analyzing MD simulation data on the thermic evolution of G/M, Si/M interface there are have been established the specificities and criteria of functional stability of atomic, electron (conserving Dirac cone) structures, as main condition of exelant electronic properties (superconductivity including)

    Conceptual Framework for Creation of International Financial Accounting Models

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    Business globalization results in creation of common business space which successful operation depends to a great extent on awareness of its participants. Accounting plays an important role in this process. The purpose of this study is to reveal a conceptual framework for creation of international financial accounting models under current condition

    Conceptual Framework for Creation of International Financial Accounting Models

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    Business globalization results in creation of common business space which successful operation depends to a great extent on awareness of its participants. Accounting plays an important role in this process. The purpose of this study is to reveal a conceptual framework for creation of international financial accounting models under current condition

    State regulation features of university integration into national innovative system in the light of "triple helix" modern concept

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    yesThe study is devoted to state regulation features research of university integration of into national innovative system in the light of “triple helix” modern concept developed by it’s kovit’s leidesdorf describing development of innovative systems through dynamics of state, business and universitiesBelgorod State Universit