130 research outputs found

    Aging Challenges. Perceived Age – a New Predictor of Longevity?

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    The ageing process is accompanied by the manifestation of many characteristics, so-called biomarkers, which can be quantified and used to assess a patient's health status. One of these signs is the progressive decline of a human's facial look, which is described by the concept of 'perceived age'. Facial aging is the most important parameter of perceived age. However, over the years, researchers have identified risk factors that affect the facial skin, including smoking, systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages, overweight or underweight, environmental conditions, and psychosocial determinants. The influence of psychological state on the appearance and life prognosis is shown. The authors presented data from the international literature on the study of perceived age. The frontiers of using perceived age as a biomarker of aging were Danish scientists who developed the main methodological approaches to determine this indicator. One such methodology used in population studies has been the clinical technique of assessing perceived age through photography. The review presents this methodology in detail, with its advantages and modifications. The authors conclude that the measurement of an individual's perceived age can serve not only as a prognostic indicator,  but also over time can become a   useful marker of the effectiveness of various treatments. Until now perceived age has hardly been studied in population studies, the authors presented data from the works of V.A.  Labunskaya, G.V.  Serikov,  T.A.  Shkurko who develop the direction related to psychology of perceived age  and in their studies use social-psychological approaches of appearance assessment

    From experimental biomodeling to personalized medicine

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    This article presents the results of experimental studies of adverse effects of environmental and occupational exposures on the morphofunctional state of the central nervous system in offspring rats. The results of this study show that newborn offspring of rats exposed to vinyl chloride and mercuric chloride lagged behind the controls in sensory-motor development. There was violated the whole structure of behavior in adult offspring characterized by reduces motor and exploratory activity, increased anxiety in rats. There was abnormal impulse conduction in the neuromuscular apparatus of the hind legs of albino rats and morphological changes in the structure of nervous tissue. Developmental disorders in the offspring may be associated with the processes of accumulation, influence on the genetic apparatus of cells or mediated by epigenetic mechanisms of CNS disorders. A comparative study of the behavioral and cognitive effects of toluene, cerebral bioelectrical activity in rats with a normal embryogenesis and background prenatal hypoxia has been found that toluene neurotoxicity are more pronounced in adult rats exposed to chronic prenatal hypoxia. The results suggest a possible decrease in the sensitivity of neurons to the action of neurotoxicants because of prenatal hypoxic damage. The significance of experimental modeling is to develop approaches to personalized medicine, because knowledge of the previous prenatal pathology or neurointoxication of parents allow study of individual measures of prevention, treatment, and decisions about employment of the younger generation

    Effect of colchicine on physiological and biochemical properties of <i>Rhodococcus qingshengii</i>

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    The genus Rhodococcus includes polymorphic non-spore-forming gram-positive bacteria belonging to the class Actinobacteria. Together with Mycobacterium and Corynebacterium, Rhodococcus belongs to the Mycolata group. Due to their relatively high growth rate and ability to form biof ilms, Rhodococcus are a convenient model for studying the effect of biologically active compounds on pathogenic Mycolata. Colchicine was previously found to reduce biof ilm formation by P. carotovorum VKM B-1247 and R. qingshengii VKM Ac-2784D. To understand the mechanism of action of this alkaloid on the bacterial cell, we have studied the change in the fatty acid composition and microviscosity of the R. qingshengii VKM Ac-2784D membrane. Nystatin, which is known to reduce membrane microviscosity, is used as a positive control. It has been found that colchicine at concentrations of 0.01 and 0.03 g/l and nystatin (0.03 g/l) have no signif icant effect on the survival of R. qingshengii VKM Ac-2784D cultivated in a buffered saline solution with 0.5 % glucose (GBSS). However, colchicine (0.03 g/l) signif icantly inhibits biof ilm formation. Rhodococcus cells cultivated for 24 hours in GBSS with colchicine acquire a rounded shape. Colchicine at 0.01 g/l concentration increases C16:1(n-7), C17:0, C20:1(n-9) and C21:0 fatty acids. The microviscosity of the membrane of individual cells was distributed from the lowest to the highest values of the generalized laurdan f luorescence polarization index (GP), which indicates a variety of adaptive responses to this alkaloid. At a higher concentration of colchicine (0.03 g/l) in the membranes of R. qingshengii VKM Ac-2784D cells, the content of saturated fatty acids increases and the content of branched fatty acids decreases. This contributes to an increase in membrane microviscosity, which is conf irmed by the data on the GP fluorescence of laurdan. All of the above indicates that colchicine induces a rearrangement of the Rhodococcus cell membrane, probably in the direction of increasing its microviscosity. This may be one of the reasons for the negative effect of colchicine on the formation of R. qingshengii VKM Ac-2784D biof ilms


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    Background. Presently, a selection of environmentally friendly technologies for pre-sowing treatment of wheat seeds is conducted in agriculture. Ozone, an allotropic form of oxygen, is highly reactive, acts as an effective insecticide, promotes seed improvement, and reduces soil contamination. The impact of ozone on seeds is one of the promising technologies to improve the quality of seedlings. It is known that the field germination of winter wheat may be less than 50%, depending on the environmental conditions, and therefore the quality of seedlings is very important. Purpose. To evaluate the effect of different ozone concentrations on morphological parameters and synthesis of fatty acids (FA) in winter wheat seedlings. Materials and methods. The object of the study was the seeds of soft winter wheat (variety Irkutskaya). The ozonation was conducted with ozone concentrations of 2, 4, 6 and 8 g/m3 during 15, 30, 45 and 60 min. The germination of treated and control seeds was carried out for three days in the dark in a thermostat (24±1°C). On the third day, the morphometric characteristics were measured. The extraction of lipids from shoots and roots was carried out according to the method of Bligh, Dyer [14]. The methyl esters of lipid fatty acids were analyzed by chromato-mass spectrometry. Statistical data processing was conducted with the use of R programming language and SigmaPlot v. 12.5. Results. Ozone in concentrations of 2, 4, 6 g/m3 has a stimulating effect on seedling germination, the length of the shoots and roots increases. At ozone concentration of 8 g/m3, the length of the shoots and roots decreases. There is a general trend in the content of fatty acids, in the shoots of seedlings there is some decrease in lipid unsaturation, and in the roots - some increase in lipid unsaturation. Conclusion. Ozone in concentrations up to 8 g/m3 is suitable for pre-sowing seed treatment and improves seedling performance

    The study of the dynamics of clinical and laboratory-instrumental parameters in hypertensive patients with obesity who underwent COVID-19-associated pneumonia

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    BACKGROUND: According  to the results of the ESSE-RF study, the frequency of obesity in the population  reached 29.7%. Obesity is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with obesity is a very urgent problem.AIM: The aim of the study was a comparative investigation of clinical and laboratory-instrumental parameters in AH patients with or without obesity who had COVID-19 associated pneumonia, to identify the role of obesity as a potential predictor of post-COVID cardiovascular complications 3 months after discharge from the hospital.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Materials and methods. The study included 174 patients with COVID-19-associated pneumonia. Group 1 included 78 patients with AH without obesity, group 2 — 96 patients with AH and obesity. All patients were tested with a blood sample at the time of admission and 3 months after discharge from the hospital. We assessed parameters of general blood test, biochemistry, hemostasis, inflammation biomarkers — concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP), highly sensitive CRP (hs-CRP), homocysteine, IL-6, etc. All patients initially underwent computed tomography  of the chest. In both groups, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring was performed using BPLaB device, according to the standard protocol; echocardiography using  an expert class ultrasound diagnostic  system Vivid S70. The study is registered with the Clinical Trials.gov database Identifier: NCT04501822.RESULTS: Results. The biomarker that significantly distinguished the both groups of patients, as well as subgroups according to the degree of obesity was the concentration of maxCRP and hs-CRP, which was significantly higher in group 2. In addition, the registered maximum values of MPO, NT-proBNP, IL-1,6, TNA-α and NRL parameters in group 2 of patients with 2–3 degrees of obesity, may indicate the highest probability of developing  delayed adverse cardiovascular complications  in this group of patients. Mean systolic blood pressure, variability of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate at night were significantly  higher in AH patients with obesity. Numerous correlations of obesity with laboratory and instrumental parameters have been registered, which may indicate an increased likelihood of delayed unwanted cardiovascular complications in this particular group of patients. Multiple regression showed that obesity is an independent predictor of an increase in LDH, hs-CRP and right atrium.CONCLUSION: Dynamic control of the studied parameters in patients with AH and OB registered an increased concentration of CRP at the initial stage and 3 months after treatment, with a general trend towards a decrease in the increased initial structural parameters of ECHO CG. The logistic regression method showed that the presence of OB in patients with AH is an independent factor causing increased levels of immune inflammation (CRP), a marker of tissue destruction (LDH), and load on the right atrium

    StopCOVID cohort : An observational study of 3,480 patients admitted to the Sechenov University hospital network in Moscow city for suspected COVID-19 infection

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    © 2020 Oxford University Press. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Clinical Infectious Diseases following peer review. The version of record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa1535.BACKGROUND: The epidemiology, clinical course, and outcomes of COVID-19 patients in the Russian population are unknown. Information on the differences between laboratory-confirmed and clinically-diagnosed COVID-19 in real-life settings is lacking. METHODS: We extracted data from the medical records of adult patients who were consecutively admitted for suspected COVID-19 infection in Moscow, between April 8 and May 28, 2020. RESULTS: Of the 4261 patients hospitalised for suspected COVID-19, outcomes were available for 3480 patients (median age 56 years (interquartile range 45-66). The commonest comorbidities were hypertension, obesity, chronic cardiac disease and diabetes. Half of the patients (n=1728) had a positive RT-PCR while 1748 were negative on RT-PCR but had clinical symptoms and characteristic CT signs suggestive of COVID-19 infection.No significant differences in frequency of symptoms, laboratory test results and risk factors for in-hospital mortality were found between those exclusively clinically diagnosed or with positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR.In a multivariable logistic regression model the following were associated with in-hospital mortality; older age (per 1 year increase) odds ratio [OR] 1.05 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03 - 1.06); male sex (OR 1.71, 1.24 - 2.37); chronic kidney disease (OR 2.99, 1.89 - 4.64); diabetes (OR 2.1, 1.46 - 2.99); chronic cardiac disease (OR 1.78, 1.24 - 2.57) and dementia (OR 2.73, 1.34 - 5.47). CONCLUSIONS: Age, male sex, and chronic comorbidities were risk factors for in-hospital mortality. The combination of clinical features were sufficient to diagnoseCOVID-19 infection indicating that laboratory testing is not critical in real-life clinical practice.Peer reviewe

    Кровотечения из верхних отделов пищеварительного тракта у больных муковисцидозом, осложненным циррозом печени и портальной гипертензией

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    From 455 Cystic Fibrosis patients 10.2% has liver cirrhosis. In Russia we were the first to introduce surgical means of treatment for portal hypertension in CF patients with liver cirrhosis. Sclerotherapy and portal venous shunting are used if variceal haemorrhage occurs. It was shown that all of them were palliative manipulations: portocaval shunts provided good control of portal hypertension but intensified liver failure, sclerotherapy did not prevent a recurrence of bleeding. In the future liver transplantation will be introduced for Cystic Fibrosis patients in Russia.Из 455 активно наблюдаемых больных муковисцидозом цирроз печени диагностирован у 10,2%. Основной причиной, вызывающей необходимость активного эндоскопического или хирургического вмешательства у детей с муковисцидозом, осложненным циррозом печени и синдромом портальной гипертензии, обычно является пищеводно-желудочное кровотечение или угроза его возникновения. Авторами показано, что все используемые методы – шунтирующие операции или склерозирование – являются паллиативными. При шунтировании полностью предотвращается возможность кровотечения, но независимо от вида портокавального анастомоза возникает потеря портальной перфузии печени, ведущая к печеночной недостаточности. В случае склерозирования мы не нарушаем функции печени, однако у части больных сохраняется риск пищеводных кровотечений. В настоящее время радикальным методом является только трансплантация печени, возможности проведения которой разрабатываются совместно с сотрудниками отделения трансплантации печени Научного центра хирургии РАМН

    Dynamic Modeling of Cell Migration and Spreading Behaviors on Fibronectin Coated Planar Substrates and Micropatterned Geometries

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    An integrative cell migration model incorporating focal adhesion (FA) dynamics, cytoskeleton and nucleus remodeling, actin motor activity, and lamellipodia protrusion is developed for predicting cell spreading and migration behaviors. This work is motivated by two experimental works: (1) cell migration on 2-D substrates under various fibronectin concentrations and (2) cell spreading on 2-D micropatterned geometries. These works suggest (1) cell migration speed takes a maximum at a particular ligand density (~1140 molecules/µm2) and (2) that strong traction forces at the corners of the patterns may exist due to combined effects exerted by actin stress fibers (SFs). The integrative model of this paper successfully reproduced these experimental results and indicates the mechanism of cell migration and spreading. In this paper, the mechanical structure of the cell is modeled as having two elastic membranes: an outer cell membrane and an inner nuclear membrane. The two elastic membranes are connected by SFs, which are extended from focal adhesions on the cortical surface to the nuclear membrane. In addition, the model also includes ventral SFs bridging two focal adhesions on the cell surface. The cell deforms and gains traction as transmembrane integrins distributed over the outer cell membrane bond to ligands on the ECM surface, activate SFs, and form focal adhesions. The relationship between the cell migration speed and fibronectin concentration agrees with existing experimental data for Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell migrations on fibronectin coated surfaces. In addition, the integrated model is validated by showing persistent high stress concentrations at sharp geometrically patterned edges. This model will be used as a predictive model to assist in design and data processing of upcoming microfluidic cell migration assays

    Non-High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: A Modern Benchmark for Assessing Lipid Metabolism Disorders

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    Aim. To perform a population analysis of Non-High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol level (non-HDL-c) in Russian population and to evaluate its association with cardiovascular events.Material and Methods. The material consisted of results obtained from 11 regions of the ESSE-RF1 Study and from 4 regions of the ESSE-RF2 Study. Study protocols were identical. The studies were performed in 2012-2014 and 2017, respectively. Endpoints were assessed in 19041 people aged 35-64 years. The median follow-up was 6.5 years in ESSE RF (1) and 3.8 years in ESSE RF(2). Analysis was performed for three lipid variables: total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and non-HDLC in two samples: the general population sample and the same sample without individuals with coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction (MI) and/or stroke history and not taking statins (the population sample of "without a history of cardiovascular diseases [CVD]". The analysis of nonlinear associations was performed using the generalized additive Cox model. The combined cardiovascular endpoint was represented by cardiovascular death and nonfatal MI and stroke. Traditional and laboratory FRs, socio-demographic parameters were analyzed. The significance level for all tested hypotheses was set to be 0.05.Results. The prevalence of elevated non-HDL-C level (&gt;3.7 mmol/l) was found to be 74.6%. No gender differences were found: there was 74.6% for men and 74.5% for women. Both mean values and prevalence of elevated non-HDL-C were increased with age in women, and its level was slightly decreased in men after 55 years old. Almost all analyzed RFs were significantly associated with elevated non-HDL-C in these two population samples. In both samples elevated total CH and elevated LDL-C were associated with all-cause mortality after correction for all RFs. On the contrary, the non-HDL-C was associated with CVD combined end pints. It has been shown that the risk of these end points increases uniformly with increase in levels of non HDL cholesterol, no nonlinear associations were found.Conclusion. The results of a population-based analysis of non-HDL-C performed in the Russian population for the first time confirmed that elevated non-HDL-C levels contribute significantly to determining the risk of cardiovascular events in the medium term. It can be assumed that the new risk scales (SCORE2 and SCORE OP) proposed by the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Preventive Cardiology, which include non-HDL C instead of TC, will allow adequate assessment of 10-year cardiovascular risk for Russians. However, continued monitoring of endpoints in order to obtain stable associations is required

    Myocardial infarction in the population of some Russian regions and its prognostic value

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    Aim. To study the prevalence of myocardial infarction (MI) in the population of Russian regions and its contribution to cardiovascular events.Material and methods. The analysis material was representative samples of the population aged 35-64 years from 11 Russian regions,  examined within the multicenter study “Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases and their Risk Factors in Regions  of Russian Federation”. The response rate was about 80%. The study used a community-based  systematic stratified multiply random sample. During the study, information on prior MI was obtained using a standard questionnaire. Anthropometry and measurement of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) with an automatic BP monitor were performed. Resting electrocardiography (ECG) was performed, followed by Minnesota coding. Major and minor QQS waves and STT segments were considered as ischemic  ECG abnormalities. Biochemical parameters were determined using an Arkhitect 000 Clinical Chemistry Analyzer. The median prospective  follow-up was 6,21 [5,25; 6,75] years. A composite endpoint (CE) was analyzed, including cardiovascular death and non-fatal MI. During the follow-up period, 363 all-cause deaths were detected,  of which 134 were from cardiovascular diseases, while 196 — CEs. Statistical analysis was carried out in R 3.6.1 environment.Results. The MI prevalence among the Russian population was 2,9%; 5,2% for men and 1,5% for women,  increasing  with age. Men with prior MI were  more likely to take statins and beta-blockers  than women as follows: 39,0% vs 25,6% and 29,3% vs 27,1%, respectively. MI newly diagnosed within the follow-up  period was associated with the following risk factors (RFs): smoking, increased BP, HR, triglycerides and glucose.  For individuals with prior MI, a significant relationship was found only with smoking.  Multiple comparison  of the contribution of RFs, ECG abnormalities,  and prior MI showed  that the inclusion of ischemic ECG abnormalities in the analysis significantly increases  the risk of cardiovascular events in individuals without prior MI compared with individuals without both MI and ECG changes.  A high CE risk was noted in patients with prior MI: relative risk (RR), 4,73 (2,92-7,65); the addition of ischemic ECG abnormalities increased the RR to 5,75 (3,76-8,8).Conclusion. The RR of CEs in patients  with prior MI without or with ischemic ECG changes  is 4,73 and 5,75 times higher than in patients without MI and ECG abnormalities. The risk factors  identified  in this case cannot explain such an increase  in CEs. It is obvious  that people  with prior MI need  rehabilitation. The presence of RFs in patients with newly diagnosed  MI indicates insufficient primary prevention, which suggests  that strengthening preventive measures to eliminate conventional risk factors in patients with newly diagnosed  MI will help reduce the risk of recurrent MI or cardiovascular  mortality