24 research outputs found

    Hypercatecholaminaemia in stress urinary incontinence and its pathogenetic treatment perspectives: an experimental non-randomised study

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    Background. Urinary incontinence is associated with chronic psycho-emotional stress. Stress management should be part of a comprehensive treatment for urinary incontinence.Objectives. An assessment of hypercatecholaminaemia severity and dynamics in repeated courses of TES therapy for stress urinary incontinence.Methods. A total of 100 stress urinary incontinence patients were divided between a comparison and two main cohorts. Main cohort 1 (n = 30) received a modern standard treatment in combination with TES therapy. TES therapy was performed in three courses (1 session per day for 7 days): course 1 on admission, course 2 in 3 months after course 1, course 3 in 6 months after course 1. Main cohort 2 (n = 40) received a modern standard treatment in combination with two short courses of TES-therapy (2 sessions per day for 7 days): course 1 on admission, course 2 in 6 months after course 1. The comparison cohort (n = 30) only had standard treatment. Catecholamine concentrations were assessed over time in each cohort.Results. Catecholamine concentrations were >2 times higher before treatment in all cohorts vs. healthy volunteers. The comparison cohort revealed adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations 71.2% (p < 0.05) and 84.0% (p < 0.05) higher vs. healthy volunteers, respectively, by month 6 of the trial. Main cohort 1 had the concentrations of adrenaline and noradrenaline 2.1 (p < 0.05) and 1.5 (p < 0.05) times higher, respectively, vs. healthy volunteers. Main cohort 2 showed an adrenaline concentration 12.5% (p < 0.05) and noradrenaline — 2.4% higher (p = 0.15) vs. healthy volunteers.Conclusion. TES therapy affects urinary incontinence hypercatecholaminaemia, demonstrating a favourable homeostatic impact on neuroimmunoendocrine regulation

    Московский опыт применении ингибиторов рецептора интерлейкина 6 в терапии ревматоидного артрита в условиях пандемии C0VID-19

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    Objective: to confirm the efficacy and safety of levilimab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) switched from other interleukin 6 receptor inhibitors (iIL6R) for non-medical reasons.Patients and methods. A retrospective analysis of data from the register of patients with RA who during the COVID-19 pandemic were switched from foreign iIL6Rs to the Russian drug levilimab. Treatment regimens with levilimab in combination with synthetic diseasemodifying antirheumatic drugs (sDMARDs) and/or glucocorticoids (GCs) were used, as well as a monotherapy regimen in case of DMARDs intolerance.Results and discussion. In 150 patients with RA, a successful non-medical switch to levilimab was demonstrated with the preservation and intensification of the clinical effect achieved on previous therapy with iIL6R. After switching to levilimab, the DAS28-CRP index decreased by an average of 0.098 at 3 months and by 0.25 at 6 months (p=0.214 for both time points). There was a decrease in the proportion of patients with elevated levels of CRP, as well as with high RA activity. In a number of patients who showed high efficacy of levilimab, it became possible to reduce the dose or number of DMARDs, as well as cease GCs intake. Good tolerability and a favorable safety profile of levilimab were noted, including in relation to the new coronavirus infection that developed during therapy.Conclusion. Therapy with Russian iIL6R levilimab is effective and safe, including in patients switched from other drugs for non-medical reasons, as well as in relation to the novel coronavirus infection that developed during therapy.Цель исследования — подтвердить эффективность и безопасность препарата левилимабу пациентов с ревматоидным артритом (РА), переключенных на него с других ингибиторов рецепторов интерлейкина 6 (иИЛ6Р) по немедицинским причинам.Пациенты и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ данных регистра пациентов с РА, которые в условиях пандемии COVID-19 были переключены с зарубежных иИЛ6Р на отечественный препарат левилимаб. Были использованы схемы терапии левилимабом в комбинации с синтетическими базисными противовоспалительными препаратами (БПВП) и/или глюкокортикоидами (ГК), а также режим монотерапии в случае непереносимости БПВП.Результаты и обсуждение. У 150 больных РА продемонстрировано успешное немедицинское переключение на левилимаб с сохранением и увеличением клинического эффекта, достигнутого на предшествующей терапии иИЛ6Р. После переключения на левилимаб индекс DAS28-СРБ уменьшился в среднем на 0,098 через 3 мес и на 0,25 через 6 мес (р=0,214 для обеих временных точек). Наблюдалось снижение доли пациентов с повышенным уровнем СРБ, а также с высокой активностью РА. У ряда пациентов, у которых отмечалась высокая эффективность левилимаба, появилась возможность снизить дозу или количество БПВП, а также отменить ГК. Установлены хорошая переносимость и благоприятный профиль безопасности левилимаба, в том числе в отношении развившейся на фоне терапии новой коронавирусной инфекции.Заключение. Терапия отечественным иИЛ6Р левилимабом является эффективной и безопасной, в том числе у пациентов, переключенных с других препаратов по немедицинским причинам, а также в условиях высокой заболеваемости COVID-19


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    Morphological, cultural, and biochemical properties of microorganisms isolated from the biofilm associations, formed in the natural habitat in the littoral zone of the lake Baikal were investigated. Bacteria differed in morphology, showed poor ability to utilize sugars and alcohols, and various degree of enzymatic activity. They were identified as Pseudomonas (6 strains), Massillia (2), Rheinheimera (1), and Brevundimonas (2).Выполнено при поддержке гранта Программы Президиума РАН 30.19