223 research outputs found

    Freezing Transition in Decaying Burgers Turbulence and Random Matrix Dualities

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    We reveal a phase transition with decreasing viscosity Μ\nu at \nu=\nu_c>0 in one-dimensional decaying Burgers turbulence with a power-law correlated random profile of Gaussian-distributed initial velocities \sim|x-x'|^{-2}. The low-viscosity phase exhibits non-Gaussian one-point probability density of velocities, continuously dependent on \nu, reflecting a spontaneous one step replica symmetry breaking (RSB) in the associated statistical mechanics problem. We obtain the low orders cumulants analytically. Our results, which are checked numerically, are based on combining insights in the mechanism of the freezing transition in random logarithmic potentials with an extension of duality relations discovered recently in Random Matrix Theory. They are essentially non mean-field in nature as also demonstrated by the shock size distribution computed numerically and different from the short range correlated Kida model, itself well described by a mean field one step RSB ansatz. We also provide some insights for the finite viscosity behaviour of velocities in the latter model.Comment: Published version, essentially restructured & misprints corrected. 6 pages, 5 figure

    Large Deviations of Extreme Eigenvalues of Random Matrices

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    We calculate analytically the probability of large deviations from its mean of the largest (smallest) eigenvalue of random matrices belonging to the Gaussian orthogonal, unitary and symplectic ensembles. In particular, we show that the probability that all the eigenvalues of an (N\times N) random matrix are positive (negative) decreases for large N as \exp[-\beta \theta(0) N^2] where the parameter \beta characterizes the ensemble and the exponent \theta(0)=(\ln 3)/4=0.274653... is universal. We also calculate exactly the average density of states in matrices whose eigenvalues are restricted to be larger than a fixed number \zeta, thus generalizing the celebrated Wigner semi-circle law. The density of states generically exhibits an inverse square-root singularity at \zeta.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 4 .eps figures included, typos corrected, published versio

    Statistics of S-matrix poles for chaotic systems with broken time reversal invariance: a conjecture

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    In the framework of a random matrix description of chaotic quantum scattering the positions of S−S-matrix poles are given by complex eigenvalues ZiZ_i of an effective non-Hermitian random-matrix Hamiltonian. We put forward a conjecture on statistics of ZiZ_i for systems with broken time-reversal invariance and verify that it allows to reproduce statistical characteristics of Wigner time delays known from independent calculations. We analyze the ensuing two-point statistical measures as e.g. spectral form factor and the number variance. In addition we find the density of complex eigenvalues of real asymmetric matrices generalizing the recent result by Efetov\cite{Efnh}.Comment: 4 page

    Extreme Value Statistics of Eigenvalues of Gaussian Random Matrices

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    We compute exact asymptotic results for the probability of the occurrence of large deviations of the largest (smallest) eigenvalue of random matrices belonging to the Gaussian orthogonal, unitary and symplectic ensembles. In particular, we show that the probability that all the eigenvalues of an (NxN) random matrix are positive (negative) decreases for large N as ~\exp[-\beta \theta(0) N^2] where the Dyson index \beta characterizes the ensemble and the exponent \theta(0)=(\ln 3)/4=0.274653... is universal. We compute the probability that the eigenvalues lie in the interval [\zeta_1,\zeta_2] which allows us to calculate the joint probability distribution of the minimum and the maximum eigenvalue. As a byproduct, we also obtain exactly the average density of states in Gaussian ensembles whose eigenvalues are restricted to lie in the interval [\zeta_1,\zeta_2], thus generalizing the celebrated Wigner semi-circle law to these restricted ensembles. It is found that the density of states generically exhibits an inverse square-root singularity at the location of the barriers. These results are confirmed by numerical simulations.Comment: 17 pages Revtex, 5 .eps figures include

    On the distribution of maximum value of the characteristic polynomial of GUE random matrices

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    Motivated by recently discovered relations between logarithmically correlated Gaussian processes and characteristic polynomials of large random N×N matrices H from the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE), we consider the problem of characterising the distribution of the global maximum of DN(x):=−log|det(xI−H)| as N→∞ and x∈(−1,1). We arrive at an explicit expression for the asymptotic probability density of the (appropriately shifted) maximum by combining the rigorous Fisher-Hartwig asymptotics due to Krasovsky \cite{K07} with the heuristic {\it freezing transition} scenario for logarithmically correlated processes. Although the general idea behind the method is the same as for the earlier considered case of the Circular Unitary Ensemble, the present GUE case poses new challenges. In particular we show how the conjectured {\it self-duality} in the freezing scenario plays the crucial role in our selection of the form of the maximum distribution. Finally, we demonstrate a good agreement of the found probability density with the results of direct numerical simulations of the maxima of DN(x)

    Systematic Analytical Approach to Correlation Functions of Resonances in Quantum Chaotic Scattering

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    We solve the problem of resonance statistics in systems with broken time-reversal invariance by deriving the joint probability density of all resonances in the framework of a random matrix approach and calculating explicitly all n-point correlation functions in the complex plane. As a by-product, we establish the Ginibre-like statistics of resonances for many open channels. Our method is a combination of Itzykson-Zuber integration and a variant of nonlinear σ−\sigma-model and can be applied when the use of orthogonal polynomials is problematic.Comment: 4 pages, no figures. Misprints corrected, some details on single-channel and many-channel cases are adde

    The Statistics of the Number of Minima in a Random Energy Landscape

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    We consider random energy landscapes constructed from d-dimensional lattices or trees. The distribution of the number of local minima in such landscapes follows a large deviation principle and we derive the associated law exactly for dimension 1. Also of interest is the probability of the maximum possible number of minima; this probability scales exponentially with the number of sites. We calculate analytically the corresponding exponent for the Cayley tree and the two-leg ladder; for 2 to 5 dimensional hypercubic lattices, we compute the exponent numerically and compare to the Cayley tree case.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, added background on landscapes and reference

    Imaginary Potential as a Counter of Delay Time for Wave Reflection from a 1D Random Potential

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    We show that the delay time distribution for wave reflection from a one-dimensional random potential is related directly to that of the reflection coefficient, derived with an arbitrarily small but uniform imaginary part added to the random potential. Physically, the reflection coefficient, being exponential in the time dwelt in the presence of the imaginary part, provides a natural counter for it. The delay time distribution then follows straightforwardly from our earlier results for the reflection coefficient, and coincides with the distribution obtained recently by Texier and Comtet [C.Texier and A. Comtet, Phys.Rev.Lett. {\bf 82}, 4220 (1999)],with all moments infinite. Delay time distribution for a random amplifying medium is then derived . In this case, however, all moments work out to be finite.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, replaced with added proof, figure and references. To appear in Phys. Rev. B Jan01 200

    On the Largest Singular Values of Random Matrices with Independent Cauchy Entries

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    We apply the method of determinants to study the distribution of the largest singular values of large m×n m \times n real rectangular random matrices with independent Cauchy entries. We show that statistical properties of the (rescaled by a factor of \frac{1}{m^2\*n^2})largest singular values agree in the limit with the statistics of the inhomogeneous Poisson random point process with the intensity 1πx−3/2 \frac{1}{\pi} x^{-3/2} and, therefore, are different from the Tracy-Widom law. Among other corollaries of our method we show an interesting connection between the mathematical expectations of the determinants of complex rectangular m×n m \times n standard Wishart ensemble and real rectangular 2m×2n 2m \times 2n standard Wishart ensemble.Comment: We have shown in the revised version that the statistics of the largest eigenavlues of a sample covariance random matrix with i.i.d. Cauchy entries agree in the limit with the statistics of the inhomogeneous Poisson random point process with the intensity $\frac{1}{\pi} x^{-3/2}.

    Counting function fluctuations and extreme value threshold in multifractal patterns: the case study of an ideal 1/f1/f noise

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    To understand the sample-to-sample fluctuations in disorder-generated multifractal patterns we investigate analytically as well as numerically the statistics of high values of the simplest model - the ideal periodic 1/f1/f Gaussian noise. By employing the thermodynamic formalism we predict the characteristic scale and the precise scaling form of the distribution of number of points above a given level. We demonstrate that the powerlaw forward tail of the probability density, with exponent controlled by the level, results in an important difference between the mean and the typical values of the counting function. This can be further used to determine the typical threshold xmx_m of extreme values in the pattern which turns out to be given by xm(typ)=2−cln⁥ln⁥M/ln⁥Mx_m^{(typ)}=2-c\ln{\ln{M}}/\ln{M} with c=3/2c=3/2. Such observation provides a rather compelling explanation of the mechanism behind universality of cc. Revealed mechanisms are conjectured to retain their qualitative validity for a broad class of disorder-generated multifractal fields. In particular, we predict that the typical value of the maximum pmaxp_{max} of intensity is to be given by −ln⁥pmax=α−ln⁥M+32fâ€Č(α−)ln⁥ln⁥M+O(1)-\ln{p_{max}} = \alpha_{-}\ln{M} + \frac{3}{2f'(\alpha_{-})}\ln{\ln{M}} + O(1), where f(α)f(\alpha) is the corresponding singularity spectrum vanishing at α=α−>0\alpha=\alpha_{-}>0. For the 1/f1/f noise we also derive exact as well as well-controlled approximate formulas for the mean and the variance of the counting function without recourse to the thermodynamic formalism.Comment: 28 pages; 7 figures, published version with a few misprints corrected, editing done and references adde
