579 research outputs found

    Constitutive and numerical modeling of chemical and mechanical phenomena in thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine blades of aircraft engines

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    Виконано моделювання хімічних і механічних явищ, та розроблені узагальнені визначальні співвідношення, які можуть бути використано для розрахунків залежних від часу розподілень напружень та пошкоджуваності термоізоляції лопаток газових турбін авіаційних двигунів. Розроблені визначальні співвідношення впроваджено в формі структурних моделей для аналізу пошкоджуваності в часі термоізоляції лопаток газових турбін авіаційних двигунів, для аналізу міцності та тривалої міцності, для забезпечення безпечної роботи лопаток газових турбін авіаційних двигунів

    Laparoscopic retropubic extraurethral adenomectomy

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    Introduction. Existing methods of surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia are accompanied by the frequent development of postoperative complications, such as urinary incontinence, retrograde ejaculation, and urethral strictures. The method of preserving the prostatic urethra has been developed for a long time. At present, it is possible to use the operation technique and perform laparoscopic urethral-sparing adenomectomy.Objective. To assess the possibility of performing extraurethral adenomectomy with prostatic urethral preservation using the laparoscopic approach, its advantages and disadvantages.Materials and methods. Based on St. Luke’s Simferopol сlinical Multidisciplinary Medical Center, 35 successful laparoscopic operations were performed to remove benign prostate hyperplasia with the prostatic urethra preservation. The features of the operation are laparoscopic access, a transverse section of the capsule, alternate isolation of adenomatous nodes while preserving the prostatic urethra on the catheter without replacing it during the operation, suturing the capsule with a decrease in space from the removed adenomatous nodes. Urethral preservation provided accelerated epithelialization of the defect, in the absence of the formation of a “prevesical” space.Results. After the operation, it is possible to turn off the urinary bladder irrigation system earlier (up to 4 – 6 hours after the operation) and early removal of the catheter after surgery (2 – 3 days). The hospital stay averaged 5.7 days. Urination was restored immediately after catheter removal in 92% of the patients. There were no elements of dysuria, particularly urinary incontinence. Prostate volume measured throughout transrectal ultrasound after operation was 20 – 24 cm³.Conclusion. The technique of retropubic extraurethral adenomectomy with prostatic urethral preservation can be performed in laparoscopic technique. The advantages are early activation of the patient and discharge from the hospital, early removal of the catheter with restoration of independent urination, absence of dysuria, urinary incontinence, and postoperative complications. The results of our study demonstrate the effectiveness of the laparoscopic extraurethral adenomectomy technique, the further development of this technique, and the possibility of its application in practice

    Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with sparing of the proximal prostatic urethra

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    Introduction. The most common treatment option for prostate cancer is radical prostatectomy, which involves the removal of the prostate itself and the prostatic urethra in a single block, followed by the formation of a vesicourethral anastomosis. This approach is fraught with postoperative complications, such as urinary incontinence and strictures of anastomosis. In this sense, the clinic's staff faced the question of the possibility of a urethral-sparing variant of operative benefit for a certain category of patients.Objective. To assess the possibility of performing radical prostatectomy with sparing of the proximal prostatic urethra in the laparoscopic version, its advantages, and disadvantages.Materials & methods. From 2021 to 2022, 18 successful laparoscopic operations were performed using this technique at the St. Luke Clinical Multidisciplinary Medical Centre. Patients were selected according to the above criteria. In the preoperative period, patients underwent a standard examination in accordance with guidelines, including a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with 3D-modelling, data from a multifocal prostate biopsy, the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), the Quality of Life (QoL) index due to urinary disorders, assessment by the Partin’s nomogram. Intraoperative ratios, early and late postoperative complications, length of hospital stay, day of catheter removal, and time to complete urethral recovery were evaluated to study the effectiveness of this surgery type. PSA testing, uroflowmetry with post-void residual urine measurement and IPSS questionnaire were carried out one month after surgery.Results. There was an improvement in all measurements one month after surgery: median values of the mean urine flow rate increased by 1.7 ml/s, median values of the max urine flow rate increased by 3.7 ml/s, the IPSS decreased by 12 points.Conclusion. Based on the results of the study, clinical observations, and statistical analysis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with sparing of the proximal prostatic urethra is the preferred surgical option for this pathology, due to its organ-preserving nature

    Highly Dispersed Palladium on Carbon Nanofibers for Hydrogenation of Nitrocompounds to Amines

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    The effect of palladium dispersion and nature of the support on catalytic performance in hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline was studied. It was shown that the type of the support and modification of palladium with phosphorus make it possible to stabilize highly dispersed (1.5-2 nm) palladium particles in the metallic state, thus increasing the efficiency of new catalysts

    Symmetry Analysis of Second Harmonic Generation at Surfaces of Antiferromagnets

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    Using group theory we classify the nonlinear magneto-optical response at low-index surfaces of fcc antiferromagnets, such as NiO. Structures consisting of one atomic layer are discussed in detail. We find that optical second harmonic generation is sensitive to surface antiferromagnetism in many cases. We discuss the influence of a second type of magnetic atoms, and also of a possible oxygen sublattice distortion on the output signal. Finally, our symmetry analysis yields the possibility of antiferromagnetic surface domain imaging even in the presence of magnetic unit-cell doubling.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures incorporated. Accepted to Phys. Rev. B, scheduled for July'9

    On elliptic solutions of the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    The Conte-Musette method has been modified for the search of only elliptic solutions to systems of differential equations. A key idea of this a priory restriction is to simplify calculations by means of the use of a few Laurent series solutions instead of one and the use of the residue theorem. The application of our approach to the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE5) allows to find elliptic solutions in the wave form. We also find restrictions on coefficients, which are necessary conditions for the existence of elliptic solutions for the CGLE5. Using the investigation of the CGLE5 as an example, we demonstrate that to find elliptic solutions the analysis of a system of differential equations is more preferable than the analysis of the equivalent single differential equation.Comment: LaTeX, 21 page

    The high energy semiclassical asymptotics of loci of roots of fundamental solutions for polynomial potentials

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    In the case of polynomial potentials all solutions to 1-D Schroedinger equation are entire functions totally determined by loci of their roots and their behaviour at infinity. In this paper a description of the first of the two properties is given for fundamental solutions for the high complex energy limit when the energy is quantized or not. In particular due to the fact that the limit considered is semiclassical it is shown that loci of roots of fundamental solutions are collected of selected Stokes lines (called exceptional) specific for the solution considered and are distributed along these lines in a specific way. A stable asymptotic limit of loci of zeros of fundamental solutions on their exceptional Stokes lines has island forms and there are infintely many of such roots islands on exceptional Stokes lines escaping to infinity and a finite number of them on exceptional Stokes lines which connect pairs of turning points. The results obtained for asymptotic roots distributions of fundamental solutions in the semiclassical high (complex) energy limit are of a general nature for polynomial potentials.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figure

    Study of growth temperature effect on wetting layer during In/GaAs droplet epitaxy

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    This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation Grant No. 15-19-10006. The results were obtained using the equipment of the Research and Education Center and Center for Collective Use "Nanotechnologies" of Southern Federal University

    Painleve I, Coverings of the Sphere and Belyi Functions

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    The theory of poles of solutions of Painleve-I is equivalent to the Nevanlinna problem of constructing a meromorphic function ramified over five points - counting multiplicities - and without critical points. We construct such meromorphic functions as limit of rational ones. In the case of the tritronquee solution these rational functions are Belyi functions.Comment: 33 pages, many figures. Version 2: minor corrections and minor changes in the bibliograph