22 research outputs found

    Плазменные маркеры деградации экстрацеллюлярного матрикса при внутриутробной герпетической инфекции

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    The study of the dynamics of serum levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-8, MMP-9) and tissue inhibitor (TIMP-1) in newborns with intrauterine herpes infection in the early neonatal period. It has been studied 38 children born to mothers with chronic herpes infections (НI). High concentrations of plasma matrix metalloproteinase and tissue inhibitor in infants with intrauterine herpes infection indicates the activation of the destruction of the extracellular matrix and is preceded by the implementation of the clinical manifestations of infection. Increased levels of MMP-9, while maintaining stable or decreasing values of TIMP-1 reflects the pathogenic activity of the infectious process, accompanied by excessive proteolysis.Проведено изучение динамики сывороточных уровней матриксных металлопротеиназ (ММП-8, ММП-9) и их тканевого ингибитора (ТИМП-1) у новорожденных детей с внутриутробной герпетической инфекцией в ранний неонатальный период. Было исследовано 38 детей, рожденных от матерей с хроническим течением герпетической инфекции (ГИ). Высокие концентрации плазменных матричных металлопротеиназ и их тканевого ингибитора у новорожденных с внутриутробной герпетической инфекцией свидетельствует об активации процессов разрушения внеклеточного матрикса и предшествуют реализации клинических проявлений инфекции. Увеличение уровня ММП-9 при сохранении стабильных или снижающихся значений ТИМП-1 отражает патогенетическую активность инфекционного процесса, сопровождающегося избыточным протеолизом


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    The article presents the results of study of clinical and immunological effectiveness of the application of the vaccine «Pneumo-23» for children of 3—7 years old, suffering from chronic nasopharyngeal ring diseases of pneumococcal etiology. The authors revealed reduction of the frequency of cases of the main disease exacerbation and cases of ARI adjoining. Reduction of the main clinical symptoms of chronic adenoiditis and chronic tonsillitis was registered. Number of specific IgMand IgGAT to PS of the vaccine doubled reliably.Представлены результаты изучения клинико-иммунологической эффективности использования вакцины «Пневмо-23» у детей 3—7 лет, страдающих хроническими заболеваниями носоглоточного кольца пневмококковой этиологии. Выявлено снижение частоты обострений основного заболевания, присоединения ОРЗ, уменьшение основных клинических симптомов хронического аденоидита и хронического тонзиллита, а также достоверный двукратный прирост специфических IgМ-АТ и IgG-АТ к ПС, входящим в состав вакцины «Пневмо 23».


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    In this article development of mathematical model of diagnosis of sharp intestinal infections in newborn children depending on the nature of the infectious agent is described. All risk factors promoting development of intestinal infections were considered. By means of a method of logical regression the medico-mathematical model the express of diagnosis of sharp intestinal infections in newborn children was developed.Разработана математическая модель диагностики острых кишечных инфекций у новорожденных детей в зависимости от природы инфекционного агента. Были рассмотрены все факторы риска, способствующие развитию кишечных инфекций. С помощью метода логической регрессии была разработана медико-математическая модель экспресс диагностики острых кишечных инфекций у новорожденных детей, что значительно сокращает сроки постановки верного диагноза и начала лечения.

    Клинические проявления астенического синдрома после коронавирусной инфекции, вызванной SARS-CoV-2

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    Introduction. Asthenic disorders due to COVID-19 infection are generally classified under a recently introduced category in ICD-10: U09.9 Condition after COVID-19, unspecified. In this regard, it is necessary to study the clinical manifestations and systematize the asthenic syndrome after coronavirus infection in order to better understand the tactics of treatment and rehabilitation of this group of patients.Objective. To assess the prevalence of asthenic syndrome in patients who have had a coronavirus infection, to characterize and present its dynamics.Materials and methods. The study involved 200 people with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, aged 51 to 83, who were undergoing inpatient treatment. After discharge from the hospital after 6 months and 12 months, these patients again underwent a physical examination, anamnesis, complaints, and a questionnaire to identify symptoms of asthenia and other psychopathological syndromes.Results. Asthenic symptoms were found in 2/3 of the examined persons. Autonomic disorders were noted with a slight decrease from 81.5% after 6 months to 74.2% after 12. Sleep disorders and increased fatigue progressed during the observed period from 70.4% to 80.6% and 63.0 to 74.2% respectively. Emotional lability of patients as a whole did not change.Conclusion. Polymorphic symptoms of asthenic syndrome were revealed, the most common phenomena were sleep disorders and symptoms of fatigue.Введение. Астенические расстройства, обусловленные инфекцией COVID-19, как правило, относят к группе недавно введенной рубрики в МКБ-10: U09.9 Состояние после COVID-19 неуточненное. В связи с этим требуется изучение и систематизация клинических проявлений астенического синдрома у пациентов после коронавирусной инфекции для лучшего понимания тактики лечения и реабилитации.Цель: оценить распространенность астенического синдрома у пациентов, перенесших коронавирусную инфекцию, охарактеризовать его и представить динамику.Материалы и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 200 человек с подтвержденным диагнозом COVID-19 в возрасте от 51 до 83 лет, все обследуемые лица подписали информированное согласие на участие в исследовании. Проведено 2 визита: при выписке из стационара через 6 и 12 месяцев. Пациентам проводился физикальный осмотр, сбор анамнеза, жалоб и анкетирование с оценкой субъективного ощущения тяжести астении и других психопатологических синдромов.Результаты. Астенические симптомы обнаружены у 2/3 обследуемых лиц (n=133), у которых вегетативные нарушения отмечались с незначительным снижением от 81,5% через 6 и до 74,2% через 12 месяцев, тогда как в течение наблюдаемого периода нарушения сна и повышенная утомляемость прогрессировали от 70,4% до 80,6% и 63,0 до 74,2% соответственно. Эмоциональная лабильность, в целом, у пациентов не изменялась.Выводы. В постковидный период у пациентов наблюдаются полиморфные симптомы и проявления астенического синдрома с наиболее распространенными феноменами расстройства сна и утомляемости

    Plasma Markers of Degradation of Extracellular Matrix with Intrauterine Herpes Infection

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    The study of the dynamics of serum levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-8, MMP-9) and tissue inhibitor (TIMP-1) in newborns with intrauterine herpes infection in the early neonatal period. It has been studied 38 children born to mothers with chronic herpes infections (НI). High concentrations of plasma matrix metalloproteinase and tissue inhibitor in infants with intrauterine herpes infection indicates the activation of the destruction of the extracellular matrix and is preceded by the implementation of the clinical manifestations of infection. Increased levels of MMP-9, while maintaining stable or decreasing values of TIMP-1 reflects the pathogenic activity of the infectious process, accompanied by excessive proteolysis

    Clinical significance of the determination of matrix metalloproteinases in newborns with congenital herpes virus infection

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    The time course of changes in the serum levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-8, MMP-9) was studied in neonatal infants after perinatal exposure to herpes simplex virus in the early neonatal period to elaborate criteria for the early preclinical diagnosis of its infection and to define the severity of the pathological process. Fifty-seven infants born to mothers with chronic herpes virus infection were examined. MMP-8 and MMP-9 were determined by a solid-phase enzyme immunoassay using specific reagents (R&D Diagnostics Inc., USA). Different changes were found in MMP-8 and MMP-9 levels in relation to the onset of clinical symptoms of congenital herpes virus infection. The elevated plasma metalloproteinase levels in the first 24 hours after birth in newborn infants at risk for herpes virus infection may be regarded as preclinical markers for the manifestations of congenital infection. The magnitude of changes in serum metalloproteinase levels correlates with the severity of the disease


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    The article presents the basic information relating to the clinical and immunological features of ixodes tick-borne borreliosis in children living in the Primorsky region. Research objective: to to analyze the effectiveness of the inclusion to the treatment scheme meglumine acridon acetate (cycloferon in pills) for the treatment of children with ixodes tick-borne borreliosis.The study included 55 children with ixodes tick-borne borreliosis at the age of 4–12 years: 25 children of the main group and 30 children of the comparison group who received traditional therapy. In the treatment scheme of children of the main group, the drug meglumine acridon acetate (cycloferon) was included. The use of cycloferon in the complex therapy of patients with ixodes tick-borne borreliosis resulted in a reduction in the duration of the manifestation of the main clinical symptoms of the disease, facilitated the synthesis of serum interleukine IL-10 by blood cells and inhibited the production of interleukine-1α and γ-interferon, which led to a faster formation of Th1 / Th2 type Immune response. Positive dynamics during treatment persisted in the study of the catamnesis of the patients observed for 5 years after the disease. There were no cases of chronic ixodes tick-borne borreliosis


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    The article presents the results of study of clinical and immunological effectiveness of the application of the vaccine «Pneumo-23» for children of 3—7 years old, suffering from chronic nasopharyngeal ring diseases of pneumococcal etiology. The authors revealed reduction of the frequency of cases of the main disease exacerbation and cases of ARI adjoining. Reduction of the main clinical symptoms of chronic adenoiditis and chronic tonsillitis was registered. Number of specific IgMand IgGAT to PS of the vaccine doubled reliably


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    Abstract. The article presents results of a study concerning the state of cytokine system and 1-acid glycoprotein in infants with intrauterine pneumonias at the days 1 to 3 of their postnatal life. It was shown that imbalance of immune mechanisms in the newborns with intrauterine pneumonia is accompanied by decreased neutrophilic inflammatory reactions, being expressed as neutropenia, low IL-8 levels, and inefficiency of protective/adaptive immune cell functions. (Med. Immunol., vol. 10, N 4-5, pp 473-476)


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    Abstract. Sixteen children from 3 to 6 years old with complicated premorbid background, carrying S. pneumoniae, who had inflammation markers (altered IL-6 and TNFα amounts in peripheral blood analysis)тalong with immunological deficiency, were vaccinated with a «Pneumo 23» preparation. A good tolerance of «Pneumo 23» vaccine was determined. A significant increase of specific antibodies was established both to pneumococcal polysaccharides and to polysaccharides, containing in «Pneumo 23». A tendency to diminished inflammatory events and activated immunological response was revealed, that was expressed as a decrease of serum IL-6 and increase in TNFα