30 research outputs found

    Complex prophylaxis of postoperative complications in colorectal surgery

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    Objective. To improve the immediate results of surgical treatment of colorectal cancer, using more effective prophylaxis of morbidity. Маterials and methods. The treatment efficacy of the Program of complex prophylaxis of postoperative complications in colorectal surgery, elaborated in the Clinic was studied up, using comparative analysis of the morbidity, occurred in 1253 patients, radically operated for cancer recti. In 2005 - 2010 yrs, when some elements of the elaborated Program have begun introduced into clinical practice, 361 patients were operated on (Group I). In 2011 - 2017 yrs, when the Program for prophylaxis of postoperative complications was applied in full volume, 892 patients, presenting the main group (Group II) were operated on. Results. Сomparative analysis of the elaborated program for complex prophylaxis of postoperative complications and of the «fast track» concept have shown several essential differences between them. Introduction of the Program elaborated into clinical practice have improved the immediate results of surgical treatment of cancer recti due to essential lowering of rate of different morbidities from 14.9 tо 9.2% and mortality - from 3.0 tо 1.8%. Conclusion. The Program for complex prophylaxis of postoperative complications in colorectal surgery, elaborated in the Clinic, guarantees the results improvement while surgical treatment of cancer recti and may be recommended for wide clinical application

    Membrane Partitioning: “Classical” and “Nonclassical” Hydrophobic Effects

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    The free energy of transfer of nonpolar solutes from water to lipid bilayers is often dominated by a large negative enthalpy rather than the large positive entropy expected from the hydrophobic effect. This common observation has led to the idea that membrane partitioning is driven by the “nonclassical” hydrophobic effect. We examined this phenomenon by characterizing the partitioning of the well-studied peptide melittin using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and circular dichroism (CD). We studied the temperature dependence of the entropic (−TΔS) and enthalpic (ΔH) components of free energy (ΔG) of partitioning of melittin into lipid membranes made of various mixtures of zwitterionic and anionic lipids. We found significant variations of the entropic and enthalpic components with temperature, lipid composition and vesicle size but only small changes in ΔG (entropy–enthalpy compensation). The heat capacity associated with partitioning had a large negative value of about −0.5 kcal mol−1 K−1. This hallmark of the hydrophobic effect was found to be independent of lipid composition. The measured heat capacity values were used to calculate the hydrophobic-effect free energy ΔGhΦ, which we found to dominate melittin partitioning regardless of lipid composition. In the case of anionic membranes, additional free energy comes from coulombic attraction, which is characterized by a small effective peptide charge due to the lack of additivity of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions in membrane interfaces [Ladokhin and White J Mol Biol 309:543–552, 2001]. Our results suggest that there is no need for a special effect—the nonclassical hydrophobic effect—to describe partitioning into lipid bilayers


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    The paper presents the results of examining of 33 patients of reproductive age afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis. An analysis of functional and morphologic changes of the endometrium is adduced. It has been established that structural changes of the endometrium are conducive to noncarrying of pregnancy at early terms.Приведены результаты обследования 33 пациенток репродуктивного возраста, больных  туберкулезом легких. Проведен анализфункциональных и морфологических изменений эндометрия. Установлено, что структурные изменения эндометрия способствуют невынашиванию беременности в ранних сроках.Наведені результати обстеження 33 пацієнток репродуктивного віку, хворих на туберкульоз легень. Проведено аналіз функціональних та морфологічних змін ендометрія. Установлено, що структурні зміни ендометрія сприяють невиношуванню вагітності у ранніх термінах