127 research outputs found

    Construction and Testing of a Treatment System for Raw Water

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    Water is a wonder of Nature. One among the major problems confronting the world today is access to clean and safe water. The objective of the study was to assemble an affordable water treatment unit for domestic use. This study was carried out in Auchi, which is located between latitude 70 10’ and 70 20’ North of the equator and longitude 60 16’ and 60 36’ east of the Greenwich Meridian with an altitude of 207m. The components of the treatment system are raw water tank, coagulation tank, sedimentation tank, filtration chamber, micro filters, ultraviolent light and treated water storage tank. Sample of the raw water collected from River Orhle in Auchi was kept at a constant temperature in a refrigerator. The raw and  treated water sample was collected in a four litres jerican for laboratory analysis to test for Turbidity, pH, Appearance, Taste, Colour, Electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid (TDS), Nitrates, iron content, total hardness etc. The results met the desired specifications and standards set by WHO and NAFDAC for potable water usage. Keywords: Potable water, raw water, water treatment, slow sand filter, ultraviolent light, water qualit

    Stage 2 Hypertension and Electrocardiogram Abnormality: Evaluating the Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases in Nigeria. High Blood Press Cardiovasc

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    Abstract Introduction This study evaluated the status of stage 2 hypertension, abnormal ECG and their co-occurrence as possible risk factors of cardiovascular disease and their predictors in a Nigerian University population. Methods A total of 717 subjects participated in this study. Blood pressure (BP), resting electrocardiogram (ECG) and other clinical parameters were measured and categorised according to standard organisational guidelines. Bivariate correlation and multivariate logistic regression model were used to determine covariates and clinical parameter association at a 95 % significant level. Results Stage 2 hypertension and abnormal ECG respectively occurred in 264 (37 %) and 217 (39.2 %) subjects, with co-occurrence and abnormal BMI in 85 (11.8 %) and 459 (64.8%) subjects, respectively. Sex (p = 0.001) and occupation (p = 0.022) were independently associated with abnormal BP and ECG, respectively, while age was independently associated (p < 0.001) with abnormal BP, ECG and co-occurrence of these conditions. Predictors of stage 2 hypertension and abnormal ECG were sex (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.652, 95 % CI 1.097–2.488) and occupation (aOR = 0.411, 95 % CI 0.217–0.779), respectively, while age was a predictor for stage 2 hypertension (aOR = 0.065, 95 % CI 0.015–0.283), abnormal ECG (aOR = 0.137, 95 % CI 0.053–0.351) and their co-occurrence (aOR = 0.039, 95 % CI 0.014–0.113). Conclusions This study shows prevalence rates of these risk factors are on the increase. It also suggests that ECG abnormality is a public health issue among stage 2 hypertensive patients that must be monitored. Therefore, appropriate interventions that prevent and control hypertension and identified risk factors should be put in place in addition to lifestyle changes, regular screening and surveillance

    Učinak invazije vrstom Trypanosoma brucei na involuciju maternice nakon partusa.

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    This study investigated the effects of Trypanosoma brucei infection on post-partum (PP) uterine involution in the albino rat (Rattus norvegicus). Ninety-six rats (80 females and 16 males) were used for the study. The females were divided into 2 equal groups of 40 infected and 40 uninfected. The males which were uninfected were used for mating with the females. From each of the 2 female groups, 5 were humanely sacrifi ced daily from day 0 to day 7 PP. Body mass (BM), uterine mass (UM), uterine mass as a percentage of body mass (UMPBM), uterine histomorphology, packed cell volume (PCV), level of parasitaemia (LOP) and rectal temperature (RT) were evaluated in the females. Results showed that both the UM and the UMPBM of the infected rats were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the uninfected between days 1 and 7 PP. Uterine histomorphology showed that between days 3 and 7 PP, involution was more advanced in the uninfected group. Uterine sections of the infected rats had more glands, which were also larger in size. Endometrial stroma was less cellular in the uninfected rats and the myometrium showed higher nuclei density for myofi brils, which suggests some loss of cytoplasm. The PCV of the infected rats was significantly lower than that of the uninfected (P<0.01) between days 9 and 14 post-infection (PI), while the RT of the infected rats was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the uninfected between days 5 and 14 PI. It was therefore concluded that T. brucei infection led to a significant delay in PP uterine involution, as evidenced by the higher UM and UMPBM, and the uterine histomorphological findings in the infected rats.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem određivanja učinka protozoona Trypanosoma brucei na postpartalnu involuciju maternice u albino štakora (Rattus norvegicus). Za istraživanje je rabljeno 96 štakora (80 ženki i 16 mužjaka). Ženke su bile podijeljene u dvije jednake skupine tako da je 40 ženki pripadalo kontrolnoj, a 40 invadiranoj skupini. Neinvadirani mužjaci su poslužili za parenje. Iz svake skupine bilo je eutanazirano pet ženki i to svaki dan (od nultog do sedmog dana). Za svaku ženku bila je određena tjelesna masa, masa maternice, odnos mase maternice i tjelesne mase, histološki nalaz maternice, ukupan broj krvnih stanica, razina parazitemije i rektalna temperatura. Rezultati su pokazali da je u invadiranih štakorica maternica bila značajno teža kao što je bila i značajno veća masa maternice u odnosu na tjelesnu masu ženke (P<0,01) u razdoblju od prvog do sedmog dana nakon partusa. Histološkom pretragom dokazano je da je involucija maternice u razdoblju od trećeg do sedmog dana bila izraženija u neinvadiranih ženki što je dokazano i većim brojem povećanih žlijezdi. Stroma endometrija neinvadiranih životinja sadržavala je manje stanica. U miometriju je dokazana veća gustoća jezgara u miofibrilima što govori u prilog gubitku citoplazme. Ukupan broj krvnih stanica u invadiranih štakorica bio je značajno manji u odnosu na neinvadirane (P<0,01) u razdoblju od devetog do četrnaestog dana nakon invazije. Invadirane štakorice imali su višu tjelesnu temperaturu (P<0,01) u razdoblju od petoga do četrnaestoga dana. Na temelju postignutih rezultata zaključuje se da invazija vrstom Trypanosoma brucei dovodi do značajnog kašnjenja involucije što je potvrđeno većom masom maternice, većom masom u odnosu na tjelesnu masu te histomorfološkim nalazom u invadiranih ženki

    Alteration in biochemical parameters of albino Rats treated with aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces (zobo) supplemented with commercial flavor additive

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    ABSTRACT Hepatic, renal, non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidant parameters were evaluated in rats treated with aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdarifa calyces (Zobo) supplemented with a commercial flavor additive. Thirty two (32) albino rats randomized into eight groups of four (4) rats each were treated with aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa and distilled water supplemented with Joccy ® flavor additive for seven (7) days. Groups B, C and D were treated with aqueous extracts containing 16.67, 33.34 and 50.01mg/kg body weight additive respectively while groups E, F, and G when treated with similar graded concentration of flavor dissolve in distilled water. Groups A and H treated with distilled water and aqueous extract only serve as negative and positive controls respectively. Results showed that serum ALT activity was elevated but not significantly (P&gt;0.05) in the rats treated with zobo and Joccy (50.01mg/kg b.w) compared with the positive and negative controls. AST activity dose dependently decreased in rats treated with zobo and Joccy (16.67, 33.34 and 50.01mg/kg b.w) compared with rats administered water only while plasma urea was significantly (P&lt;0.05) reduced in rats administered with zobo and Joccy (16.67, 33.34 and 50.01mg/kg b.w) compared with rats treated with zobo only. Plasma creatinine and glutathione decreased though not significantly (P&gt;0.05) in the treatment group compared with the controls. Mean plasma vitamin C and β-carotene were elevated though not significantly in rats treated with zobo and Joccy (50.01mg/kg b.w) compared with the controls. Mean plasma Glutathione peroxidase, SOD and catalase activities were decreased though not significantly (P&gt;0.05) in zobo and Joccy groups (16.67, 33.34 and 50.01mg/kg b.w) when compared with the controls. The findings of this study suggest that supplementation of aqueous extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces (zobo) with commercial additive Joccy ® potentiates its antioxidant and nephro-protective properties

    Učinak invazije vrstom Trypanosoma brucei na involuciju maternice nakon partusa.

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    This study investigated the effects of Trypanosoma brucei infection on post-partum (PP) uterine involution in the albino rat (Rattus norvegicus). Ninety-six rats (80 females and 16 males) were used for the study. The females were divided into 2 equal groups of 40 infected and 40 uninfected. The males which were uninfected were used for mating with the females. From each of the 2 female groups, 5 were humanely sacrifi ced daily from day 0 to day 7 PP. Body mass (BM), uterine mass (UM), uterine mass as a percentage of body mass (UMPBM), uterine histomorphology, packed cell volume (PCV), level of parasitaemia (LOP) and rectal temperature (RT) were evaluated in the females. Results showed that both the UM and the UMPBM of the infected rats were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the uninfected between days 1 and 7 PP. Uterine histomorphology showed that between days 3 and 7 PP, involution was more advanced in the uninfected group. Uterine sections of the infected rats had more glands, which were also larger in size. Endometrial stroma was less cellular in the uninfected rats and the myometrium showed higher nuclei density for myofi brils, which suggests some loss of cytoplasm. The PCV of the infected rats was significantly lower than that of the uninfected (P<0.01) between days 9 and 14 post-infection (PI), while the RT of the infected rats was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the uninfected between days 5 and 14 PI. It was therefore concluded that T. brucei infection led to a significant delay in PP uterine involution, as evidenced by the higher UM and UMPBM, and the uterine histomorphological findings in the infected rats.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem određivanja učinka protozoona Trypanosoma brucei na postpartalnu involuciju maternice u albino štakora (Rattus norvegicus). Za istraživanje je rabljeno 96 štakora (80 ženki i 16 mužjaka). Ženke su bile podijeljene u dvije jednake skupine tako da je 40 ženki pripadalo kontrolnoj, a 40 invadiranoj skupini. Neinvadirani mužjaci su poslužili za parenje. Iz svake skupine bilo je eutanazirano pet ženki i to svaki dan (od nultog do sedmog dana). Za svaku ženku bila je određena tjelesna masa, masa maternice, odnos mase maternice i tjelesne mase, histološki nalaz maternice, ukupan broj krvnih stanica, razina parazitemije i rektalna temperatura. Rezultati su pokazali da je u invadiranih štakorica maternica bila značajno teža kao što je bila i značajno veća masa maternice u odnosu na tjelesnu masu ženke (P<0,01) u razdoblju od prvog do sedmog dana nakon partusa. Histološkom pretragom dokazano je da je involucija maternice u razdoblju od trećeg do sedmog dana bila izraženija u neinvadiranih ženki što je dokazano i većim brojem povećanih žlijezdi. Stroma endometrija neinvadiranih životinja sadržavala je manje stanica. U miometriju je dokazana veća gustoća jezgara u miofibrilima što govori u prilog gubitku citoplazme. Ukupan broj krvnih stanica u invadiranih štakorica bio je značajno manji u odnosu na neinvadirane (P<0,01) u razdoblju od devetog do četrnaestog dana nakon invazije. Invadirane štakorice imali su višu tjelesnu temperaturu (P<0,01) u razdoblju od petoga do četrnaestoga dana. Na temelju postignutih rezultata zaključuje se da invazija vrstom Trypanosoma brucei dovodi do značajnog kašnjenja involucije što je potvrđeno većom masom maternice, većom masom u odnosu na tjelesnu masu te histomorfološkim nalazom u invadiranih ženki

    Socioeconomic dynamism and the growth of baby factories in Nigeria

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    Abstract: Illegally breeding babies for marketing purposes otherwise known as “infant commodification” is increasing in Nigeria. This menace is a vice that threatens the lives and wellbeing of babies, young girls, and women. This article investigates through an in-depth review of scholarly publication and media coverages the factors that have contributed to the emergence and growth of the illicit industry in Nigeria. It examines the role of cultural beliefs, social attitudes, and norms as well as the harsh economic conditions of the nation as factors playing pivotal roles in the continual growth of baby farming in Nigeria. Some of these sociocultural factors are social stigmatization of pregnancy outside wedlock, stigmatization of adopted children, and the importance attached to fertility and the demonization of childlessness. The article draws on Emile Durkheim anomie theory and Chambers dimensions of poverty to explain how breakdown within the nation’s socioeconomic structure has a concomitant impact in breading social vices. It concludes by recommending that there is a need to jettison stigmatizing sociocultural beliefs within the nation’s social fabrics. Responsive attitude toward family reproductive issues should be encouraged and finally the activities of health care providers, operators of nongovernmental organizations taking custody of babies and young girls be properly monitored. As well, stringent punishment be meted out to apprehended operators of these baby farms to serve as deterrent to others

    Multitasking, but for what benefit? The dilemma facing Nigerian university students regarding part-time working.

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    Students working part-time while studying for a full-time university degree are commonplace in many Western countries. This paper however, examines the historically uncommon part-time working activities and career aspirations among Nigerian university students. In particular, how working is perceived to contribute to developing employability skills, and whether it is influenced by their self-efficacy. Survey data from 324 questionnaires was collected from a federal university, although the data analysis used a mixed-method. The findings indicate that despite low levels of part-time working generally among students, older, more experienced, higher level and female students, place a premium on the skills that part-time work can develop. Moreover, self-efficacy and being female, is a significant predictor in understanding part-time work and career aspirations. This study offers originality by focusing on students’ part-time work, the value working provides, and its link with career aspirations, within a relatively unexplored context of Nigeria

    Enhanced CAR T cell expansion and prolonged persistence in pediatric patients with ALL treated with a low-affinity CD19 CAR

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    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells targeting CD19 demonstrate unparalleled responses in relapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)1,2,3,4,5, but toxicity, including cytokine-release syndrome (CRS) and neurotoxicity, limits broader application. Moreover, 40–60% of patients relapse owing to poor CAR T cell persistence or emergence of CD19− clones. Some factors, including the choice of single-chain spacer6 and extracellular7 and costimulatory domains8, have a profound effect on CAR T cell function and persistence. However, little is known about the impact of CAR binding affinity. There is evidence of a ceiling above which increased immunoreceptor affinity may adversely affect T cell responses9,10,11. We generated a novel CD19 CAR (CAT) with a lower affinity than FMC63, the high-affinity binder used in many clinical studies1,2,3,4. CAT CAR T cells showed increased proliferation and cytotoxicity in vitro and had enhanced proliferative and in vivo antitumor activity compared with FMC63 CAR T cells. In a clinical study (CARPALL, NCT02443831), 12/14 patients with relapsed/refractory pediatric B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with CAT CAR T cells achieved molecular remission. Persistence was demonstrated in 11 of 14 patients at last follow-up, with enhanced CAR T cell expansion compared with published data. Toxicity was low, with no severe CRS. One-year overall and event-free survival were 63% and 46%, respectivel

    An APRIL based chimeric antigen receptor for dual targeting of BCMA and TACI in Multiple Myeloma

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    B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) is a promising therapeutic target for multiple myeloma (MM), but expression is variable, and early reports of BCMA targeting chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) suggest antigen down-regulation at relapse. Dual antigen targeting increases targetable tumour antigens and reduces the risk of antigen negative disease escape. 'A proliferation-inducing ligand' (APRIL) is a natural high affinity ligand for BCMA and transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI). We quantified surface tumour expression of BCMA and TACI on primary MM cells (n=50). All cases tested expressed BCMA and 39(78%) of them also expressed TACI. We engineered a third generation APRIL-based CAR (ACAR), which killed targets expressing either BCMA or TACI (p<0.01 and p<0.05 respectively, cf control, E:T ratio 16:1). We confirmed cytolysis at antigen levels similar to those on primary MM, at low effector to target ratios (56.2±3.9% killing of MM.1s at 48 hours, E:T ratio 1:32, p<0.01) and of primary MM cells (72.9±12.2% killing at 3 days, E:T ratio 1:1, p<0.05, n=5). Demonstrating tumour control in the absence of BCMA, cytolysis of primary tumour expressing both BCMA and TACI was maintained in the presence of a BCMA targeting antibody. Further, using an intramedullary myeloma model, ACAR T-cells caused regression of established tumour within 2 days. Finally, in an in vivo model of tumour escape, there was complete ACAR-mediated tumour clearance of BCMA+TACI- and BCMA-TACI+ cells while a scFv CAR targeting BCMA alone resulted in outgrowth of BCMA negative tumour. These results support the clinical potential of this approach