9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Udara dalam Ruangan Ber-ac terhadap Gangguan Kesehatan

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    The use of air conditioning as an alternative to replace natural ventilation may improve comfort and work productivity. However air conditioning that is not well maintained may become a good media for microbial growth. This condition may result in decreased indoor air quality and induce health impairment known as Sick Building Syndrome. The objectives of this study were to analyze the effects of physical and microbiological qualities on health impairment. This study was carried out in an air conditioned, two-story building of PT.Infomedia Nusantara in Surabaya.This was an observational study with cross-sectional approach. This study was carried out by means of interview, observation and measurements including air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and the number of colony forming units in a cubic meter of air (germs, fungi, and bacteria). The number of population was 94 employees and the number of samples taken was 89 employees using purposive sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed either descriptively (tabulation) and analytically using logistic regression test (α = 0.05). The results of this study showed that air temperatures measured were still within the recommended temperature range, while relative humidity, air velocity and total germs colonies measured in two locations had exceeded the recommended standards. The total colonies of fungi were 0,87 (first floor) and 1,94 (second floor), and total colonies of bacterial were 6,87 (first floor) and 3,21 (second floor) respectively. Complaints experienced by employees were skin irritation (75,28 %), eye irritation (74,16 %), nasal irritation (73,03 %), neurological dissorder (66,29 %), sore throat (46,07 %), and nausea (21,35 %) respectively. Fungus had significant influence (p = 0.048) on nasal irritation, nausea were significantly affected (p = 0.020) by germs whereas the other variables did not influence (p > 0.05) on health problems. It is suggested that the company provide training on indoor air quality (SBS/BRI) to all employees and conduct environmental monitoring as well as performing either preplacement or periodic medical examination. The air conditioning available should be checked and maintained at regular intervals, manager and employees should always participate in keeping the work place clean. Keywords: physical and microbiological qualities, air conditioned room, health disturbance

    Toksikologi Logam Berat B3 dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan

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    Heavy metals are the hazardous substances that produced by industrial waste, included lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), kadnium (Cd), arsenic (As), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr). Characteristics of lead (Pb) are soft consistency and black color. That heavy metal could cause acute and chronic body intoxication. Health effects of lead intoxication, such as neurology, kidney, reproductive system, hemopoitic system disorders. Characteristics of mercury are white liquid and boiling point is 356,90oC. The famous health effect of mercury intoxication is minamata disease. Other effects of mercury intoxication included cereblal palsy, mental retardation, and libido disorders. Characteristics of kadnium (Cd) are soft and white. The health effects of kadnium intoxication such as kidney, cardiovascular and bone disorders. The health effects of arsenic intoxication included eyes, skin, blood, kidney, liver, respiratory tract, reproduction, gastrointestinal tract, and immunological disorders. The health effects of copper intoxication included Wilsons disease and Menkes disease. The health effects of copper intoxication included respiratory system, skin, kidney, and vascular disorders Keywords: heavy metals, intoxication, hazardous substances, health effect

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Dandang Gendis (Clinacanthus Nutans) terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah pada Tikus Wistar Model Diabetes Melitus

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    Diabetes Melitus adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia karena sekresi insulin yang sedikit, aksi insulin kurang poten, atau disebabkan keduanya. Daun dandang gendis (Clinacanthus nutans)diketahui mengandung antioksidan yang dilaporkan mampu menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun dandang gendis terhadap kadar glukosa darah pada tikus Wistar model diabetes. Tikus sebanyak 30 ekoryang sesuai kriteria dibagi dalam 5 kelompok yang kemudian diinduksi hiperglikemia menggunakan streptozotocin 50 mg/kgBB. Setelah 2 hari pasca induksi, tikus diberi ekstrak daun dandang gendis sesuai dosis yaitu K1 (75 mg/kgBB), K2 (150 mg/kgBB), dan K3 (300 mg/kgBB) lalu dibandingkan dengan K0 (CMC-Na sebagai kontrol) dan K4 (metformin sebagai obat standar) selama 14 hari. Penurunan kadar glukosa darah yang paling signifikan terjadi pada kelompok K1 dengan pemberian ekstrak dandang gendis 75 mg/kgBB dibandingkan dengan kelompok K0, K2, K3, dan K4

    Mathematics teacher education in Zimbabwe

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    When Zimbabwe gained her independence in 1980 the new government took aggressive and positive steps to redress historical imbalances. The education sector was democratised . Access and provision of education became available to the majority of school going age children in the country . All teacher education institutions became associate colleges of the University of Zimbabwe....................................

    Demyelination and axonal dystrophy in alpha A-crystallin transgenic mice

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    Homozygous mice transgenic for αA-crystallin, one of the structural eye lens proteins, developed hindlimb paralysis after 8 weeks of age. To unravel the pathogenesis of this unexpected finding and the possible role of αA-crystallin in this pathological process, mice were subjected to a histopathological and immunohistochemical investigation. Immunohistochemistry showed large deposits of αA-crystallin in the astrocytes of the spinal cord, and in the Schwann cells of dorsal roots and sciatic nerves. Additionally, microscopy showed dystrophic axons in the spinal cord and digestion chambers as a sign of ongoing demyelination in dorsal roots and sciatic nerves. Apart from a few areas with slight αA-crystallin-immunopositive structures, the brain was normal. Because the αA-crystallin protein expression appeared in specific cells of the nervous system (astrocytes and Schwann cells), the most plausible explanation for the paralysis is a disturbance of cell function caused by the excessive intracytoplasmic accumulation of the αA-crystallin protein. This is followed by a sequence of secondary changes (demyelination, axonal dystrophy) and finally arthrosis. In conclusion, αA-crystallin transgenic mice develop a peripheral and central neuropathy primarily affecting spinal cord areas at the dorsal side, dorsal root and sciatic nerve